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No, what’s scary is men pretending to be women reading gender cult lying books to our children, provocatively dancing nearly nude in public spaces, and taking over our bathrooms, sports, and private spaces.

Women and children need protection from them.


I’ve been leading the fight to strip Ukraine funding out of our appropriation bills.

It was a big fight last year and FINALLY there’s no Ukraine funding in this year’s bill to fund OUR national defense.

However, the Ukraine First caucus has an amendment to cram YOUR hard-earned tax dollars back into the DOD bill to be shipped overseas and fund the War in Ukraine.

We can’t let that happen!

Stripping the Ukraine funding from DOD appropriations is a HUGE victory, but unfortunately there’s more spending bills coming this week.

The State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill (aka the Deep State foreign meddling bill) has a blank check for Ukraine and I’ll be fighting tooth and nail to strip that too.

Media is too big
Julian Assange is now a free man.

It’s a miracle he’s walking free and a huge victory for the freedom of press.

I don’t like the way our government has conducted itself for decades now when it comes to foreign policy, foreign wars, and regime change.

Julian revealed the secrets the Deep State never wanted to see the light of day and that’s why they came after him.

I wish Julian and his family all the best and hope that one day his name is cleared and receives a full pardon from all charges.


I voted NO to all 3 bills tonight, even the Republican bill sponsored by McCormick defending democracy in Pakistan.

None of the bills tonight did anything for Americans.

Totally over it!

Only Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch stood for free speech today.

The rest of the SCOTUS decided:

- social media companies can restrict your speech
- the government is allowed to coerce them to do it
- you have no right to challenge it

As for Covid, millions of people died because of social media censorship and the U.S. government mandating masks, vaccines, and shutdowns while lying that treatments like ivermectin and natural immunity were dangerous.

🚨 I’m going live right now in the War Room with Steve Bannon.

Tune in:

Media is too big
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Biden admin’s power to influence Big Tech oligarchs.

They've given platforms like Facebook, coerced by the Deep State, the power to decide what speech is "acceptable" instead of protecting the free exchange of ideas.

A very dangerous precedent has been set today.

Media is too big
Innocent Americans are dying every single day from Secretary Mayorkas’ open border policies.

Thanks to my Articles of Impeachment, the House already impeached him. So why should we pay him?

I just introduced an amendment to effectively FIRE Secretary Mayorkas and cut his salary to $1. Even that is too much money.

Secretary Mayorkas shouldn’t receive a cent of the taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

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Secretary Mayorkas isn’t discouraging or preventing illegal aliens from invading our borders, he’s showing them how to do it.

He’s establishing offices in foreign countries to make it easier for them to come to the United States.

This is a burden on the taxpayers nobody wants.

I just introduced an amendment prohibiting DHS from partnering with the State Department to establish and operate so-called “Safe Mobility Offices.”

Nothing about these offices is safe for the American people as the Biden admin imports the third world.

I’m happy to say my amendment PASSED on the floor of the House.

My amendment would have effectively FIRED Secretary Mayorkas by reducing his salary to $1.

These “Republicans” voted to KILL the amendment and keep paying Mayorkas AFTER we impeached him.

Rep. Maria Salazar from Florida apparently thinks Mayorkas is doing a great job.

Rep. Zach Nunn from Iowa thinks Mayorkas should get paid for the invasion at the Southern border.

And retiring Rep. Larry Bucshon from Indiana wants Mayorkas to keep his job.

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After $58 billion have already been sent to Ukraine through our State Department and USAID, it’s time to finally put America First.

Our Southern border is wide open and being invaded every single day but Congress doesn’t seem to give a damn.

But I assure you, they definitely care about Ukraine’s border.


That’s why I just introduced an amendment to ensure no additional funding is appropriated for Ukraine through the State Department.

Media is too big
I introduced an amendment to cut $1.6 billion from wasteful USAID spending.

USAID sends American tax dollars all over the world to fund leftist priorities while America’s borders are wide open and people are dying because of it.

The House should vote for my amendment and join me in putting America First over the interests of foreign countries.

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Samantha Power is a globalist left wing activist who uses her government positions to force the regime’s views on the American people and the world.

She has met countless times with George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

When Power was Obama’s Ambassador to the UN, she made hundreds of requests to intelligence agencies to unmask names associated with the 2016 Trump campaign to support the Russia hoax narrative.

Power has abused her position in government and meddled in our democratic elections. She doesn’t deserve a penny of hard-earned taxpayer dollars.

I’ve introduced an amendment to effectively FIRE Samantha Power and reduce her salary to $1.

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I’m a big believer in freedom of press and freedom of speech, which is why I’ve supported the release of Julian Assange.

Julian risked his life and lost his freedom for many years because he exposed exactly what the deep state had been up to. They just never wanted us to know.

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Secretary Austin failed our troops in Afghanistan with 13 dead soldiers due to his “leadership” while forcing vaccines and “extremism” training on the force.

It’s no wonder military recruitment is at an all-time low.

Lloyd Austin has failed as our Secretary of Defense and I’ve introduced an amendment to effectively FIRE him by reducing his salary to just $1.

I urge my colleagues to vote YES and pass my amendment.

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Our Department of Defense funding should fund OUR military and protect OUR borders, not Ukraine’s.

The House is obsessed with the war in Ukraine and fueling it with your tax dollars.

I introduced an amendment to prohibit every penny in the DOD spending bill from going to Ukraine.

Media is too big
The Democrat witness at today’s Oversight Committee hearing admitted the quiet part out loud: race quotas for hiring are DEI goals for reducing opportunities for white people.

In America you should be hired for your skills and talents, race should NEVER matter in hiring practices!

Now everyone knows why they refuse to hand over the Hur tapes and edited the transcript.

Which also proves they know how bad Biden’s condition is, because he’s like this everyday.

They are covering up a crime, which means they are complicit.

Give us the tapes.

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The Fischer ruling from the Supreme Court today is a win for every J6 defendant, including President Trump, being wrongly prosecuted by Joe Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice!

The Supreme Court got this one right.

This week, I got to spend time with the District 14 Congressional Art Competition winner, Mackenzie, and her family at my office in Washington, DC.

There’s nothing better than having a piece of Northwest Georgia in DC!

2024/07/01 09:15:07
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