Telegram Attachment Options Also, it enables you to send the current location as well. But live location is much more valuable because it’s easy to find your friend or someone in a wide range of situations. Read also: How to protect your privacy using Android
Telegram Location Share After the recent update, it seems Telegram is not just a messaging service, but an all-encompassing utility to solve all your problems. It already has a powerful photo editor and now the company has brought some advanced tools to edit videos as well. Here is how you can use it. Just open a chat and select the desired video that you want to send. After that, tap on the tuning icon to open the new video editor. Here, you can adjust saturation, contrast, exposure, and more. There is even an RGB curve which is just amazing. I would say if you want a video editor for color correction and enhancing the look then Telegram has you covered with this awesome trick. Premium 4 GB Uploads Telegram is a free instant-app service founded by people behind VK, which is Russia’s biggest social networking site, primarily focused on speed and user privacy. Initially released in August 2013, the app has managed to get over 400 million monthly active users.
Live Location Sharing Now tap on Notifications and mute the contact for either a custom period of time or forever. I generally leave it for forever. How does Telegram work? The cool features of Telegram aren't all so serious, though. Check out how to make your own Telegram stickers if emojis aren't enough.
If you’re a particularly private person and troubled by news reports regarding online security and privacy breaches, you should absolutely consider using Telegram with secret chats enabled. You will have largely the same experience as with more popular messaging apps, with greater peace of mind. Custom Theme Your Telegram 3b
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