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While you can receive/send files irrespective of their type and size, you can disable automatic media download and auto-play media to save mobile data. This way, you can also avoid downloading unnecessarily large files. Telegram Night Mode Schedule Clear Telegram Cache and Local Database

You’ll have to be especially concerned with privacy to want to do this — it means you’ll never have a chat log — nonetheless, it’s a nice option that Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat don’t have. Share Live Location 1b Keep reading to learn what Telegram does, what its main features are, and why you might consider using it. You can also download the app right away at the link below. Digital Stickers allow you to express yourself better and in a more fun way. Since they are bigger, more detailed, and frequency animated, they make up for the expressiveness and gesture that can get lost in text conversations.

If you’ve already downloaded the app, here are some cool tricks that will help you use Telegram more efficiently. We’ve described the features and how to use them. While instructions are specific to Android devices, you can follow them on iOS devices too. Telegram allows you to customise your app interface to your liking. To achieve that, users can choose from a number of themes and colour combinations in the app. These will change elements like the colours of chat backgrounds and messages too. Settings in Telegram You can surely delete messages that you have sent, but did you know that Telegram has brought a new feature that lets you delete messages sent by other users too. That’s kind of weird, but this feature is for users who prioritize privacy over everything. To use this feature, just select the received message and tap on the “delete” button. Now, select “Also delete for X” and tap on “Delete”. The message will disappear from both ends without leaving any trace.

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