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Mute Specific Telegram Chats How often have you sent a message to a colleague or friend and then realized it is filled with typos? With Telegram, you can quickly make it right with its edit feature. Everyone (default one: Allow everyone to view your profile.

The platform offers three kinds of polls: Share My Live Location continually updates that chat for the period you specify. Be careful about giving away too much information when using this. Stop Being Added to Random Groups What does 5G mean for iPhone users in India?

Telegram offers you to create and use your own custom theme with whatever colors you want. Also, it offers many ways to customize it the way you want it to. There is nothing to pay for anything. Everything is FREE and you can create your own personalized theme with your favorite colors. Join Requests for Public Groups Telegram also includes useful security options in this menu, which differ in name slightly on Android and iPhone. Use Passcode Lock to keep people from reading your chats. You can review all Active Sessions and terminate any logins that you no longer use. Chat Folders is one of the best Telegram tricks that you should know and utilize to your maximum advantage. We follow so many channels and groups on Telegram of different kinds, not to mention the individual chats that go into the mix. Having all these chats in one panel makes things much harder to declutter and make sense of. So to solve this issue, Telegram has brought something called “Chat Folders”. This allows you to categorize your chats into different labels and Telegram sort things out for you. As a result, Telegram gets super clean and much easier to manage. I love it!

Open Telegram chat Tap your profile picture here to see everything you've uploaded in the past. You can scroll across them; tap the Set as Main Photo option that appears on the top-right menu (as three dots on Android or Edit on iPhone) to set an older image as your current profile picture.

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