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🔹Represent👉(Verb)👉To #represent is to speak or act for a person or group.

مثل /وضح/ أعلن
صرح / شرح / استعرض

🔹My lawyer will #represent me in court.

محاميي سيمثلني في المحكمة

🔹Shake👉(Verb)👉To #shake is to move back and forth or up and down quickly.

صافح / ارتعش /ارتجف

🔹When people #shake hands, it usually means they agree.

عندما يتصافح الناس فهذا يعني أنهم يوافقون

🔹Spread👉(Verb)👉To #spread is to move quickly to more places.

نشر / باعد بين

🔹I like to #spread butter on my toast.

أحب أن أضع الزبدة على الخبز المحمص

🔹Stroll👉(Verb)👉To #stroll means to walk slowly and calmly

تمش / تجول / تنزه

🔹My dog and I #strolled through the park today.

أنا وكلبي تجولنا في الحديقة اليوم

🔹Village👉(Noun)👉A #village is a very small town

🔹There are only a few houses in my #village.

يوجد فقط بضعة منازل في قريتي.

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🔹Aware👉(djective)👉If you are #aware of something, you know about it.
مدرك / واع

🔹I was not #aware of the ringing phone.

لم أكن على علم برنين الهاتف.
🔹Badly👉(Adverb)👉Badly means in a severe or harmful way.

ع نحو خطير / ردئ

🔹He hurt his arm #badly playing with friends.

لقد آذى ذراعه بشدة وهو يلعب مع أصدقائه

🔹Belong👉(Verb)👉If something belongs to you, you own it.

🔹The blue suit #belongs to Paul.

البدلة الزرقاء تخص (بول).

🔹The book #belongs to Dan.

العربية: الكتاب يخص (دان)
🔹Continue👉(Verb)👉To #continue something is to keep doing it.
استمر / واصل

🔹She stood under her umbrella as the rain #continued to fall.

وقفت تحت مظلتها بينما استمر المطر في السقوط
🔹Error 👉 (Noun)👉An #error is something you do wrong.

خطا / غلطة

🔹I made an #error on my report, so my boss was angry

لقد ارتكبت خطأ في تقريري لذا رئيسي كان غاضبا

🔹Experience👉(Noun)👉An #experience is something you have seen or done.

تجربة / خبرة

🔹Rock climbing was a fun #experience.

تسلق الصخور كانت تجربة ممتعة

🔹Field👉(Noun)👉A #field is a big area of land.
ملعب / حقل / ساحة

🔹The #field of flowers looked so pretty.

بدا حقل الزهور جميل جدا.

🔹Hurt👉(Verb)👉To #hurt is to do something that makes you feel pain.

جرح / آذى

🔹He #hurt his leg falling down the stairs

لقد جرح ساقه وهو يسقط من الدرج

🔹Judgment👉(Noun)👉 #Judgment is the ability to form opinions or decisions.

حكم/ قرار / رأي

🔹It’s good #judgment to recycle your aluminum cans.

إنه حكم جيد لإعادة تدوير علب الألومنيوم

🔹Likely👉(Adjective & Adverb)👉
If something #likely happens, it will probably happen

مرجح / محتمل
ممكن / ربما

🔹I will #likely stay at home and watch TV tonight

على الأرجح سأبقى في المنزل وأشاهد التلفاز الليلة

🔹Normal👉(adjective)👉If something is #normal, it is not strange nor surprising to you.

عادي / طبيعي

🔹It is #normal for me to bathe every night.

من الطبيعي أن أستحم كل ليلة

🔹Rare👉 (Adjective)👉If something is #rare, you do not see it very often.


🔹It is #rare for him to miss his flight.

من النادر له أن يفوت رحلته

🔹Relax 👉(Verb)👉To #relax is to rest.


🔹I just want to sit down and #relax.

أريد فقط الجلوس والاسترخاء

🔹The frog #relaxed in the warm sun.

الضفدع إسترخ في الشمس الدافئة.

2024/09/30 21:34:09
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