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i'm anti-social, yet social. i don't speak first, but when someone speaks to me i will speak to them. some days i'm really annoying and talkative. other days i'm like a turtle in my shell, like nah today's not my day for socializing.

my toxic trait is that i don't know how to ask for help, i just disappear and come back when i'm feeling better.

Allāh will amaze you in ways you never thought were possible. being patient is hard, but the sweetness of relief that Allāh has planned for you is worth waiting for. every delay is a blessing and everything will make sense in a beautiful way. He is surely the Best of Planners.

it's really nice when you can tell someone genuinely cares & wants to listen to your stories & just whatever you have to say in general

Allah will amaze you in ways you never thought were possible. Being patient is hard, but the sweetness of relief that Allah has planned for you is worth waiting for. Every delay is a blessing and everything will make sense in a beautiful way. He is surely the Best of Planners.

Don’t waste time worrying about people who don’t like you. Spend time with people who accept you for who you are. They are the ones worth keeping in your life.

If Allah wants to give you something, can anyone stop Allah? Then why are you worried? You shouldn't be! Know that the provider is Allah. You shouldn't be scared of people, they can say or wish whatever they want to but they can't stop the khair that Allah wants to send your way!

reasons why Allah tests you :

to direct you , to correct you , to protect you , to inspect you , to perfect you .

Rahasia menjadi perempuan sukses dan bahagia

1. Solat tepat waktu

2. Baca surah Yassin selepas maghrib

3. Baca surah Al-Mulk sebelum tidur

4. Shalat taubat

5. Shalat Tahajjud

6. Shalat sunah 2 rakaat sebelum subuh

7. Baca surah Al-Waqiah selepas subuh

8. Sedekah subuh (semampu nya)

9. Shalat Dhuha

10. Baca surah Ar-Rahman selepas shalat dzuhur

11. Baca surah As-Sajdah setelah shalat Ashar

12. Istighfar 500/day

13. Baca hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir (min 500/day)

14. Baca Subahanallah wabihamdihi subhanallahil adzim (3x selepas subuh)

Ulang 9x setiap hari :

"Inna Fatahna Laka Fatham Mubina"

Insya Allah rezeki seperti Air Zam² yang tak berhenti mengalir. Aamiin.. 🤲

Ada seorang perempuan yang hidupnya tidak beruntung dalam segala hal, bahkan dia hampir menyerah karena merasa tidak adil, tapi dia terus meyakinkan dirinya suatu saat nanti Tuhan akan ngasih kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Be qanaah, sentiasa rasa cukup in everything will make your life happier.

Jangan lupa berterima kasih sama diri sendiri udah bisa bertahan di kerasnya Januari ini.

Semoga Februari full senyum full cuan full yang baik baik.

Hendak selesa dalam kubur di dunia jangan asyik tidur. Amalkan 3 perkara ini untuk dapatkan keselesaan ketika di alam barzakh:
1. Baca Al-Quran sebelum subuh. Semasa di alam kubur semua amalan kita akan dihalau oleh malaikat munkar dan Nakir kecuali Al-Quran. Dia akan jadi peguam bela untuk kita.

2.Amalkan membaca surah Al-Mulk setiap malam. Di dunia pembacanya akan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah dan surah Al-Mulk akan menemani pembacanya ketika dalam kubur.

3. Bangun solat Tahajjud walaupun 2 rakaat. Di dunia bila kita amalkan solat Tahajjud semua urusan kita dipermudahkan Allah. Ketika di alam kubur keadaan kubur akan menghijau dan luas asbab kita amalkan solat sunat Tahajjud ~Ust. Ahmad Dusuki

Don't steal the happiness of anyone, and do not trouble the heart of anyone. Our lives are short and in the grave, we will need those who pray for us and not against us.

Selagi mana kita meletakkan Allah dalam urusan kita, InshaaAllah urusan akan dipermudahkan dan sentiasa diberi petunjuk oleh Allah.

Kadang aku teringin untuk buat gathering stranger yang more to ukhuwah kenal sahabat baru.

tapi aku sendiri introvert 🙃

korang pon mesti nak ada kenalan sahabat baru kan? samelah saya pon tukar circle yang baik2, dimana circle yang dapat bantu penghijrahan kita💕

If people don’t like you, that’s not your problem.

If they don’t like you, it’s because they don’t know the person that you truly are.

The real ones in your life- those that honestly take their time to get to know you, they are the ones that matter.

Some people enter ur life only to show you what happens when you settle for less than you deserve.

2024/11/16 11:46:54
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