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It is no coincidence the origin of the Caucasian people (White race), finds itself precisely at the Garden of Eden.
"Christianity made Greeks and Romans weak!"

Okay bro. Go back to worshipping shit and piss.
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Sure enough.

It's not from "The Eternal Jew", it's from the jewish created US War film.

I was so upset when I saw it in "Der ewige Jude", thinking that's how the German's felt. I was fooled all along.

See for yourself:
Media is too big
Pagans chugging cum to replenish their feminine magic... like Odin did.
Q-anon is a pagan religion.
ᴾᴮ You commonly see pagans wave this image or short clip around as proof that Nazi Germans were anti-christian.

Would it be interesting to discover that this film was actually produced by the US government as anti-German propaganda to convince US soldiers to fight the Germans?

Not only that, but the screenplay for the film itself was written by Jews, Julius J. Epstein and Philip G. Epstein.

The US propaganda this comes from is [Why We Fight: Prelude to War (1942)].
Which was created as a response to [Triumph of the Will (1935)].
Triumph of the Will is a Reich film commissioned by Adolf Hitler who also served as an unofficial executive producer.

What is interesting is Triumph of the Will puts Christianity in a very positive light among Nazi Germany.

So it is odd that pagans would side with a US propaganda film written by Jews; created to attack Hitler and the German nation; over a film created by Hitler himself.
2024/09/28 17:18:35
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