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A recent article on the Reporter raises critical issues of concern also shared by Transparency Ethiopia.

The report reads:

"There is no denying that resolving to fight corruption is a commendable step in the right direction. Nevertheless, a considerable number of people wonder if the latest anti-corruption drive is another publicity stunt fated to flounder as well due to a raft of critical issues. Chief among is the level of the political leadership’s commitment to suit its word to action."

Read the full report by following the link below.
Transparency Ethiopia organized a roundtable discussions on Investigative Journalism

Nov, 24/2022:- A 5th roundtable discussion was held at Harmony Hotel Addis Ababa focusing on the issue of challenges of Investigative Journalism in fighting corruption and promoting democratic governance and rule of Law in Ethiopia, and its possible remedies.The roundtable forum assembled together 20 high level Journalists and other media personnel from various media houses.

The workshop was opened by Samuel Kassahun, Executive Director of Transparency Ethiopia, who briefly discussed the purpose of the session. Ato Samuel also encouraged participants to employ the knowledge they acquire from the session in the fight against corruption and the promotion of ethics.

Ato Tibebu Bekele, Director of Ahadu Radio and a seasoned and highly regarded journalist,
gave an insightful presentation on the importance of investigative journalism; tips for Investigative Journalism; challenges of Investigative Journalism in Ethiopia, and concluded with some recommendations to overcome the challenges against Investigative journalism.

After the tea break, participants discussed on the challenges faced by media  regarding investigative journalism in fighting corruption.
Participants forwarded eye opening perspectives on the challenges and the existing legal gap  in protecting journalists. They also aired ideas on possible remedies to these challenges.
The discussion was concluded by Professor Shiferaw Taye and Ato Tibebu's reflection on relevant issues.

Samuel,TE's Executive Director, further reflected on the challenges and remedies raised by the participants  before wrapping up the session.

Transparency Ethiopia is grateful to the European Union Civil Society Fund III for financially supporting this and other activities under the umbrella project "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against corruption and promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia ".
Transparency International Ethiopia organized a roundtable discussions on Investigative Journalism for Sidama and SNNP Regional States.

Transparency International Ethiopia has organized a successful roundtable discussion at Hawassa city on the topic of challenges of Investigative Journalism in fighting corruption and promoting democratic governance and rule of Law in Ethiopia, and its possible remedies.The roundtable forum brought together 30 high level Journalists and other media personnel from various media houses from both regions.

The workshop was opened by Ato Woyessa Woka, regional representative of Transparency Ethiopia, who discussed the purpose of the session. Dr Mihreteab Abraham, lecturer at Hawassa University, latter made a presentation on the importance and challenges of investigative journalism in the contextof the two regions and in Ethiopia in general. He concluded by forwarding recommendations to overcome the challenges against Investigative journalism.

Following the presentation,participants discussed on the challenges faced by media  regarding investigative journalism in fighting corruption. By the moderation of Dr Mihreteab, participants exchanged helpful perspectives on the challenges and the existing legal gap  in protecting journalists. They also aired ideas on possible remedies to these challenges.

Ato Woyessa concluded the session by extending gratitude to Dr Mihreteab and all participants. He also,on behalf of Transparency International Ethiopia, expressed appreciation to the European Union Civil Society Fund III for financially supporting this and other activities under the umbrella project "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against corruption and promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia ".
Transparency International Ethiopia conducted a successful discussion session with Bahirdar University students

TIE has conducted a discussion session which was held with 100 graduating class students on the theme 'being responsible, transparent and accountable citizens' at the University of Bahirdar.Mr. Ephrem Ahadu, lecturer at the University, who moderated the event , encouraged graduating students to take ethics, accountability and transparency seriously as they join the workforce. Mr Ephrem delivered an insightful presentation with a view to equipping and sensitizing the students on the topics of ethics, responsibility, transparency and accountability.

At the end of the session, the graduating students took an oath where they expressed their commitment to refrain from corruption and immoral acts, and to fight injustice and safeguard humanrights as they join the workforce.

TIE's regional representative, Getachew Kebede, wrapped up the session by reminding the important takeaways from the day. He underlined that the graduating class students are supposed to be stewards in ethics,  and that TIE expects huge impact from all of them as they play their part in their upcoming assignments.

The event is part of the European Union Civil Society Fund III supported project titled "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against Corruption and Promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia".
2024/09/28 03:21:28
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