This page also lets you select your preferred night mode theme. Improved Login Flow Share Live Locations
Terminate old sessions If you ever receive any cool short audio clip like a meme sound or any hilarious sound effect (also works with the sent audio) just long-press on it and choose the “Save for Notifications” option in the popup. Stop Being Added to Random Groups To create your own theme, tap the three-dot button (Android) or go to Chat Themes (iOS) and choose Create new theme. Here, you can create your own look if you don't like any of the default options.
Telegram Profile Photos Telegram has an upload limit of 2 GB per single file. It was one of the most valuable Telegram features I mostly loved. After that, hit the More button (triple-dot icon) and choose Enable Auto-Delete in the popup menu. Next, choose the desired period of time like 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month. If you would rather want to go with a custom period of time, tap Other and then adjust the time. Telegram allows you to customise your app interface to your liking. To achieve that, users can choose from a number of themes and colour combinations in the app. These will change elements like the colours of chat backgrounds and messages too.
Edit Sent Messages In general, Telegram is as safe or safer than most other chat apps. It could be argued that WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption on all messaging is a better approach, but the company’s ties to Facebook/Meta may turn off privacy advocates.
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