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The hindu by dreamers 🔥🔥👆👆
The hindu editorial by dreamers



1. 2nd Edition Of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index
📌State Topped - KERALA

2. Knight Frank's "Global House Price Index Q3 2019
📌 County Topped - HUNGRY
📌 India - 47th

3. 1ts edition Of Good Governece Index
📌Total Sectors - 10
📌State Topped Under Big States Category

4. Census In India Will be Conducted in 2021 & National Population Regular (NPR) - 16th EDITION

5. India Corruption Survey 2019
📌 RAJASTHAN - Most Corrupt State Having 78% citizens indulged in bribery

6. Germanwatch's 15th edition Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2020
📌 India - 5

7. Comparitech's List Of Invasive Use Of Biometric
📌 India - 5

8. UNDP's Human Development Report 2019
📌NORWAY - topped
📌India - 129

9. SIPRI's Top 100 Arms producing and Military Service Companies
📌Country Topped - USA

10. List Of Unvaccinated Children For Measles Report 2018 By WHO
📌 Country Topped -

11. 7th edition Of India Skills Report 2020
📌Top Ranker State -

12. Euromonitor International Top 100 City Destination 2019 -
📌Top Ranker City -
📌 Indian City - DELHI
(Over all 11th)

13. Forbes 2019 List Of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women
📌Angela Markel Topped

14. Climate Change Performance Index 2020
📌 India - 9th

15. Gram Panchayat Topped Under Mission Antyodaya Scheme 2019
(Tamilnadu - 15 Sept Antyodaya Diwas)

16. Top State In Digital States Of India -

17. Gender Gap Index 2019 By WEF
📌India - 112th
📌Top Country - ICELAND

18. Most Violent State in The Northeast Region 2018

19. Highest unemployment level of more than 20% Centre For Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
📌 Lowest - TAMILNADU

20. 2nd edition of Women, Peace and Security Index 2019
📌 Country Topped -
📌INDIA - 133rd

21. Freedom on The Net (FoTN)Report
📌 Country Topped -
ICELAND (Best Term)
CHINA (Worst Term)

22. 18 Large - Medium States as per India Justice Reports 2019
📌Topper State -
📌Loser State - UP

23. NASSCOM's Report in Indian Tech Start up Ecosystem
📌India - 3rd

24. Highest% of Decline in Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) - KANRANATKA

25. India's Position Based On Pneumonia Death -
2nd After Niger

26. Trace Bribery Risk Matrix 2019
📌India - 78th

27. Topper State in Child Deaths Due To Pneumonia - MP

28. Bureau Of Indian Standards (BIS) Water Quality Report 2019
📌Top State - MUMBAI
📌Worst - DELHI

29. State Has Highest Number of Farmer's Suicide - MAHARASHTRA

30. World Talent Rankings 2019
📌India - 59th
📌 Topped By - SWITZRLD

31. Top District In India in terms of Sanitation And Cleanliness in Swachha Surveskhan Grameen Awards 2019

32. Global Terrorism Index 2019
📌India - 7th

33. Prosperity and Inclusion City Seal And Awards (PICA) Index 2019 Top City -
📌 BENGALURU - Globally 83rd And Topped in India

34. Nomura's 2019 Food Vulnerability Index
📌India - 44th

35. WHO's study On 1st Ever Global Trends for adolescents insufficient physical activity
📌India - 8
📌 Bangladesh - Top

36. The State that recorded highest prevalence of acute respiratory infection (ARIs) - BIHAR

37. QS World University Rankings Asia 2020
📌34th - IIT BOMBAY (topped In India)

38. 2019 Global Diplomacy Index as per the Sydney ( Australia) Based Lowy Institute
📌India - 12th

39. 5th edition of Swachh Surveskhan League 2020(Q1+Q2)
📌INDORE topped >10 lac

40. State With The highest number of fire alerts at 2,795 - MIZORUM topped

41. Forbes' India prestigious list of 20 people
📌 Kanhaiya Kumar - 12
📌 Prashant Kumar - 16

42. Fastest Growing Cities in the World as per Economist Intelligence Unit Top Ranker City
📌MALAPPURAM (KERALA) 3 are from kerala out of top 10

43. Henley & Partners Passport Index 2020
📌 India - 84th
📌 Japan - Topped
By dreamers.
The hindu by dreamers
The hindu by dreamers

🐿🐿DATE : 04.02.2020

🔰 Ostensibly ( adv ) - जाहिर तौर पर
🔹To all intents and purposes // To all appearance // Seemingly //Apparently // Allegedly

🔰 Viability ( N ) - व्यवहार्यता
🔹Liveliness // lifeblood // Impulse // Energy // Enthusiasm // Growth // Heart // Brio

🔰 Augment ( V ) - बढ़ाना
🔹Increase // Amplify // Magnify // Raise // Elongate

🔰 Envisage ( V ) - परिकल्पना करना
🔹Imagine // Conceive // Visualise // Dream

🔰 Concessionaire ( N ) - रियायत / छूट देने वाला
🔹Discounter // Distributer // Seller // Vendor // Merchant

🔰 Gestational ( N ) - गर्भावधि
🔹The process or period of developing inside the womb between conception and birth.

🔰 Surplus ( N ) - अतिरिक्त
🔹Additional // Extra // Extras // Moreover // Adscititious

🔰 Peg ( N ) - कील
🔹Nail // Spike // Wedge // Tack // Cleat

🔰 Shrill ( adj ) - तीखी
🔹High-pitched // Sharp // Ear-piercing // Air rending // Loud

🔰 Exclusionary ( adj ) - अपवर्जनात्मक
🔹Rejection // Ejection // Expulsion // Exception // Debarment // Excommunication

🔰 Periphery ( N ) - परिधि
🔹Circumference // Scope // Paridhi // Ambit // Epicycle

🔰 Glimmer ( N ) - किरण
🔹keratoma // gleam // Kiran // actino

🔰 Expropriation ( N ) - जब्त
🔹Estrangement // Seizure // Forfeiture // Attachment // Confiscation // Distraint

🔰 Pauperization ( N ) - दरिद्र हो जाना
🔹 The act of making someone poor

🔰 Respite ( N ) - मोहलत
🔹Deferment // Prolongation // Breather // Respite // Leisure // prorogation.
2024/09/22 19:16:44
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