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Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
《立場》案 | 陳文敏:判詞擴大煽動適用範圍、傳媒難拿捏紅線 黃啟暘:由法官裁斷編採決定是否好事?
Forwarded from 雪行者頻道
一旦冇民意授權、由政治精英欽點嘅總統侯選人Kamala Harris當選,意味公民自願放棄民主政制,權力交由政治精英任意行使,以後美國順理成章行極權主義...

所以你話今次美國總統大選有幾大鑊... 😅

"We did it Joe" by Scott LoBaido
Forwarded from Nikki Miu國際新聞台 (Nikki Miu)

前身是 #癡呆登 競選團網上特遣隊的 #賀錦麗 HQ,今無故轉發網紅 Tim Pool 的播客節目,配文:「 #特朗普 的打手表示,他們的 Project 2025 是賦予特朗普完全的、不受限制的法律權力,這樣如果特朗普獲勝,他們就可以監禁並處決那些不支持特朗普的人
(他們已經從 YouTube 上刪除了這段影片)」

但很明顯,大家都看到,Tim Pool 既沒有替特朗普工作(甚至多次揚言要票投 #RFK) 完全無提及 Project 2025,甚至無提出過計畫賦予特朗普無限權力打壓政敵。

針對此事,節目嘉賓、獨立記者 Laura Loomer 表示:
Project 2025 這個詞在這一集裏一次也沒被提及。

這一集節目直播遭 YouTube 強行刪除,是因為我提到根據美國憲法,叛國罪的懲罰是死刑。Tim 隨後跟我說,你不能在 YouTube 上這麼說,他擔心整個頻道,所以他取消了這一集的直播,並將之上載到 Rumble。
我們不是在談論 Project 2025。」

針對此事,Tim Pool 表示正諮詢律師意見,不排除起訴 #賀大媽 HQ。
Forwarded from Nikki Miu國際新聞台 (Nikki Miu)

I don’t use Facebook for years, but my bro sent me this just now.
It’s from a Facebook group.

“Hello everyone, I am a former Hong Kong police officer who served in the West Kowloon Police District back in 2019. I quit my job in 2020 and migrated to the UK. I won't say where I was at the night of 831, but what I want to say is, there were 8 people died at Prince Edward Station that night.

My superior knew that something was wrong, and seek help from “outsiders” who speak with Mandarin accent ( possible #CCP operatives ).

Those “handlers” participated the assault and left 8 dead. The wounded were then taken to Cheung Sha Wan Station by an empty train, that station is close to Caritas Medical Centre.
We knew the whole thing was out of control...
I couldn’t take this nonsense anymore and that’s why I quit my job.
Believe it or not, I just wanna share this to everyone.
Written at 7pm UK time”
Forwarded from Nikki Miu國際新聞台 (Nikki Miu)

There’s no way to prove if that confession was true or not, but the attack from Communist regimes to the people is true. Nobody, no official or cops held accountable for the attacks, HK govt demonised innocent passengers as “violent protesters”.

We’ll be next if we let Communist Kamala got elected.
Forwarded from MET WARN 天氣預警
2024/10/01 09:41:55
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