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55) RTA brought in casualty. On examination liver rupture is suspected. Which of the following investigation is to be done first?
Anonymous Quiz
a. CT
b. MRI
c. USG
d. Peritoneal lavage
55) RTA brought in casualty. On examination liver rupture is suspected. Which of the following investigation is to be done first?
•In any case of bunt abdominal trauma, first investigation to be performed is ultrasonography. •In emergency situation, USG technique used is FAST (Focussed Assessment with Sonography for Trauma). •In FAST, the radiologist, immediately performs the USG abdomen keeping in mind to assess the four major areas to see any collection of fluid due to abdominal organ rupture. •Four areas assessed in FAST: Perihepatic area, Perisplenic area, Pericardial area, Pelvis •Updated modality of FAST is eFAST (Extended FAST): Pleural areas are also assessed along with superior mediastinal area.
56) A 40-year-old intravenous drug abuser presents withVomiting, Jaundice and Right Hypochondrium pain. USG abdomen shows presence of?
USG Abdomen shows presence of starry sky pattern of the liver, diagnostic of acute viral hepatitis
58) Angiography of brain blood vessels of brain as is shown in image. Identify the artery marked with arrow?
• The shown image is angiographic image of Circle of Willis. • The artery marked with arrow is internal carotid artery. (Keywords in image: PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; ACoA, anterior communicating artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; ICA, internal carotid artery).
55) A 3 days old neonate with abdominal distention and non-passage of stool. The X-ray done shown below is called?
The image shows an invertogram which is an X-ray of neonate taken upside down with a coin placed at the anus of the child as a radiological marker. This is done to evaluate a child with anorectal malformations.
59) A 7-year-old child presented with abdominal pain, fever and jaundice. CT abdomen is below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
•Hepatic hydatid disease is a parasitic zoonosis caused by the Echinococcus tape worm. In the liver, two agents are recognised as causing disease in the human: Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis •In the human manifestation the disease caused by echinococcus is most commonly localized to liver (in 75% of cases), followed by lungs (in 5–15% of cases) and other organs in the body such as the spleen, brain, heart, and kidneys (in 10–20% of cases). •If the patient has cysts in the liver, symptoms abdominal discomfort, hepatomegaly with an abdominal mass, jaundice, fever and/or anaphylactic reaction. Radiographic features: •Plain radiograph: Shows a curvilinear or ring calcific shadow overlying the liver due to calcification of the pericyst. •Ultrasound: Multiseptate cyst with “daughter” cysts and echogenic material between cysts. •CT scan: Septation and daughter cysts may be visualised. The water-lily sign indicates a cyst with floating, undulating membrane, caused by a detached endocyst. It may also show hyperdense internal septa representing a spoke wheel pattern within a cyst. 
60) RTA brought in casualty. On examination liver rupture is suspected. Which of the following investigation is to be done first?
Anonymous Quiz
a. CT
b. MRI
c. USG
d. Peritoneal lavage
60) RTA brought in casualty. On examination liver rupture is suspected. Which of the following investigation is to be done first?
•In any case of bunt abdominal trauma, first investigation to be performed is ultrasonography. •In emergency situation, USG technique used is FAST (Focussed Assessment with Sonography for Trauma). •In FAST, the radiologist, immediately performs the USG abdomen keeping in mind to assess the four major areas to see any collection of fluid due to abdominal organ rupture. •Four areas assessed in FAST: Perihepatic area, Perisplenic area, Pericardial area, Pelvis •Updated modality of FAST is eFAST (Extended FAST): Pleural areas are also assessed along with superior mediastinal area.
62) Trans-esophageal echocardiography is better than transthoracic Echocardiography because of better evaluation of?
Anonymous Quiz
a. Diastolic dysfunction
b. Left ventricular hypertrophy
c. Systolic function
d. Left atrial appendage clots
62) Trans-esophageal echocardiography is better than transthoracic Echocardiography because of better evaluation of?
1. Internal heart structures and path of blood flow in congenital heart disease is better evaluated. 2. To evaluate the effects of surgical intervention to the heart, such as repair of congenital heart defects. 3. When T.T.E is indicated, but circumstances (i.e., pulmonary disease like emphysema) that may interfere with the ability to obtain adequate images. 4. Mitral valve disease 5. Blood clots or masses inside the heart 6. Aortic Dissection 7. Implanted prosthetic heart valves 8. To evaluate for blood clots in the heart prior to cardioversion or ablation procedures.
65) Angiography of brain blood vessels of brain as is shown in image. Identify the artery marked with arrow?
2024/10/01 13:33:18
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