Forwarded from QAnon+ πŸ•› (HQ Q)
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This is out of this world, no pun intended.

This also explains why the UN has been in Haiti since 1986, and why the US government is so involved while using the guise of "protecting the children" as their modus operandi.

Also explains the Haitian Presidential assassination.

I've never seen this video before, and I don't think you have as well!!! πŸ’₯ Watch it πŸ”₯
Forwarded from Du Rove's Channel
The phones of 50,000 individuals, including human rights activists and journalists, have been targeted by surveillance tools that were used by numerous governments. These tools can hack any iOS and Android phone, and there is no way to protect your device from it. It doesn't matter which apps you use, because the system is breached on a deeper level.

According to the Snowden revelations from 2013, both Apple and Google are part of the global surveillance program that implies that these companies have to, among other things, implement backdoors into their mobile operating systems. These backdoors, usually disguised as security bugs, allow US agencies to access information on any smartphone in the world.

The problem with such backdoors is that they are never exclusive to just one party. Anybody can exploit them. So if a US security agency can hack an iOS or Android phone, any other organization that uncovers the backdoors can do the same. Unsurprisingly, this is exactly what has been taking place: an Israeli company called NSO Group has been selling access to the spying tools that allowed third parties to hack tens of thousands of phones.

Since at least 2018, I have been aware that one of my phone numbers was included in a list of potential targets of such surveillance tools (although a source from the NSO Group denies it). Personally, I wasn't worried: since 2011, when I was still living in Russia, I’ve got used to assuming that all my phones were compromised. Anyone who gains access to my private data will be utterly disappointed – they will have to go through thousands of concept designs for Telegram features and millions of messages related to our product development process. They won't find any important information there.

However, these surveillance tools are also used against people far more prominent than me. For example, they were employed to spy on 14 heads of state. The existence of backdoors in crucial infrastructure and software creates a huge challenge for humanity. That's why I have been calling upon the governments of the world to start acting against the Apple-Google duopoly in the smartphone market and to force them to open their closed ecosystems and allow for more competition.

So far, even though the current market monopolization increases costs and impedes privacy and freedom of speech of billions, government officials have been very slow to act. I hope the news that they themselves have been targeted by these surveillance tools will prompt politicians to change their minds.
And here's the video. Watch the guys throat.
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UPDATE - DNS records that tell systems around the world how to find or got withdrawn from the global Internet routing tables this morning.

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JUST IN - Facebook employees reportedly can't enter buildings to evaluate the Internet outage because their door access badges don't work anymore (NYT)

Forwarded from SantaSurfing
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Wow...shamwow!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Wendy Rogers read a huge announcement!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
A very interesting perspective on what's happening around the world. Check it out.
Forwarded from Michael Jackson
Media is too big
The Real Event is About to Begin

Join The Official Telegram Channel of Michael Jackson
An awesome video on masks.
Forwarded from Michael Jackson
Media is too big

Join The Official Telegram Channel of Michael Jackson
Forwarded from Integral Life +
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Head of NASA confirms that UFOs are real. He hopes they are aliens, and not a foreign adversarial technology. He also hints that they may have guided human evolution and civilization.
Learn the truth from the Father of the Real Disclosure Project!

This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies:

1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO.

2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO.

3. The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT.

Share this film widely for FREE if it is in its entirety and is not commercialized or monetized.
(If you wish to use it in another way please contact: [email protected])

Streaming and Download options for β€˜The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé’ are located at:
NESARA / GESARA - try a MedBed for free ... ... watch the video first ...
2024/09/28 23:57:03
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