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To use this feature, head over to the hamburger menu by swiping right and choose Contacts. Choose ‘Find People Nearby’ and here you will see a list of contacts who have chosen to be visible. You can also scroll down to see all nearby groups and the option to create your own. Users who wish to be discovered by this feature can turn it on in the hamburger menu/People Nearby/Make myself visible. Secret chats And now you have your own newly themed Telegram. There are so many themes on the Android Themes channel that you can change them daily and still won’t run out of them in years, so enjoy!!

Premium Unique Reactions Add Nearby People and Group To do this, long-press on a picture you have sent. Choose the ‘Edit’ button on the top, just like you’d edit a text message once you have sent it. Now, you will get an in-built photo editor where you can add filters, draw or crop images. Alternatively, you can even replace the picture and send another one in its place. Just like WhatsApp, Telegram also allows you to share live location with your contacts. This is a very handy feature that I personally use on a regular basis. To share your live location with someone, first open the chat and tap on the attachment button. Now, tap on location.

Additionally, subscribers can enable a setting in Privacy and Security to automatically archive and mute new chats, helping organize even the busiest chat lists. Telegram is a great all-around messenger, especially when you start using its best features and know everything it's capable of. For power users, scheduling is a great way to achieve many tasks at a given time. We already use email scheduling a lot, but it’s awesome to see Telegram bringing this feature for messages as well. As you saw above, you can schedule a message just by pressing and holding the “send” button. Here, choose “Schedule message” and pick the date and time. The message will be sent at your preferred time. Connect With a Proxy Server

What do you think about Telegram? How is your experience? Let me know your comments below! Now, tap Profile Photo. Now, you have three options:

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