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🔹Trick 👉(Noun)👉A #trick is something you do to fool another person.

خدعة/ حيلة

🔹His card #trick really surprised us. 😲

فاجأتنا خدعته حقا

🔹Well👉 (Adverb )👉You use #well to say that something was done in a good way.

جيد/ تماما

🔹 The couple can dance quite #well.

يستطيع الزوجين الرقص جيدا

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🔹Adventure👉 (Noun)👉An #adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do.

مغامره / مجازفة / تجربة مثيرة

🔹An adventure stories 😃

قصص المغامرات

🔹She had some exciting adventures in Egypt 😃

كان لديها بعض المغامرات المثيرة في مصر

🔹Sam won't come - he's got no sense  of adventure (= he does not enjoy dangerous or exciting situations). 😒

سام لن يأتي ليس لديه أي إحساس بالمغامرة (إنه لا يستمتع بالحالات الخطرة أو المثيرة)

🔹Approach 👉(Verb)👉To #approach something means to move close to it.


🔹The girl #approached his school 🎒

اقتربت الفتاة من مدرستها

🔹I approached the house
I noticed a light on upstairs 🏠

إقتربت من المنزل لاحظت ضوء على الطابق العلوي

🔹She heard footsteps approaching.🐾

لقد سمعت خطوات تقترب

🔹Chemical 👉(Noun )👉A #chemical is something that scientists use in chemistry.

كيميائي / مادة كيميائية

🔹The scientist mixed the #chemicals.

العالم خلط المواد الكيميائية

🔹Create 👉(Verb) 👉To #create means to make something new.

خلق/ أنتج

🔹She #created an igloo from blocks of snow.
لقد صنعت كوخ ثلجي من كتل الثلج

🔹Her behaviour is creating a lot of problems.

سلوكها يخلق الكثير من المشاكل

#Evil 👉 (Adjective)👉Evil describes something or someone bad or cruel, not good.


🔹The #evil figure scared us all.

الشخص الشرير أخافنا جميعا

( Adefinition of an (evil figure with a good heart ) is when a person starts out a normal, pleasant, person then turn evil. and in the end they turn back the person they used to be

🔹The #evil eye 👁

The power, which some people believe exists, to harm people by looking at them.

🔹He claimed to have the power of the evil eye.👁

ادعى أن لديه قوة العين الشريرة

 🔹The #evil hour/day etc a time 🕰 when you expect something unpleasant or difficult to happen

🔹Don’t delay, you’re only putting off the evil hour.

لا تتأخر ، أنت فقط تؤجل ساعة الشر

🔹Carefully👉 (Adverb)👉Carefully means with great attention, especially to detail or safety.

بحذر / بعنايه

🔹The baby #carefully climbed down the stairs

تسلق الطفل بعناية، بحذر أسفل الدرج

🔹Experiment 👉(Noun)👉An #experiment is a test that you do to see what will happen.

تجربة / اختبار

🔹The student did an #experiment in science class.

قام الطالب بتجربة في حصه العلوم

🔹Kill 👉(Verb)👉To #kill someone or something is to make them die.

🔹I #killed the fly with a fly swatter

قتلت الذباية بمضرب الذبابة

🔹Fly swatter
مضرب الذبابة

🔹( kill time, an hour, etc.) #Idiom

يضيع الوقت ( بدون فائدة )  يمض الوقت 🕰

🖍To do something that keeps you busy while you are waiting for something  else to happen

🔹My friend was late, so I killed an hour window-shopping.

🔹I'm going to walk down to the bookstore to kill time before my flight. Do you want anything?

🔹It used to be that people killed time at the train station by talking to each other, but now everyone is nose-deep in their phone.

🔹Laboratory👉 (Noun)👉A #laboratory is a room where a scientist works.


🔹My mother works in a #laboratory.

تعمل أمي في مختبر

🔹Laugh👉 (Noun )👉Laugh is the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs

🔹The sound of their #laugh filled the room.

صوت ضحكتهم ملأ الغرفة

🔹Loud 👉(Adjective)👉If a sound is #loud, it is strong and very easy to hear.

The man’s voice was so #loud that we all could hear him.

كان صوت الرجل عالي جدا بحيث كلنا يمكن أن نسمعه

🔹Nervous👉(Adjective)👉When a person is #nervous, they think something bad will happen.

عصبي/ عصبي المزاج / منفعل / قلق

The boy became #nervous when he heard the news.

أصبح الولد عصبي عندما سمع الأخبار

🔹Noise 👉(Noun)👉A #noise is an unpleasant sound.

ضجه / ضجيج

The crying baby made a loud #noise

الطفل الباكي صلح ضوضاء / ضجه عالية

🔹Project 👉(Noun)👉A #project is a type of work that you do for school or a job.

مشروع / خطة/ دراسه / عرض

His afternoon work #project was to paint the room green

كان مشروعه بعد الظهر هو طلاء الغرفة باللون الأخضر

🔹Scare👉 (Verb)👉To #scare someone is to make them feel afraid.

رعب / خوف

My uncle was #scared by what he saw in the room

ارتعب/ خاف عمي مما رآه في الغرفة

🔹Secret👉(Noun)👉A #secret is something that you do not tell other people.

The two girls were sharing a #secret.

كانتا الفتاتان تتشاركان سرا

🔹Shout 👉(verb)👉To #shout is to say something loudly.

صرخ / صاح

My boss #shouted at me because I was late for work.

صاح بي رئيسي لأنني تأخرت عن العمل

2024/09/30 23:31:35
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