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Hopefully, I have listed enough Telegram features to help you understand why the Telegram app is so popular and secure. Telegram Attachment Options Custom Theme Your Telegram 2b

Is Telegram safe to use? Sometimes you don’t want to leave any evidence of what nonsense you are about to say. Instead of deleting chats manually, you can use self destruct messages on secret chats by setting a timer. Premium Voice-to-Text Telegram comes with some customization options absent from many of its competitors where you can choose the dominant app color, how the app opens links, whether or not the UI shows animations, and more. There is also chatbot integration where you can make use of bots to improve the experience. You can even create your own themes, bots, and full apps using the Telegram API. Over the years, Telegram has built up an extensive bot ecosystem that adds even more functionality to the app.

Pin Messages in Channels Since an update in 2019, Telegram has allowed users to delete messages sent by other users, across all devices. It’s a somewhat divisive feature. Having your messages deleted by someone else doesn’t feel very good. But if your conversation is between you and a person you trust, it’s another handy way to control your online communications. Additionally, subscribers can enable a setting in Privacy and Security to automatically archive and mute new chats, helping organize even the busiest chat lists. Quick GIF and YouTube Search

To make such a group or find people near you, swipe right on the homepage, tap on “Contacts”, and then tap on “Find People Nearby”. You will see a list of nearby people and groups sorted by distance. Read also: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs Signal: Which messaging app should you use?


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