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🔹Expert👉(Noun)👉An #expert is someone who is very good at doing something.
عالم / خبير

🔹The wizard was an #expert at magic

الساحر كان خبيرا بالسحر

🔹Famous👉(Adjective)👉If someone or something is #famous, they are known to many people.

مشهور / معروف

🔹The Eiffel Tower in Paris is very #famous.

برج ايفل في باريس مشهور جدا

🔹Force👉(Noun)👉#Force is a person’s strength or power.


🔹He used all his #force to try and open the door.

استخدم كل قواه لمحاولة فتح الباب

🔹Harm👉(Noun)👉Harm is hurt or problems caused to someone or something.

ضرر / أذى

🔹A hot iron can cause great #harm if you are not careful.

الحديد الساخن يمكن أن يسبب ضررا كبيرا إذا لم تكن حذرا.

🔹Lay👉(Verb)👉To #lay means to put or place in a horizontal or flat position.

وضع / طرح

🔹Don’t lay your socks on the floor.

لا تضع جواربك على الأرض

🔹Peace👉(Noun)👉Peace is a time without war.

سلام / أمن

🔹A white dove is a symbol for #peace.

حمامة بيضاء رمز للسلام

A #prince is the son of a king.

🔹The #prince and the princess were married.

الأمير والأميرة كانا متزوجين

🔹Protect👉(Verb)👉To #protect someone is to stop them from getting hurt.

حمى / صان / حفظ

🔹Firemen #protect us from fires.

رجال الإطفاء يحموننا من الحرائق

🔹Sense👉(Verb)👉To #sense something is to know about it without being told.

أدرك / أحس / استشعر

I could #sense that he was watching me.

شعرت أنه كان يراقبني

🔹Sudden👉(Adjective)👉When something is #sudden, it happens very quickly.

مفاجئ / فحائي / غير متوقع

🔹He felt a #sudden pain in his chest.

شعر بألم مفاجئ في صدره

🔹Therefore👉(Adverb)👉#Therefore means for this reason.

بناء على / من أجل ذلك الغرض

🔹He is fat. #Therefore, he will go on a diet.

هو سمين لذا ، هو سيستمر على حمية.

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🔹Accept👉(Verb)👉To #accept something that is offered is to take it.

قبل / رضى / وافق

🔹I #accepted the girl’s very nice gif.

لقد قبلت هدية الفتاة الجميلة

🔹Arrange👉(Verb)👉To #arrange things is to put them in the right place.

رتب/ نظم

🔹 Please #arrange the bowling pins in order so we can play.

يرجى ترتيب دبابيس البولينغ حتى نتمكن من اللعب.

🔹Attend👉 (Verb)👉To #attend something is to go to it.

My sister and I #attend the same school.

أنا وأختي نرتاد نفس المدرسة
🔹Balance👉(Verb)👉To #balance something is to keep it from falling.

توازن / وازن / تعادل

🔹We saw an elephant #balance itself on a ball.

رأينا فيلا يوازن نفسه على الكرة.

🔹Contrast👉(Noun)👉A #contrast is the sharp difference between two things.

تباين / تغاير

🔹The #contrast between my parents is very noticeable.

الاختلاف التباين بين أبوي ملحوظ جدا.

🔹Encourage👉(Verb)👉To #encourage someone is to make them want to do something.
شجع/ حث / ساعد

🔹My football coach will #encourage us when we are losing.

مدرب كرة القدم سيشجعنا عندما نخسر

🔹Familiar👉(Adjective)👉 If someone or something is #familiar to you, you know them well.

مالوف/ معروف

🔹The two friends were very #familiar with each other.

الصديقان كانا يعرفو بعضهم البعض

2024/09/30 11:36:25
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