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Севастополю из Донецка / To Sevastopol from Donetsk
Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?...

Some people have a very, very special place in hell awaiting them.

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‼️Смотрите премьеру документального фильма “Звезда Александра Захарченко” в эфире Оплот ТВ

Фильм, снятый медиакомпанией «Русский Час», посвящен первому Главе ДНР Александру Владимировичу Захарченко. Съемки интервью с соратниками и семьей Александра Захарченко проходили в Донецке и Луганске зимой 2024 года. В фильме снялись Глава ДНР Денис Пушилин, Глава ЛНР Леонид Пасечник, а также родители Александра Владимировича.

Премьерный показ на Оплот ТВ: 26.06.2024 года, в 19:00

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Сегодня Александру Захарченко могло бы исполниться 48...💔
С верой в профессионализм и честность следователей Главного Военного Следственного Управления СК РФ, которые ведут уголовное дело по поводу убийства моего мужа, Рассела Бентли.

Владислав Евтушенко о публикации печально известного адвоката с видеообращением родственников подозреваемых в убийстве Рассела. Следует отметить, что сказанное Владиславом, поддерживают все боевые товарищи "Техаса".

От себя добавлю, что Христос посреди нас, и Он всё видит. Помните. У нас у всех конец один - все мы предстанем пред Господом. Какой ответ будем держать пред Ним мы все, кто хоть как-то связан с этим делом? Оказали ли на своём уровне противодействие тому злу, которое было совершено? Или нет? Помогли ли следствию? Или нет?

Мой муж должен быть найден, весь, и достойно похоронен.

Тот светлый героический след, который "Техас" оставил в истории человечества, будет всегда жить в наших душах и являться маяком, как нужно жить: открыто, самоотверженно, с чистыми помыслами, жертвуя собой, чтобы спасти ближнего.

ПРИЗЫВАЮ ВСЕХ, кто где-либо видит или слышит осквернение доброго имени Рассела Бентли, пресекать это на корню. НЕ БОЙТЕСЬ! А кто боится, посмотрите ещё раз то самое видео Рассела, где он говорит О ЖИЗНИ И СМЕРТИ. С Богом.
We are a pro Russia group, pro Slavic group, and most of all pro Truth. Where like minded people can share their thoughts and views. We promote brotherhood and Unity among all Slavic people without regard to religion or creed and welcome those who are sympathetic to us regardless of what part of the world they join us from. So, we welcome all Truthseekers and friends of the Russian people. Join us for International Truth, Peace, Love, and Understanding.

Russian BaZa Is a based channel, focusing on Russian patriotism, culture, and history, in synergy with promoting a multipolar world, whilst also promoting many uncomfortable truths geopolitically and with satirical and at times blatant sarcastic trolling. There is a good balance of promoting the legacy of both Tsarist Russia and the glory of the Soviet Red Army, something uncommon in many pro-Rus circles. There is a good balance of informational content, memes, and videos. Channel admin(s) regularly interact with subscribers, a nice touch. Overall, would highly recommend for any TG user wanting to learn more about Russia, the Russian intervention in Ukraine, Slavdom, Orthodoxy, and multipolarity.

~ Ghost Of Tukhachevsky

"Get a unique perspective from a PRO-Russian ethnic Russian living in the uSA who also loves the American people and their free spirit but debunks and trolls western PsyOps and exposes their mass consent lies. Hard-hitting news from a source that sees both sides, and speaks the truth."

~ Russell “Texas” Bentley (My dear personal friend)

Translated from Russell Texas Bentley (by Lyudmila Bentley).


With faith in the professionalism and honesty of the investigators of the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who are working on my husband Russell Bentley’s murder case.

In this video, Владислав Евтушенко (Vladislav Evtushenko) talks about the video appeal of relatives of suspects in Russell’s murder published by a notorious lawyer. It should be noted that Vladislav’s words are supported by all of “Texas’” comrades in arms.

On my own behalf, I will add that Christ is among us, and He sees everything. Remember. We all have the same end - we will all appear before the Lord. What will those of us who are in any way connected with this case answer to Him? Did you, as best you can, counteract the evil that was committed? Or did you not? Did you help the investigation? Or did you not?

My husband must be found, all of him, and buried with dignity.

That bright heroic trace that “Texas” left in the history of mankind will forever live in our souls and be a beacon of how we should live: openly, selflessly, with pure thoughts, sacrificing ourselves to save our fellows.

I CALL ON EVERYONE, who sees or hears Russell Bentley’s good name being desecrated anywhere, to nip it in the bud. DO NOT BE AFRAID! And whoever is afraid, watch again that same video of Russell’s, in which he talks about LIFE AND DEATH. God bless you.
Forwarded from Birds Bees
I have not seen the vide that Vladilav mentions. But I do want to comment on the derogatory comment that Russell was 'some American.' to whic Vladiislav comments very appropriately. It is very difficult for people from foreign nations to be appreciated if their nation has committed crimes against another country. America has committed crimes against Russia, and is continuing to do so. But why condemn a volunteer for the liberation of Donetsk because of his place of birth? That is chauvinism and racism. No one can erase where their parents chose to live and the nation where they were born. No one chan control their childhood experiences. All we can change is what we do as adults. Russell did that. He influenced tens of thousands of people around the world of the justness of the cause of Donbass. For this, he is warmly remembered and respected. The person who called him 'some American' is attempting to use his place of birth as a rationale to dismiss the importance of cinding those guilty of his disappearance and possibly murder. That is unacceptable. It is the actions of people for which they can be judged. Russell did good in Donbass. He is one of the good people of the earth. Let us remember this as we support his wife and his allies in their pursuit of justice and closure.
2024/09/29 13:24:32
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