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Please help us get out founder, Ryan Fournier to 100,000 on Telegram! This platform will be critical in our fight!
BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene has OFFICIALLY filed Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden:
This is insane. A Biden Executive order call for Transgenders to be included in Women's sports:
Governor DeSantis is ordering all FL National Guard Troops back... AMAZING CALL!
100,000 subscribers! Thank you so much! We wanted to also let you know that we have installed a bot to detect all of the spam links and remove them! Cheers!
^^ The reason I say ‘MAGA isn’t going anywhere’: Think about this. We lost to elections Against Barack Obama. Ask yourself why. Neither Mitt Romney, nor John McCain knew how to connect with middle America. They had no idea the suffering the middle America was going through. In fact, they were only really concerned with big corporations and the white collar workers. This is the establishment. Donald Trump brought in a new era of conservatism. It didn’t mean we change our values or our principles... it simply meant that if we didn’t modernize ourselves in some way and reach out to the people that matter... reach out to communities we never traversed before... we would fail to be a national party in 10-15 years. I said this prior to Donald Trump. But here we are now. We, as a party have the opportunity to not only win in 2022, but also in 2024. This movement is far from over. We have a big fight ahead. We see what the Democrats want to do to this country, we know their agenda, and I know we aren’t going to stand for it.
2024/09/30 16:38:58
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