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🔹Forward👉(Adverb)👉If you move #forward, you move in the direction in front of you.

تقدم / تابع / إلى الأمام

🔹 When he saw his mother, the baby crawled #forward to her.

عندما رأى أمه ، زحف الطفل للأمام إليها.

🔹Hill👉(Noun)👉A #hill is a round area of land. It is higher than the land around it.

هضبة / تل

🔹The sun was rising above the green #hills.

الشمس كانت تشرق فوق التلال الخضراء

🔹Level👉(Noun)👉A #level is a point on a scale that measures something.


🔹Please check the level of the temperature.

الرجاء التحقق من مستوى درجة الحرارة

🔹Lone👉(Adjective)👉If someone or something is #lone, they are the only one of that kind.

متعزل / متوحد / وحيد

🔹 A #lone man walked along the street.

رجل وحيد مشى على طول الشارع

🔹Puddle👉( Noun)👉A #puddle is a pool of liquid on the ground.

بركة صغيرة

🔹 When the ice melted, it formed a #puddle.

عندما ذاب الجليد ، شكل بركة

🔹Response👉 (Noun)👉A #response is the answer to a question.

رد / جواب

🔹He asked if I was sad. My #response was “No.”

سألني إن كنت حزينة ردي كان " لا."

🔹Season👉(Noun)👉A #season is a time of the year: spring, summer, fall or winter.
موسم / فصل

🔹Fall is a warm #season, while winter is very cold.

الخريف موسم دافئ بينما الشتاء بارد جدا

🔹Solution👉(Noun)👉A #solution is a way to solve a problem.


🔹 There are many problems. We need #solutions!

هناك العديد من المشاكل نحن بحاجة إلى حلول!

🔹Waste👉(Verb)👉To #waste means to carelessly use something all up.

بذر / أضاع سدى

🔹Turn off the water so you don’t #waste it.

قفل / أطفئ الماء حتى لا تهدره

🔹Whether👉(Conjunction)👉You use #whether when you must choose between two things.

أي الاثنين / إذا / سواء

🔹I could not decide #whether to go left or right.

لم أستطع أن أقرر ما إذا كنت سأتجه يسارا أم يمينا

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🔹Lesson 17 :

🔹2/ Available
🔻3/ Bear
🔹4/ Bright
🔻8/ Else
🔻10/ Flow
🔻12/ Hill
🔹13/ Level
🔻14/ Lone
🔹17/ Season
🔻18/ Solution
🔹19/ Waste

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🔹Argue👉(Verb)👉To #argue is to angrily speak to someone because you do not agree.

جادل / ناقش / تجادل

🔹We #argued about where to go for dinner.

تجادلنا حول أين نذهب للعشاء.

🔹Communicate👉(Verb)👉To #communicate is to give information by talking, writing, etc.

تحادث / اتصل / نقل / أبلغ

🔹I #communicated with Paul about his new ideas.

لقد تواصلت مع (بول)بشأن أفكاره الجديدة

🔹Crowd👉(Noun)👉A #crowd is a large group of people.

حشد / مجموعة كبيرة / ملأ

🔹A large #crowd had gathered on the street to see the accident.

تجمع حشد كبير في الشارع لرؤية الحادث

🔹Depend 👉(Verb )👉To #depend on someone or something is to need them.


🔹 Children #depend on their parents for many things.

الأطفال يعتمدون على آبائهم في أشياء كثيرة

🔹Dish👉(Noun)👉A #dish is a plate.

طبق / صحن

🔹 She put a clean white #dish on the table.

لقد وضعت طبق أبيض نظيف على الطاولة

2024/09/29 09:26:53
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