ለምዝገባ ከተጠበቀው ቁጥር አራት ከመቶ በታች የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ብቻ ተመዘገቡ
የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ሙስናንና ምዝበራን ለመከላከል ሁሉም የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ሀብታቸውን እንዲያስመዘግቡ ያሰቀመጠው ቀነ ገደብ በዚህ ሳምንት ሰኔ15 ቀን 2014 ዓም ተጠናቋል። ይመዘገባሉ ተብለው ከሚጠበቁት 2 ነጥብ 3 ሚሊየን የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ውስጥ በቀነ ገደቡ የተመዘገቡት 72 ሺህ ብቻ መሆናቸው ተሰምቷል።
ሙሉ ዘገባውን ከታች ያለውን ማስፈንጠርያ በመጫን ያንብቡ።
የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ሙስናንና ምዝበራን ለመከላከል ሁሉም የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ሀብታቸውን እንዲያስመዘግቡ ያሰቀመጠው ቀነ ገደብ በዚህ ሳምንት ሰኔ15 ቀን 2014 ዓም ተጠናቋል። ይመዘገባሉ ተብለው ከሚጠበቁት 2 ነጥብ 3 ሚሊየን የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ውስጥ በቀነ ገደቡ የተመዘገቡት 72 ሺህ ብቻ መሆናቸው ተሰምቷል።
ሙሉ ዘገባውን ከታች ያለውን ማስፈንጠርያ በመጫን ያንብቡ።
Wazema Radio
ከሁለት ነጥብ ሦስት ሚሊዮን የመንግስት ሠራተኞች ሀብታቸውን ያሳወቁት 70 ሺህዎቹ ብቻ ናቸው
የሀብት ምዝገባ ቀነ ገደቡ በዚህ ሳምንት አብቅቷል ዋዜማ ራዲዮ- የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ሙስናንና ምዝበራን ለመከላከል ሁሉም የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ሀብታቸውን እንዲያስመዘግቡ ያሰቀመጠው ቀነ ገደብ በዚህ ሳምንት ሰኔ15 ቀን 2014 ዓም ተጠናቋል። ይመዘገባሉ ተብለው ከሚጠበቀት 2 ነጥብ 3 ሚሊየን የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ውስጥ በቀነ ገደቡ የተመዘገቡት 72 ሺህ ብቻ መሆናቸውን ዋዜማ ባደረገችው ክትትል ተገንዝባለች። …
Transparency trains Gambela University Students' Club leaders
As part of its efforts to combat corruption and promote transparency , accountability and good governance, Transparency has been providing trainings to university students’ Club leaders on the topics of ‘Corruption and Anti-Corruption movement in Ethiopia’, ‘International and Domestic Legal Instruments to Combat Corruption’, ‘Leadership in Anti-Corruption Movement’, ‘Time Management in Anti-Corruption Movement’ and ‘Volunteerism and Campaigning in Anti-Corruption Movement’.
All the topics have been covered during the trainings since September 2020 to club leaders in the universities of Addis Ababa, Arsi,Hawassa, Gambella, Assosa, Jigjiga and Semera.
In addition to the four topics, the fifth round of trainings has been delivered in early June 2022 to Club Leaders in Addis Ababa, Arsi and Bahirdar Universities.
The training of the last module at Gambella University delivered by Dr. Gizachew Teshome Haile( Assistant Professor of Peace and Security) covered contents relevant to volunteerism and campaigning to encourage the culture of volunteerism among graduates. Those who successfully completed all the trainings have been given due recognition by the award of certificates. Training on the topic of volunteerism and campaigning shall continue to be delivered at the remaining three universities namely Assosa, Jigjiga, and Semera universities.
Transparency Ethiopia is grateful to the contributions of: Dr Ketema Tilahun Gelaye ( Academic Vice president), Ato Dinkessa Enkossa (Student Dean),Dr. Gizachew Teshome Haile( Assistant Professor of Peace and Security) , Saladin Alemayehu (Student Club Leader) and Ashenafi Alemayehu.
As part of its efforts to combat corruption and promote transparency , accountability and good governance, Transparency has been providing trainings to university students’ Club leaders on the topics of ‘Corruption and Anti-Corruption movement in Ethiopia’, ‘International and Domestic Legal Instruments to Combat Corruption’, ‘Leadership in Anti-Corruption Movement’, ‘Time Management in Anti-Corruption Movement’ and ‘Volunteerism and Campaigning in Anti-Corruption Movement’.
All the topics have been covered during the trainings since September 2020 to club leaders in the universities of Addis Ababa, Arsi,Hawassa, Gambella, Assosa, Jigjiga and Semera.
In addition to the four topics, the fifth round of trainings has been delivered in early June 2022 to Club Leaders in Addis Ababa, Arsi and Bahirdar Universities.
The training of the last module at Gambella University delivered by Dr. Gizachew Teshome Haile( Assistant Professor of Peace and Security) covered contents relevant to volunteerism and campaigning to encourage the culture of volunteerism among graduates. Those who successfully completed all the trainings have been given due recognition by the award of certificates. Training on the topic of volunteerism and campaigning shall continue to be delivered at the remaining three universities namely Assosa, Jigjiga, and Semera universities.
Transparency Ethiopia is grateful to the contributions of: Dr Ketema Tilahun Gelaye ( Academic Vice president), Ato Dinkessa Enkossa (Student Dean),Dr. Gizachew Teshome Haile( Assistant Professor of Peace and Security) , Saladin Alemayehu (Student Club Leader) and Ashenafi Alemayehu.
A discussion session was held with 100 (one hundred) Gambe University graduating class students on the theme 'being responsible, transparent and accountable citizens'.
At the end of the session, the graduating students took an oath where they underscored a commitment to refrain from corruption and immoral acts, and to fight injustice and safeguard humanrights as they join the workforce.
Gambella University, June 2022
At the end of the session, the graduating students took an oath where they underscored a commitment to refrain from corruption and immoral acts, and to fight injustice and safeguard humanrights as they join the workforce.
Gambella University, June 2022
Journalists and Government Communicators in Adama receive training
TE has organized a training focusing on how to conduct and give effective interview to Journalists from various media houses and government communicators (Public relations officers) from several government institutions. A group of high level journalists and government communicators participated during the training workshop.
The general purpose of the training was to contribute to the development of a smooth relationship between the two important categories of professionals and also equip them to conduct and give effective interviews. Mulatu Alemayehu (PHD) and Yohannes Shiferaw (PHD), both assistant professors at Addis Ababa University, provided theoretical training during the first half of the session to the journalists and the PR officers respectively. The second half was devoted to practical session which brought together both professionals. The participants, noted the importance of the platform and thanked TE for taking such an initiative. They also underlined the need for similar workshops in the future.
Transparency Ethiopia is grateful for the generous support from the European Union Civil Society Fund III which has enabled the organization of this and other activities.
TE has organized a training focusing on how to conduct and give effective interview to Journalists from various media houses and government communicators (Public relations officers) from several government institutions. A group of high level journalists and government communicators participated during the training workshop.
The general purpose of the training was to contribute to the development of a smooth relationship between the two important categories of professionals and also equip them to conduct and give effective interviews. Mulatu Alemayehu (PHD) and Yohannes Shiferaw (PHD), both assistant professors at Addis Ababa University, provided theoretical training during the first half of the session to the journalists and the PR officers respectively. The second half was devoted to practical session which brought together both professionals. The participants, noted the importance of the platform and thanked TE for taking such an initiative. They also underlined the need for similar workshops in the future.
Transparency Ethiopia is grateful for the generous support from the European Union Civil Society Fund III which has enabled the organization of this and other activities.