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air is the most microwaved thing
Audio streaming services' ads aren't meant to sell you anything or introduce you to new content, they just want to annoy you into paying for the ad-free version.
Never in humanity (as we know) has anyone experienced the extreme increase in technological advances gen x and y have/will.
Metal gets heavier as it rusts
Truman show but Advert
The first step to making a lot of money is to start with a lot of money.
Y’all, killing people is bad. Regardless of what some dude tells you Sunday, Monday…. Whatever. Life good/death bad.
A lot more people have touched other peoples Dicks vs other peoples vaginas
Tears are the sweat of the soul
It’s weird that we use expensive metal for low value coins and cheap paper for $100 bills
Once you're thoroughly wet, how long you go swimming has little bearing on how long it takes you to dry off.
You don’t really pick a favorite food. It picks you.
Space fiction is more a fantasy fiction than science fiction
Sports is the only occupation where you don't want a week off
5 gum, with vigra
Tehran will be the first to get nuked since 1945
There's a high probability that at least once in your life, someone has wished you were dead.
Wishing for someone to die is the wish that always comes true (eventually)
Plumbers think Drano doesn’t work because they never visit homes where it did.
You’re never as old as when you’re looking in a mirror.
2024/06/26 05:19:53
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