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Forwarded from Taylor Hudak Media
☄️ BREAKING: The judges grant Mr. Assange the permission to appeal on grounds 4 and 5 (related to discrimination based on his nationality and the First Amendment) on all counts. This is my best understanding at the time.
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⚡️PSA: Fake 'EMF Sticker' Promoted By Russell Brand Makes False Claims, False Patents, and No Measurable Impact on EMR Fields

Anyone EMR conscious has seen those 'EMF stickers' that supposedly 'harmonize' radiation off of the phone. Is this true or is it placebo?

AiresTech promoted on Russell Brand's show recently and got on our radar. Their sticker is called 'LifeTune' and sells for $100, with packages of $1,000+ on their store.

Last year, YouTuber Gary Fong completely debunked some obivous falsehoods AiresTech was putting out.

The neuroscientist Dr. Nicholas Dogris claimed that AiresTech reduced heat, and measured this using an electroencephalogram (EEG), which does nothing to measure heat.

Gary did his own tests and found that the LifeTune sticker had no impact at all on the electromagnetic field of a phone at all.

Looking through the patents he found no patents related to the nanotechnology AiresTech claims they had, and instead found design patents - for the cute geometric design on the stickers themselves.

More awareness around issues like cell phone radiation also bring scammers out of the woodwork. And somehow they always end up on the biggest shows. I'm seeing a trend.

Practice skepticism when it comes to energy technology, there is good stuff (potentially even stickers) - but there's also a ton of bullshit that invest in fake studies, fake patents, and marketing to get themselves out there.

Watch the video:

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Forwarded from Orwellian Dystopia
Apple has been saving all your deleted files and data.

I've been reflecting after the Exit and Build Land Summit this weekend in Texas (and The Greater Reset 5 months ago!) on the importance of face to face meetings.

First, let's address the haters/ the nihilists/ the black pillers who feel all is lost and there's nothing we can do to leave behind a better world for future generations.

These types love to complain online - it doesn't matter what it is, they just want to complain.

They will say ticket prices are too high, the location is in a snobby part of town, the speakers are controlled opposition, it's a trap to get you on a watch list - anything at all to get a potential attendee to rethink coming in person!

The one we hear most often is that the ticket prices are too high and accuse organizers of being scammers or money focused.

While it is ABSOLUTELY true most events charge an exorbitant amount of money which makes it inaccessible to the average working class activist, my circle is very mindful of costs and making events accessible for the most amount of people.

Still, no matter what we do - make the stream available for free, free tickets for locals, releasing talks for free - someone on the internet will complain. It's as if they expect us to spend months organizing an event, flying speakers out from around the world, booking venues etc and NOT get paid for our time like everyone else! Insanity.

Not only that, but spending money on in person, solutions-focused events is an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF! If you come with the intention to learn and gain skills to incorporate in your life, you will realize the value of the ticket price is a small price to pay.

The other most common complaint is something like, "oh great, another talk fest with no solutions!". I understand this concern bc most events are problems oriented but the movement we have carved out is forward focused and solutions oriented.

Either way, my point is that people who aren't actually interested in solutions - like the real world, practical solutions offered by The Greater Reset aka The People's Reset - will always find excuses to stay at home.

To the rest of you, the ones who are potentially interested in coming to in person gatherings, I encourage you to get out from behind the phones and laptops and connect with other solutionaries IN PERSON! Seriously, nothing else can beat human to human connection.

I hope to see you, in person, sometime soon.
Forwarded from G3 News
California Approves Online Digital ID Rules for Social Media Use

The California Senate has approved SB 976, a bill mandating age verification for social media use, sparking concerns over online anonymity and free speech. Critics argue that this legislation could pose significant threats to privacy, affecting not just Californians but potentially all Americans.

SB 976 imposes strict regulations on social media interactions for minors. It prohibits notifications during school hours and late at night without parental consent and mandates that social media feeds for minors be presented chronologically rather than algorithmically, again without parental approval. Social media companies can implement these measures only if they have “reasonably determined” the user is not a minor, a definition set to be clarified by the California Attorney General by 2027. Critics fear this could lead to the requirement of sensitive personal information, such as government IDs, for verification.

Though SB 976 stops short of mandating ID-based verification, similar laws have already taken root in states like Arkansas, Ohio, and Utah, with Florida considering similar measures. Given California’s market size, experts warn that companies might adopt age verification nationwide to simplify compliance.

The bill narrowly passed the Senate, with only two Republicans, Brian Jones and Kelly Seyarto, voting against it. Notably, the bill’s lone Republican co-author, Scott Wilk, abstained from voting.

🔗Source: Reclaim the Net

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there are a ton of communication channels nowadays but thats what true decentralization looks like.

all these channels stratify people. at least we aren't writing on the Unix / bathroom wall 😄

what's your communication channel usage and distribution among people?
Has anyone in the @takebackourtech channel used an EMF bed canopy? These canopies are designed to cover the entirety of your bed protecting it from wireless radiation. They're fairly expensive running $1000+, and of course they need to be protected from below using a mat.

For those who have used it, what did you think? Did you notice a difference in sleep quality? Was it life-changing?
Today Is Your Lucky Day!

There are only 7 Super Early Bird tickets available for only £200!

The People’s Reset is coming to the U.K. following 5 events in the US and Mexico since 2020!

If you know you want to attend the inaugural European event, then don’t hesitate to secure the very best value tickets
Forwarded from The Conscious Resistance
NEW: Political Parties or Exit & Build: Choose Your Path with John Bush

Join John Bush and Derrick Broze for a frank discussion on Libertarian Party activism vs. agorism and exit and build.

John and Derrick have been in the game for many years and have much to say about effective strategies for creating real freedom in our lives.

Having recently returned from the Libertarian Party National Convention, Derrick will share his insights and updates from the ground floor of libertarian party politics.

You don’t want to miss this strategic conversation, especially if you are someone who thinks politics is the way forward.



⚡️PSA: The Next Generation of AI Spam has hit Telegram


The community I belong to is no stranger to spam. The Freedom Cell Network and The Greater Reset have been dealing with Telegram spammers since the very beginning. Due to the Freedom Cell Network being decentralized, the spammers especially loved to traverse the Directory of Freedom Cells to spam hundreds of groups spanning 40 countries.

This spam got so bad we had to create a Federated Spam Network to ban the spammers from all of our groups at once.

Today on June 6th, the admins of the FC Network are seeing proof of new generative AI spam. They appear in groups and will reply to posts from Telegram channels. They will take common sounding names and their replies will address what was shared in the post. The messages can either validate and agree with the post, OR they can raise fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Already this AI spam operation is being used to try and reduce the impact of in-person events. Our upcoming conference - The People's Reset Conference in the UK received comment replies that were clearly AI, contradicting itself and criticizing the event. Unlike previous spam, this AI is using generative language models.

This AI can communicate clearly, express sentiment, and make jokes. Its easy to take these comments as genuine people, although at times they sound unnatural and clumsy. This marks a time where generative AI is now being weaponized, and weaponized first against Freedom groups.

This is a public service announcement to any group that would fit into this category: Remain vigilant, press forward in bringing people together. Take action in the face of tyranny. AI is nothing compared to Organic Intelligence.

Join us for solutions at The People's Reset in the UK, September 28th, 2024.

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Forwarded from Zeee Media 🎙
EU Commission is confidentially planning an unprecedented expansion of surveillance measures of digital devices, extending even to household appliances, including smart refrigerators.

“The draft is titled: "Recommendations from the High-Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement." In German: Recommendations of the expert group on how access to digital data can be regulated in order to ensure effective prosecution.”

Why would you need to be prosecuted for something you have in your fridge?

Translation available on article:

Follow @zeeemedia
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The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation Official Aftermovie

Produced by We Are Not Zombies

From January 17-21, 2024, hundreds of solutionaries gathered in Morelia, Mexico and online for The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation, the 5th Activation focused on offering an alternative vision to the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" agenda.

In this official aftermovie, watch and learn about the history, the goals, and the future of the movement known as The Greater Reset Activation.

At the conclusion of TGR5, the team announced that the event would now be rebranded as The People's Reset!


Join us in September 2024 for The People's Reset: UK and January 2025 for The People's Reset: Mexico.
⚡️Apple & Google WiFi Surveillance Can Track Death & Destruction

Chances are, if you’ve used Google Maps or Apple Maps, you’ve contributed to one of the biggest surveillance databases in the world.

Known for their accuracy, big tech maps can locate your phone within a few meters and even indoors.

No, these big tech maps aren’t using GPS - they’re using WPS or Wi-Fi positioning system.

These WPS systems collect millions of WiFi networks and tag them with locations.

Researchers in Maryland discovered through a flaw in Apple’s WPS that they could gather at least 2B (2 Billion) WiFi location points by requesting WiFi networks at random.

That’s enough points to cover the world’s populated areas, notably China was nearly empty except for a few thousand points. Looks like even the CCP can’t opt out of this surveillance.

We did the work for them.

When you use Google or Apple maps, your phone will send the nearby WiFi networks along with their signal strength to the WPS. The WPS will look up these networks in a database that has hundreds of millions of networks along with their location. The calculation is then performed on the server for Google location’s service, and on the phone for Apple location’s service - which sent a list of 400 additional WiFi points back.

And this is how you get a precise location for your phone. Any new WiFi networks you scanned are potentially added to the WPS databases.

Apple & Google have made their users the instrument of their surveillance.

And the things you can do with this surveillance are harrowing. The researchers were able to see how many WiFi access points went offline in Gaza due to the constant bombardment that caused the deaths of 40,000 civilians.

Similarly the researchers were able to see the damage from the August 2023 Maui fires, and the emigration of people from Ukraine to escape forced conscription.

Apple, Google and any organization they choose to share this WiFi data will have incredible capabilities. Don’t worry though - because these companies care so much about privacy - they give you a way to opt out.


Add _nomap to the end of your WiFi SSID (name), Google and Apple promise not to index Wifi networks ending with those names.

Turn off your WiFi network and use ethernet cable.

Read primary source material here.

Get the latest updates on our mailing list: Above Phone

Above Book: Learn about our privacy laptop:

Above Suite: Use our privacy services:

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Above Book Privacy Laptop Launched

The fall of surveillance technology is near. Mass consciousness is now rising Above. Big tech servants are alienating their own customers with anti-features: AI in the taskbar. Advertisements in your search. Surveillance of your activities.

We need computers that serve us, not a faceless big tech company.

Above Book is a passion project we've been working on for 2 years, we wanted to design a cutting-edge Linux experience that was easy to use. Now we're committed to spreading private and free computing to the masses, 99% of whom are still trapped in abusive ecosystems.

The Above Book is one of the best Linux experiences you can have today. Its powered by AboveOS, our custom operating system. AboveOS is based off of Arch Linux which is lightweight, responsive and tremendously powerful. It uses KDE as its desktop environment for a beautiful, and feature-rich experience. We have done everything in our power to make sure you don't have to do any extra work. Its ready to go out of the box.

That means you don't need to touch the terminal. The basic functions such as installing and removing apps and updating the system are done completely through UI.

And it can do more than your normal computer would, because we've integrated an entire ecosystem onto Above Book.

Freedom is reaching mass consciousness, and we have designed our devices to help the masses, not the few. We want to see you change the world with your Above Book.

Above Book, now available for pre-order. Orders begin shipping July 1st.

Order now:
Read the full blog post:

Follow 🫶 @abovephone
⚡️Microsoft Recall, Stealing Everything You've Ever Typed

Microsoft recently introduced an upcoming feature of Windows 11 that will be rolled out soon with Copilot+ called Recall. If you’re a current user of Windows 11, this isn’t active for you yet, but it will be in the near future.

As a brief summary, Recall will continuously take screenshots of your PC every 5 seconds, creating a searchable database of your activity. It will also store everything you have ever typed in plain text, yes, including sensitive passwords that are copy and pasted.

We recommend you do everything you can to avoid Recall when it is implemented, and to disable it in Windows 11 in the near future.

In case you’re not convinced yet, you may want to switch to an open source OS, like Linux, in order to avoid 0 day exploits and privacy breaches that will likely occur on Windows due to Recall.

Recall is a PR Nightmare

Unfortunately, Recall is one of the many problematic new implementations of AI in mainstream operating systems.

Similar functionality will be coming to Apple, considering they have opted to work with Google’s Gemini AI and will soon implement invasive, AI based scanning of the private data located in the unencrypted messages on your smartphone and PC in the near future.

In case you are not convinced yet, here are some more reasons to avoid Recall:

Cybersec: Microsoft claims that Copilot+ runtime processes data locally, but because its database is stored in plain text, it will make any Windows based PC vulnerable to remote access by hackers.

One practical use case of this would be an InfoStealer trojan, which steals usernames and passwords and can easily be modified to support Recall.

User Reaction: Recall has rightly been met with overwhelmingly negative reactions from Windows users, who naturally fear the coming privacy breaches and severe potential for misuse by bad actors. For any Windows users still out there: this was inevitable.

Implementation: Recall is, quite frankly, a PR nightmare unfolding in real time for Microsoft. To make matters worse, the feature will come enabled by default, despite Microsoft calling it an “optional feature."

Legal Jargon Manipulation: Microsoft's vague, misleading descriptions of Recall are decidedly sketchy. They continue to use terms like "snapshots" instead of "screenshots," in order to cover their tracks and downplay Recall’s intrusiveness.

Update as of 6/13/24: Because of recent public backlash, Microsoft is now making Recall an optional feature that you have to willingly opt-in to, instead of being enabled by default. They are also adding encryption via Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security and are encrypting the search engine database.

Still, we wanted to capture the previous stages of development before Microsoft could sweep the roll-out of this extremely problematic feature under the rug.

Whether or not this convinces you to feel safe and secure while handing over your private data to Recall and Windows, is another story.

#TBOT #Recall #Microsoft #Windows11 #dataprivacy #Surveillance #Big_Tech

Primary sources here.

Get the latest updates on our mailing list: Above Phone

Above Book: Learn about our privacy laptop:

Above Suite: Use our privacy services:

Follow 🫶 @takebackourtech
Media is too big
Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon are joining us for The People's Reset: UK in September 2024! They focus on designing homes and communities with fractal geometry in mind!

The People's Reset: UK
"Our Summit for Our Future"
September 27-29, 2024
Apex Hotel, Bath, UK

We are so excited to bring some of our favorite speakers from our past activations, and highlight amazing speakers from the UK and Europe!

Get Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th!

Our current speaker lineup includes Dan Astin-Gregory, Miriam Gomez, Hakeem Anwar, David Rodriguez, Emma Sron, Yoshi and Pola Pantera, Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon, Charles Dowding, Nigel Howitt, and Derrick Broze. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements!

If you want to nominate someone for a speaker, click here!

We'll be highlighting five themes over three days:

- Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul
- Permaculture & Food Independence
- Parallel Networks
- Empowering Technology
- Building Free & Conscious Communities
⚡️ Privacy For Billionaires vs Privacy For You

recently sat down with The Free Thought Project for a stimulating discussion on all the most critical happenings in the world of Big Tech, Surveillance & Privacy.

Here are some highlights:

- Implications of new proposed laws, such as the EARN IT Act and FISA 702 Reauthorization.
- How Google and Apple track the world's WiFi access points
- Spyware like NSO’s Pegasus and the backdoors in our phones, as well as the massive surveillance experiment conducted under the guise of COVID-19 contact tracing
- The truth behind Apple's Face ID technology and the unsettling practices of WiFi-based positioning systems.
- The types of surveillance we have to worry about on Windows and macOS, and explore Microsoft's new invasive Recall feature.

I detail a number of practical solutions for these issues that you can take action on today. It’s a must listen!

This podcast episode is also accompanied by an article published on #TFTP and the #TBOT substack. Follow us on Substack, we're going to be posting weekly content there :)

Read the article.
Read on the #TBOT subtack.

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