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For any issues or promotions
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English With Natives
Natives from the USA, UK, Europe and around the globe.
Groom your English and personality with us.
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Groom your English and personality with us.
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✅ Channel ID is: @sirjimmy
Forwarded from Fatima g
Dinosaurs are either carnivores, herbivores or omnivores
Forwarded from English With Natives* (S B)
🔷Cream of the crop
♦️Meaning: the best of a group, top-choice.
✨Example: This university only accepts the cream of the crop.
♦️Meaning: Continue
✨Example: No animals or plants can sustain life without water.
🔷Hold back
♦️Meaning: conceal, hide.
✨Example: He held back his feelings and acted as if everything was alright.
Tips Of The Day
🔔🔷Cream of the crop
♦️Meaning: the best of a group, top-choice.
✨Example: This university only accepts the cream of the crop.
♦️Meaning: Continue
✨Example: No animals or plants can sustain life without water.
🔷Hold back
♦️Meaning: conceal, hide.
✨Example: He held back his feelings and acted as if everything was alright.