To find more themes, Android users can try the Themes for Telegram app. If you use an iPhone, have a look at the Telegram Themes subreddit. Read also: How to protect your privacy using Android You can use this to, for example, keep your personal and professional lives separate on Telegram without having to use another messenger app.
Did you know that you can share your live location with your contacts on Telegram? My Contacts: Allow only your contacts to view your profile. To terminate all active seasons, go to “Settings”, select “Privacy and Security”, and then click on “Active seasons”. It will show you all active sessions along with your device info. Select the one you want to terminate or terminate all of them in one go. The option to automatically save media to Gallery is back with renewed vigor: saving media can now be enabled and disabled separately for chats with users, groups or channels.
Should You Trust Telegram? A great way to organize your chats inside a group or channel is by using hashtags. When you use a hashtag in a message, that word becomes searchable allowing you to see all the messages relating to that topic. For example, if the group is discussing the new Avengers movie, everyone can use the Avengers hashtag. If you want to see all the messages in one location, you can just tap on the hashtag and all the messages with that hashtag will come up. Besides these security enhancements, you can set a self-destruct timer of duration varying from one second to one week. Furthermore, you or the other person cannot forward messages that you receive within the Secret Chat and taking screenshots (or screen recordings) is completely blocked. Currently, the Secret Chat is limited to conversations between only two people and Secret Groups are not supported within Telegram. Now, tap Profile Photo. Now, you have three options:
Change Default browser in Telegram Try Secret Telegram Chats
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