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#SDRPY | English pinned «Two Months of ‘Beautiful Aden’: Half a Million Beneficiaries Saudi-Yemeni cleaning campaign limits spread of COVID-19 and other disease as SDRPY improves metropolitan transport infrastructure Aden, Yemen / 18 June 2020 – In slightly more than two months…»
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80 insecticide fogging pumps have been distributed all over #Aden’s districts to protect residents from diseases and #COVID19. #SDRPY is working in support of the Cleaning & Improvement Fund in Aden, which has increased its operational efficiency by 78%.
Dialysis centers in Yemen face difficulties which have reduced their capacity to receive increasing numbers of patients and provide them with adequate care.
#SDRPY supports Yemen's dialysis centers by supplying them with needed medical equipment and increasing their capacity.
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The insecticide fogging and #environmental sanitation campaign in #Marib protects residents and promotes public health by fogging and sanitizing to repel insects that transmit dengue, malaria and other diseases, and to prevent the spread of #COVID19.
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Now that #AlGhaydah Power Station is equipped with 10 new generators, its operational capacity has increased by 75%, better enabling it to meet increasing demands for #electricity in residential areas alongside the 3 other generators #SDRPY has supplied to vital sectors.
#Beautiful_Aden | Community participation towards a clean and healthy environment
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People from various #Yemeni provinces tell their stories of how #SDRPY facilitated their access to water resources.
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The Saudi Dialysis Center in Al-Ghaydah, #AlMahrah, serves 540 beneficiaries per month.
The center offers fully integrated medical care by trained staff.
#Beautiful_Aden | What has been accomplished during 100 days of #SDRPY’s campaign for #environmental sanitation in collaboration with the Cleaning and Improvement Fund of #Aden and civil society organizations?
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Al-Ghaydah Airport in #AlMahrah is in a state of full readiness now that #SDRPY has provided air navigation and telecommunications systems, established safety standards, and renovated the terminal building to raise the airport to international standards.
#YemenDevelopment | One boat makes the difference.
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#Fisheries rank 3rd among #Yemen’s #economic sectors, and Yemeni fishermen contribute 3% of GDP.
SDRPY, UNDP and Key Developmental Actors in Yemen Highlight Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

Riyadh / 25 July 2020 – At the invitation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) participated in a virtual international donors meeting on Thursday on development priorities in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the newly developed socio-economic framework in Yemen. UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande and World Bank Regional Manager in Yemen Raja Kattan co-chaired the meeting, with UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Dr. Nahed Hussein, ambassadors from countries supporting development in Yemen, and representatives of international development organizations in attendance.

Grande thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, together with the World Bank, for having “stepped forward right at the start and provided urgent funding to the teams on the ground here in Yemen at the very beginning” of the COVID-19 pand
or decades, the people of #Aden province suffered greatly from inadequate water pumping facilities. #SDRPY’s Al-Manasra field renovation project in Aden is designed to serve 1.5 million beneficiaries, supplying service providers such as hospitals and schools with #cleanwater.
#Solarpower is clean and sustainable energy
#SDRPYinfo | Al-Manasra field in #Aden is considered one of the most significant #water resources in the province, and #SDRPY will increase its capacity, productivity and sustainability.
The 38th installment of #Saudi food commodity subsidies has been deposited into the Central Bank of #Yemen.
#SDRPYinfo | To facilitate the #development of creative talent, #SDRPY has launched the construction of an educational center for gifted students in #Marib.
2024/07/01 15:23:50
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