Transparency Ethiopia(TE) holds the final phase of internal accountability manual development workshop for CSOs
The workshop with the objective of capacitating CSOs internal accountability has been concluded after another round of two-day session on the 18th and 19th of August at Sapphire Addis Hotel.
As reported earlier ,an organizational capacity assessment (OCA) on participant CSOs had preceded the workshop. Dr.Eshetu Bekele, the resource person for the workshop, together with participant CSO representatives had identified areas of further improvement. Following the self assessment based on the customized OCA tool, four areas have been identified as areas where most of the participant CSOs are lacking namely: sucession plan, resource mobilization, community strategy, and involving target population in advocacy and monitoring.
The final draft of the resource mobilization manual and the framework/guideline which have been prepared by the active participation of the CSOs with the indispensable guidance of the resource person shall be disseminated and owned by each of the participating CSOs. Although the group decided to prepare a resource mobilization manual for the purpose of this particular workshop , other internal accountability instruments shall also be developed progressively in future events.
Dr.Eshetu applauded the participants for their active engagement and once again reminded them to continue putting utmost effort in ensuring their internal accountability.
The workshop is part of the European Union Civil Society Fund III supported project titled "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against Corruption and Promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia".
The workshop with the objective of capacitating CSOs internal accountability has been concluded after another round of two-day session on the 18th and 19th of August at Sapphire Addis Hotel.
As reported earlier ,an organizational capacity assessment (OCA) on participant CSOs had preceded the workshop. Dr.Eshetu Bekele, the resource person for the workshop, together with participant CSO representatives had identified areas of further improvement. Following the self assessment based on the customized OCA tool, four areas have been identified as areas where most of the participant CSOs are lacking namely: sucession plan, resource mobilization, community strategy, and involving target population in advocacy and monitoring.
The final draft of the resource mobilization manual and the framework/guideline which have been prepared by the active participation of the CSOs with the indispensable guidance of the resource person shall be disseminated and owned by each of the participating CSOs. Although the group decided to prepare a resource mobilization manual for the purpose of this particular workshop , other internal accountability instruments shall also be developed progressively in future events.
Dr.Eshetu applauded the participants for their active engagement and once again reminded them to continue putting utmost effort in ensuring their internal accountability.
The workshop is part of the European Union Civil Society Fund III supported project titled "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against Corruption and Promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia".
Fourth Roundtable discussion held on media-CSO cooperation in the fight against corruption in Bahir-Dar, Adama and Hawassa cities
On Friday the 19th of August ,TE has organized three roundtable discussions in three regional cities in addition to Addis Ababa. The objective of the roundtable discussions was to help enhance the cooperation between journalists and other media personnel in the fight against corruption and promotion of good governance. The roundtable discussions brought together notable journalists and media personnel from both government and private owned TV, radio and print media in the respective regions.
The events were planned and carried out taking into account the importance of cooperation between journalists and CSOs in fighting the problem of corruption and mal-adminstration adversely affecting the country's progress. The roundtable discussions are thus premised on the fact that CSOs and the Media have overlapping roles in the promotion of good governance and the fight against corruption.
Fitih Alemu,Lecturer at the school of Journalism and Communication at Bahir-Dar University; Girma Megerssa, lecturer at Adama Science and Technology University; and Dr.Mihreteab Abreham, assistant professor at Hawassa University delivered relevant presentations to participants in each of the events. The presentations dwelt on the context of CSOs and media in Ethiopia, and approaches to effectively work together to tackle corruption. In each of the workshops, the platform was opened for guided discussions followed by participant's presentations.
The presenters underscored the huge potential and benefits of cooperation between CSOs and media personnel to expose and effectively adress the problem of corruption.
Transparency Ethiopia is grateful for the generous support from the European Union Civil Society Fund III which has made possible the organization of the event. TE also extends gratitude to regional representatives Ato Abirham Hunduma(Adama), Woyesa Woka(Hawassa) and Getachew Kebede(Bahir-Dar)with out whose unrelenting efforts the events would not have been successful.
On Friday the 19th of August ,TE has organized three roundtable discussions in three regional cities in addition to Addis Ababa. The objective of the roundtable discussions was to help enhance the cooperation between journalists and other media personnel in the fight against corruption and promotion of good governance. The roundtable discussions brought together notable journalists and media personnel from both government and private owned TV, radio and print media in the respective regions.
The events were planned and carried out taking into account the importance of cooperation between journalists and CSOs in fighting the problem of corruption and mal-adminstration adversely affecting the country's progress. The roundtable discussions are thus premised on the fact that CSOs and the Media have overlapping roles in the promotion of good governance and the fight against corruption.
Fitih Alemu,Lecturer at the school of Journalism and Communication at Bahir-Dar University; Girma Megerssa, lecturer at Adama Science and Technology University; and Dr.Mihreteab Abreham, assistant professor at Hawassa University delivered relevant presentations to participants in each of the events. The presentations dwelt on the context of CSOs and media in Ethiopia, and approaches to effectively work together to tackle corruption. In each of the workshops, the platform was opened for guided discussions followed by participant's presentations.
The presenters underscored the huge potential and benefits of cooperation between CSOs and media personnel to expose and effectively adress the problem of corruption.
Transparency Ethiopia is grateful for the generous support from the European Union Civil Society Fund III which has made possible the organization of the event. TE also extends gratitude to regional representatives Ato Abirham Hunduma(Adama), Woyesa Woka(Hawassa) and Getachew Kebede(Bahir-Dar)with out whose unrelenting efforts the events would not have been successful.
በአሶሳ ከተማ ለሚገኙ ጋዜጠኞችና የሕዝብ ግንኙነት ባለሙያዎች የቃለ መጠይቅ ዝግጅት ስልቶች ሥልጠና በመሰጠት ላይ ነው
ጳጉሜ 03/2014 ዓም:-
ትራንስፓረንሲ ኢትዮጽያ ከአሶሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋር በመተባበር በአሶሳ ከተማ ለሚገኙ ጋዜጠኞችና የሕዝብ ግንኙነት ባለሙያዎች የቃለ መጠይቅ ዝግጅት ስልቶች ሥልጠና በመስጠት ላይ ይገኛል።
የሥልጠናው አላማም የሚዲያ ባለሙያዎች ብቁና ውጤታማ የሆኑ ቃለመጠይቆችን ማዘጋጀት እንዲችሉ እንዲሁም በሁለቱ ባለሞያዎች መካከል በጎ የስራ ተግባቦት ከመፍጠር አኳያ ታስቦ የተዘጋጀ ሥልጠና መሆኑ በመድረኩ ተገልፆል።
ትራንስፓረንሲ ኢትዮጽያ ሙስናን ከመዋጋት እና መልካም አስተዳደርን ፣እንዲሁም ግልፀኝነት እና ተጠያቂነትን ከማስፈን አኳያ ዩሙያተኞቹ ትብብር ጉልህ ሚና እንዳለው ያምናል።
በአሶሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋዜጠኝነትና ስነ-ተግባቦት ትምህርት ክፍል መምህራን የተሰጠው ስልጠና እውን እንዲሆን የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ያደረገው የአውሮፓ ህብረት የሲቪል ማህበራት ፈንድን(CSF III) ትራንስፖረንሲ ያመሰግናል።
ጳጉሜ 03/2014 ዓም:-
ትራንስፓረንሲ ኢትዮጽያ ከአሶሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋር በመተባበር በአሶሳ ከተማ ለሚገኙ ጋዜጠኞችና የሕዝብ ግንኙነት ባለሙያዎች የቃለ መጠይቅ ዝግጅት ስልቶች ሥልጠና በመስጠት ላይ ይገኛል።
የሥልጠናው አላማም የሚዲያ ባለሙያዎች ብቁና ውጤታማ የሆኑ ቃለመጠይቆችን ማዘጋጀት እንዲችሉ እንዲሁም በሁለቱ ባለሞያዎች መካከል በጎ የስራ ተግባቦት ከመፍጠር አኳያ ታስቦ የተዘጋጀ ሥልጠና መሆኑ በመድረኩ ተገልፆል።
ትራንስፓረንሲ ኢትዮጽያ ሙስናን ከመዋጋት እና መልካም አስተዳደርን ፣እንዲሁም ግልፀኝነት እና ተጠያቂነትን ከማስፈን አኳያ ዩሙያተኞቹ ትብብር ጉልህ ሚና እንዳለው ያምናል።
በአሶሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋዜጠኝነትና ስነ-ተግባቦት ትምህርት ክፍል መምህራን የተሰጠው ስልጠና እውን እንዲሆን የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ያደረገው የአውሮፓ ህብረት የሲቪል ማህበራት ፈንድን(CSF III) ትራንስፖረንሲ ያመሰግናል።