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 ⠀⠀⠀ 𝒯he mind games, the rage, then “love” gifts to flatter. Always forgiven, so he’d say, “What's the matter?” One forgiveness, two forgiveness, 3 then 4, is what gave him full permission to torture our more, this is like valley lies, All the creeping and juggling and telling his lies. Crying victim, blame shifting to appease all blind eyes. Coming back quickly for regular supply. Red flags dipped in chocolate before I knew why ⋮ #𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓
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Path of darkness that rejects the light of goodness, honesty, love and reasonableness. They have chosen not to care about others. Quite simply it is a moral problem - they do not want to be in the light of honesty and goodness this is why they hide the most abusive things they do behind closed doors. They have chosen to follow the path of darkness and immorality instead to try to always get what they want because that's all they think life is about. route to happiness is to make other people happy. The route to love is to intentionally nourish the spiritual growth of those around you. The route to redemption is to realize that there is a higher power in the universe and it is a power of good and a power of love and you are nothing in comparison to the almighty all powerful God. The God of love. The God of creation. The God of goodness. What is greater than God? What is bigger than the universe? What do rich people want and poor people have? The answer is nothing. A narcissist must realize that he/or she is nothing in order to be saved develop remorse, to actually feel bad for hurting or causing harm to another person. Whether they meant to harm or if it happened unintentionally, they still have to feel bad in either case. Narcissist lack empathy. Therefore, the first step towards redemption is very difficult for them. They may have regret for getting caught and having consequences, but this is very different than remorse. Next, they have to develop shame. This is different from guilt. You can feel guilt for doing something that you know is wrong. Shame is much different. Shame is a recognition that you are a deeply flawed person. Narcissists are very self centered. Their life revolves around what is in their best interests. Love is an intentional act that

Nurtures spiritual growth and evil is the opposite of love. Evil is that which diminishes spiritual growth and it is usually done for selfish reasons. Narcissists are human evil. They feel no shame for being selfish or for diminishing others.We codependents still have our hearts i.e., the ability to love (hopefully now better protected by boundaries) but they do not have the ability to love because somewhere in their childhood they chose to not trust ever again or care about anyone but themselves and instead employ selfishness, and internally hate and distrust everyone (this is why they project what they do onto you, they think everyone is as dishonest as they are), while externally they act nice and all so they can never again be hurt (so they think, but they actually often end up hurting themselves as well as others). “...researchers…found that activity in the amygdala actually decreased as the subjects engaged in self-serving deceptions, facilitating bigger lies as time went on. Put another way, while the first self-serving lie may evoke a negative emotional response emanating from the amygdala, the second and following lies tamp that negative feeling down, as shown by the decreased activity in the amygdala...Since the narcissist doesn’t care about being caught in a lie and is tone-deaf to emotional consequences, thanks to his deficient empathy, he will lie about everything and anything...The narcissist’s tangled tissue of lies—beginning with love-bombing and quick declarations of love—only becomes crystal clear after... The truth that all love and affection is the biggest lie.

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 ⠀⠀⠀ 𝒲ent back up those six flights went to the money there was no money to throw out. The only thing left in the room was Death hiding beneath the kitchen sink: 'I'm not real!' It cried I'm just a rumor spread by life Laughing I threw it out, kitchen sink and all and suddenly realized Humor was all that was left- All I could do with Humor was to say: Out the window with ⋮ #𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓
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The mountain that sometimes emits a beautiful shrill sound becomes a mystery that has never been solved. Anyone who heard that beautiful shrill voice would naturally react according to their own instincts. People who hear it when the day is still bright will immediately fall in love with that voice, regardless of who sings it, the voice sounds deep, as if it represents the voice of someone who is in love. Perhaps, people who hear it in the dark will be afraid, because the sound is indeed a mystery. His voice at night will even make a scary impression. In fact, no one dared to look at who had lowered the voice. It is indeed gentleness. Because there is a story going down and down along with the start of the sound is heard. The story is word of mouth, which is the reason why no one dares to look for the softness any further. He said, people who once dared to trace the sound out of curiosity because of its beauty walked along with the large volume of the shrill. Without thinking, they just follow their instincts where their feet move. Until when they arrived at a place that didn't look like a mountain, the ground was flat and looked more like an abandoned place in a forest. The voice sounded very loud, but no one could see who was singing it. That place had a cave that wasn't that big, and the sound seemed to come from that cave, they explored it to the end and there was a rock that wasn't that big, the size of a normal human. And, the shriek did come from there, from the rock that took the shape of a person's body, his voice still heard so clearly. The spirit that sings it. With the hair on their necks standing up enough to prove they were scared, they ran wildly out of the cave. When a dim light was seen at the end of the cave, they were delighted. Surprisingly, it was already night. So tossed around, they unknowingly fell into a clean swamp full of lilies. Lily which means holy and pure. The symbol of beauty, it is very suitable when juxtaposed with the shrill voice that was previously heard. One thing that is missed before the oddity ends, daffodils also mean misfortune and sadness.ㅤㅤ

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 ⠀⠀⠀ 𝒜 Malignant Narcissist is the most intelligent con artist, Satan himself who was once one of God's Angel's if you recall. They are the epitome of evil, and they mask their identity by reflecting to you everything you ever wanted, everything you were robbed of; they quite literally prey on your weaknesses ⋮ #𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓
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In one word, hell, A Malignant Narcissist is in perpetual denial of who they are and the way in which they view the world. They view themselves, endlessly, as a helpless victim while at the same time come off as grandiose, superior, and powerful. Everyone is beneath them, yet out to get them, and being ‘closer' to them only makes you more of an enemy and target of their God given right to punish and torment you. A Malignant Narcissist decides if you go to heaven or hell, and it will always be hell. No matter what you say or do. Inevitably. From the very beginning, a Malignant Narcissist studies you intently, taking note of not only what you say but what you do not say. While they are ‘getting to know you,’ they mock/agree/lie in order to create the illusion that you should continue to open up. If you have boundaries, or trust issues, or have ever experienced sexual abuse or trauma, they will spot it right away, smirk, and side-step these mere road blocks as they proceed to accelerate in their mission to drag you through hell. Who wants to go to hell, willingly? No one. Therefore, they ‘stare’ at you, entrancing you into believing that they are truly that tantalized by you, continuing to make you feel at ease as they collect as much information as they can about you. It is hard to understand that a person wishes to get close to you, while refusing to allow you to get close to them, but they do. Everything they say is only half of the truth. They unnoticeablly

withold Information about themselves and are careful to not negatively react to the things about you that they despise, or scare you off by disagreeing with any of your thoughts, opinions, world views, likes/dislikes, or desires. As a result, they proceed to present themselves as the very embodiment of everything you have ever wished for in a partner, and more. They mimick your personality, body language, and worst of all, your spirit as they delight in the sheer thrill they receive from conning you into falling for yourself. They do this because they were taught at a young age that they were not allowed to be themselves, thus adopting the concept that in order to be accepted or loved, they must be YOU or at the very least, appear to be the opposite of what they are. Strong, rather than weak. Feared, rather than accepted. Ownership, rather than a consensual partnership. They do not believe such a thing exists. They can not reciprocate real emotion, their words do not match their actions, and you constantly are left to make sense out of nonsense. In the beginning, or at some point, you likely feel sorry for them, because

of fake or even real stories about how they are the child, the victim, the bird with the broken wing, not you. This was not told to you because they granted you some access pass beyond their superiority, it was told to you because it is your ticket to hell. Most intelligent con artist, Satan himself — who was once one of God's Angel's if you recall. They are the epitome of evil, and they mask their identity by reflecting to you everything you ever wanted, everything you were robbed of; they quite literally prey on your weaknesses and your innocence. They are the worst type of enemy, disguised as your very best friend. They are your provider and protector, your life's hero, or so it seems. It is hard to understand how someone one can be both innocent, and yet, deliberately harmful. None of what they said in the beginning was true, and when you look back you realize they actually said very little, and you fell for a carefully constructed LIE. In the end, there was no beginning. The person you believe you are closest to, most intimate with, most trusting of, you come to realize, you do not even know. The person you described all of your fears to, listened quietly, so they could become better educated and equipped to become, that very fear. Manifested right before your eyes, in the blink of an eye. Their script is that you are going to hell, regardless, and yet they know there is no scarier mask than that of which is trustworthy.

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 ⠀⠀⠀ 𝓔xplaining it to others who have not witnessed it is inconceivable for them, and if you rely on outside validation from the Narcissist's cult like supporters, their fanclub, your own family and friends, or even health professionals, you will sound dramatic, be blamed, or feel worse when your own failures are illuminated, instead, again, and you hurt me again ⋮ #𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓
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Gravity seems to have no self-respect anymore, everything is tossed around like a nervous soul. Thoughts splintered as weakly as glass porcelain that fell swiftly off a shelf. Even though the soul was like floating, but the night with the bloody event was still going according to the plan of the god of death. No one would have ever thought that the blood that flows from the human heart, the blood that is the core component for humans to survive, the first blood that comes out when humans are cruelly and violently eliminated becomes the drink of the person who killed them. Like having no conscience and clear mind anymore, blood is like a holy drink to increase strength. Not the power of the supernatural, but the power of one's own spirit that burns within like fire. In fact, the night full of spooky events was a coveted night. Something that never escapes from a fun event is cakes and flowers. The cake had been prepared, served as a meal for the happy audience, but the happiness was only temporary. Until the war between greedy humans and making cakes is like not a dish anymore, but a weapon. The cherries on top of the cake as decoration are no longer important, all are no longer with their own souls. Pink roses which mean idols, desires, admiration, are indeed suitable for statues. An inanimate object but very beautiful, elegant, and fresh to the eye. The statue is a real proof of the prince's love. A story from the lips that only lips can reply to. The purity and purity of a prince's love that can even be transparent in front of a mirror. It would be even scarier if a lit candle had a shadow, and was reflected by the mirror and returned to reality. The sacred white rose, will be two omens. Stories that are pure facts with all happiness, or stories that are cruel and sad, but the facts will not be discovered so that the white rose remains sacred. Keep in mind that all living things have a childhood phase. When that phase is passed, humans are childishly making books out of which tell stories about their lives. Like the prince who wrote the story of his friendship with the god of death. Everything is recorded clearly in memory, indirect documentation.

2024/09/28 16:21:52
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