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Transparency Ethiopia trained Journalists and Government_Public Relations Officers from  Gambella region

September 17, 2022: Transparency Ethiopia has organized a successful training event where  high level journalists and government public relations directors received training on how to conduct and give interviews. Journalists in the region and PR Directors of most regional government Bureaus were present.

The purpose of the event was to help create a smooth and amicable working relationship between the two categories of professionals and equip them with important skills of conducting and giving interviews. Transparency Ethiopia believes that a complementary relationship between these two categories of professionals is instrumental to foster transparency and bridge the gap between the public and government offices.

Ato Abreham Hunduma, TE regional representative , opened the secession and  welcomed the participants  and made  brief information about the profile of Transparency Ethiopia and briefly explained the purpose of the event.

Ato Mohammed Ahmed and Yifredew Tiruneh, staffs of Gambella University,  provided theoretical training during the first half of the session to the journalists and to the PR Directors respectively.The second half of the session focused on practical training in the presence of both groups of professionals together.

Ato Abrahamfrom TE, finally expressed gratitude to European Union Civil Society Fund III for financially supporting the event; and also extended appreciation to the  trainers of the day and all the participants for their active participation.
Journalists and Government Public Relations Officers receive training

A training focusing on how to conduct and give effective interview has been given to Journalists from various media houses and government communicators (Public relations officers) from several government organizations. The training which took place on the 26th of October at Harmony Hotel brought together a total of 20 high level journalists and government communicators.

Ato Samuel Kassahun, Executive Director of Transparency Ethiopia, remarked during his opening speech that media is an important stakeholder and partner in the fight to curb the rampant corruption in Ethiopia. The media has not only the role of informing the public but also is expected to play a vital role as a watchdog checking the responsibilities and functions of public officials. Although the media is supposed to involve at a higher level in the fight against corruption, he said, it has not been as effective as expected in the Ethiopian context. Discussing the role of public relations officers, he underlined their valuable role of bridging the information gap between the public and government offices. The contributions of the offices of government communicators would be immense in the fight against corruption if property used. Discussing the theme of the day, he noted that the unsatisfactory relationship between journalists and government communicators needs to be replaced with an amicable one and with an understanding that they are complementary professions.

The general purpose of the training was to contribute to the development of a smooth relationship between the two important categories of professionals and also equip them to conduct and give effective interviews. Mulatu Alemayehu (PHD) and Yohannes Shiferaw (PHD), both assistant professors at Addis Ababa University, provided theoretical training during the first half of the session to the journalists and the PR officers respectively.

The second half was devoted to practical session which brought both professionals under the same roof. Participants were divided into three groups each of which comprised both journalists and PR officers. After a through group discussions they made presentations on questions related to the present realities of journalists/PR officer relations. The following activity was a role play where journalists interviewed and PR officers responded to questions based on issues proposed by facilitators of the day, Dr.Mulatu and Dr. Yohannes.

Yodahe, TE representative,  concluded the meeting by reminding participants to take to heart and implement the training they have received. He also reiterated TE's commitment to continue to work and partner with Journalists and PR officers, among others, in the fight against corruption and the promotion of ethics and good governance. Yodahe also thanked trainers and participants for their interactive and energetic engagement.

Transparency Ethiopia is grateful to the European Union Civil Society Fund III for financially supporting this and other activities under the umbrella project "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against corruption and promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia ".
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Transparency Ethiopia signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Wolaita Sodo University.

November 17,2022:- TE has signed an MoU with Wolaita Sodo University to help implement various activities under the umbrella project "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against corruption and promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia " funded by EU CSF-III.

In addition to working together in the overall fight against corruption and the promotion of ethics in the region, the MoU particularly focuses on trainings and discussions forums to be organized by TE to engage Wolaita Sodo University students.

TE looks forward to a fruitful partnership with the University.
2024/09/28 17:25:23
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