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عندما يموت القلب تبدا متعة الحياة 👋🏻
When the heart dies the fun of life begins
When the heart dies the fun of life begins
خليك لحالك ولى بده اياك ما بضيعك 🖤🥀
Be alone, but I want you to not lose you •
Be alone, but I want you to not lose you •
انت مو على البال ، بس بالي عليك . 🖤🥀
You are not on my mind , but my mind is on you•
You are not on my mind , but my mind is on you•
لا يمگنگ الهرب من شيء يعيش بداخلگ •🖤🥀
You can't escape from something that lives inside you•
You can't escape from something that lives inside you•
لم تعد الخيبات تكسرني
"أنا" مستعد لخسارة الجميع •🖤🥀
Disappointments no longer break me
I am ready to lose everyone •
"أنا" مستعد لخسارة الجميع •🖤🥀
Disappointments no longer break me
I am ready to lose everyone •