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The longest prison sentence ever was 141,078 years handed to Chamoy Thipyaso for corporate fraud.


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There is a building in Germany that plays music when it rains.


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December 22nd is National 'Short Person' Day.


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⚡️Question of the Day

Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species?
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Before 1940, there was a profession called knocker ups in Britain, whose sole purpose was to wake people up so they aren't late for work.


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During the Qin dynasty in China, the penalty for being late to government jobs was death.


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In 1386, a pig in Falaise, France was arrested, detained and even represented by a lawyer before being executed by public hanging for the murder of a 3 month old infant.


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Originating in Berlin in 2008, aggressive sitting became a sport. You can purchase a special stool for this sport for around 70 dollars.


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⚡️Question of the Day

In the Copenhagen interpretation, as long as we do not open the door to Schrödinger's cat, the cat is?
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Dead and alive
When your eyes move, your brain purposely blocks your vision, which is why you can't see the motion of your own eyes in a mirror.

This is called ‘saccadic masking’ and without it, your life would be like watching a constant movie that's filled with a shaky hand-held camera.


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There is a fish with transparent bones and white blood.

The Antarctic blackfin icefish, not only does this creature lack scales and have transparent bones, but it's also unique in that it doesn't have red blood cells or hemoglobin pigments for transporting oxygen, causing the fish to have a very unique characteristic: white blood.


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Every day, Apple sells more iPhones than people are born.


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There is blood type called "RH null", which is called "golden blood". This blood is so rare that only 43 people worldwide have it. Its properties make it attractive in numerous medical applications and make it very valuable.


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A Chicago local named Rob Kenney has a YouTube channel called "Dad, how do i?" that teaches or explains everyday things that might otherwise require a father-figure.

Kenney grew up without a father, and he started the YouTube channel to pass on "dadvice" to kids who are growing up without a dad.


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Marijuana is illegal in 48 states, and having sex with a horse is illegal in only 27 states.


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⚡️Question of the Day

For which beverage is the Czech town of Budweis famous?
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A 65-year-old woman in Japan once paid the equivalent of $30,000 in 2022, to an online scam that defied gravity.

The con artist tricked the woman into believing he was a Russian astronaut who just couldn't afford a ticket back to Earth, local media in Japan reported.


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A Man in India set a world record in 1986 by spending 72 hours in a cage with 72 of the most venomous species of snakes in India to spread awareness that snakes don't bite unless provoked.

He came out of the cage unharmed without a single bite.


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Due to our brains only really caring about identifying new information, it completely ignores the fact that our intestines are constantly wiggling inside us, otherwise we would feel it all the time.


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Your organs "know" the order they are supposed to be in, so when surgeons perform their job, they don't typically put everything back the way they found them. They let your organs organise themselves after the surgery.


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2024/06/30 21:51:41
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