Telegram Bots Share My Live Location continually updates that chat for the period you specify. Be careful about giving away too much information when using this. Enable Auto-Night Mode
Now, tap If Inactive For at the bottom of the screen and choose a preferred option like 1 week or 1 month in the popup menu. So, if you want to create different chat folders on Telegram for your use case then follow along. Open the hamburger menu and move to Settings -> Folders. Here, tap on “Create New Folder” and give a name like personal, work, fun, unread, etc. After that, add the chats that you would like to appear in this folder. Similarly, you can add the kinds of chats that you don’t want to be grouped under this folder. This way Telegram will learn your preferences. Now, the main screen will move to a tabbed UI making it easier to use and manage Telegram. How awesome is that? Self-destruct Media in Normal Chats With these features, you're ready to become an advanced Telegram user and take full advantage of the app. There are lots of little touches around the app that make it a joy to use, so you may find even more.
Is Telegram safe to use? All your normal chat media will be saved in your cloud storage. But, secret chats are not a part of the Telegram cloud. Edit and replace pictures while sending Security
Sometimes you don’t want to leave any evidence of what nonsense you are about to say. Instead of deleting chats manually, you can use self destruct messages on secret chats by setting a timer. It’s that simple. Open the chat and find the attachment button at the bottom of the chat. Then, click on Location and choose to “Share my live location” with your custom time period.
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