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የኮሮና ቫይረስ (COVID-19) ስርጭትን ለመከላከል የኢትዮጲያ እስልምና
ጉዳዮች ጠቅላይ ምክር ቤት በሃገር አቀፍ ሚዲያዎች የሚያስተላልፋቸው
ትምህርቶች እንደቀጠሉ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ዛሬ (ሰኞ) ምሽት ከ3፡00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ
በፋና ቴሌቪዥን (FANA TV) በሸይኽ ጣሃ ሙሐመድ ሃሩን እና በሸይኽ
ኑረዲን ደሊል የሚተላለፈውን ትምህርት ትከታተሉ ዘንድ እንጋብዛለን፡፡
ይህን መልዕክት ለወዳጆችዎ ያጋሩ!
የሀገር ውስጥ እና የአለም ፈጣን መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ይህን የtelegram ገፅ ይቀላቀሉ፡፡
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የውድድሩ ጊዜ ተጠናቋል የተጠየቁ ጥያቄወች ከነ መልሶቻቸው 😉💥🏵🏵🏵 ?

1ኛ የአላህ አንበሳ ተብሎ ሚጠራ ሰሀባ ማነው ?

2ኛ አላህን ያናገረው ነቢይ ማነው? ?

3ኛ ቂብላ ወደ መካ የዞረው በስንተኛ ሂጅራ ነበር? ?

4ኛ የነቢዩ ሰአ ዘይነብ ልጅን ማነው ያገባት? ?

5ኛ መጀመሪያ አዲስ አበባ የተገነባው መስጊድ ማነው ?

6ኛ ከረሱል ሰአወ ባለቤቶች መጨረሻ የሞተችው ማናት? ?

7ኛ ሁሰይን ቢን አሊይ በምን ለየት ባለስሙ ይታወቃል ??

8ኛ የአቡ ጀህል ትክከለኛ ስሙ ማን ያባላል

9ኛ በአሜሪካ የመጀመሪያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ምን ይባላል?

10 ረሱል ሰአወ ኸዲጃ ያገቡ ጊዜ ማን ነበር ኹጥባ ያደረገው

መልሶቹ 😕🍃🌿

1ኛ ሃምዛ

2ኛ ሙሳ ( አደምም ረሱልም ያላችሁ ትክክል ናችሁ ) ነጥብ አልቀነስንም

3ኛ ሂጅራ በሁለተኛው

4ኛ አበልአስ ቢን ረቢአ

5ኛ አዋሬ መስጂድ ( ወሌ) ሙሀመድ

6ኛ አሙ ሰለማ

7ኛ ዘይነልአቢዲን

8ኛ አምር ቢን ሂሻም

9ኛ ሀርቫድ ዩኒቨርስቲ

10ኛ አቡ ጣሊብ

የጥያቄ እና የመልሶቹ አሸናፊ 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

1ኛ አቡ ሙጃሂድ ከአንፎ 🏆🏆
መብሩክ 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

2ኛ 🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈ሰሚር ከአዳማ 🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈

3ና 🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉 ሳቢት ኸሊፋ ከገቺ 🥉🥉😍🥉🥉🥉

አሪፍ ውጤት ያመጡ ተሳታፊወቻችን 👇👇

ኢልሃም አህመድ 10/9
አሚር ከአየር ጤና 10/9
Medi fkr 10/8
sabir a.rehman 10/8
ሀይደር ሙስጠፋ 10/8
ኡመር ሁሴን 10/7
Ekram shukri 10/7
አህላም ከ 6ኪሎ 10/8
አሚር ሙደሲር 10/7

ስለተሳተፋችሁ እናመሰግናለን እሮብ በድጋሚ አለን ከነገወዲያ ለማንኛው አስተያየት ( @bchegha)

በቁርአን ጥላ ስር
Subhanellah you guys really have to see this video perhaps it will be turning point for all of us inshallah 🙏🙏
🍇🍇 #ረመዳን 🍇🍇

አልሃምዱሊላሂ ደረስን ዋዜማ
አላሁመ ኢና
ነስዓሉከ ረቢ ረመዳን በሊግና

ረመዳን ሊመጣ ደርሰን ከዋዜማ
ሰማይ ምድሩ ፈካ በገጠር ከተማ
የአላህ ለመጪው አድርሰን ያላችሁ
ሙዕሚኑ በሙሉ እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ።

የረመዳን ነዕማ አላሁ ሲናገር
ጀዛውን ከፋዩ እኔው ነኝ በሚስጥር
የኢባዳ ቁንጮ አላህ ያደረገው
እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ ረመዳን ብቻ ነው።

ለሱናው እንደ ፈርድ የሚያስገኘው ምንዳ
ይኸው ዞሮ ገባ ታላቁ እንግዳ።

ታላቁ እንግዳ ከእኛ ሚፈልገው
ምግብ ብቻ ሳይሆን የጠራ ቀልብ ነው።

የረመዳን ኒዕማ ሁሉን ያዳረሰ
ይኸው ደግሞ መጣ እየገሰገሰ።

ነሀራ ሸምሱ……

ግጥሜን ከወደዳችሁት ላይክ አድርጉልኝ
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Hey freinds🤗 ... It's yasmina✌️
mind storming🤔
- what's hope ?
- coherence of hope with life ?🤔
- virtuality of hope 😌
- consequences when losing hope? 😳
Universal truth
"There is no one who had perfect life, and no one who had worst life."
Hope is the magical formula to heal up your wounded part😱.
It's kind of vitamin you take it to rise up to the point you want .No matter ! how far it looks like, but how well your achieving matters .
A person with hope never give up on the dream he/she had. and never cease struggling for their beliefs. There are alot of people's around the world who had lost their hope. and everything they see doesn't enjoy them at all. they are in extreme depression😔 the main reason behind is peer pressure meaning the treatment that your friend is giving you .
Is your friend putting a fuel on your wound ?
😳or is your freind helping you to fix your heart ?
It's useful to know the kind of freind you have.
This life is like a long journey you may get alot of stucks and be weary 😇of it till you reach your destination. actually, these stucks are casual, like they are not gonna have appointment's to appear 😞. So, it's essential to build up yourself beforehand .
Some people used to be harsh for themselves, by not giving the respect that they deserve. Such people give lower sight for themselves and it may be the cause to be hopeless😳.
All problems do have solutions, but all people doesn't get the solution. Coz, they think that it's all dark as a result, they lose hope to find out solutions. but, they are incorrect! it's never all dark.
This happen with most people when we face problem we become blind, to see the blessings around us. lets break this habbit from now on.
When the sun sets of the stars🌟 takes place to brighten up the world .
advice 😌
- believe that pain ends and the better day is not far.😊
- don't be horrid to fit challenges .👊
- think and get ingenious way of passing through life barriers.😎
- perish your fear of fail.😇
- don't fragile with people words .😄
- surround yourself with people that give you hope.☺️
To trap up , hope is the gun to fire the ghost👻 inside us.😜 and it's invisible medicine to cure heart breaks. A person who never lose hope, will never be down, will always rise and shine 😉
Hope is an abbreviation of hold :on:pain:ends 😂
So, guys never forget that pain ends perhaps it's kinda stormy now but, trust me ! tomorrow will be better day. ☺️ May Allah protect us from being hopeless ...... Amminnn🙏
አሰላሙበአለይኩም ዛሬ ጥያቄ እና መልስ አለ ብለን ነበር እና ከይቅርታ ጋር ለነገ መዘዋወሩን እንገልፃለን ነገ 2 30 ላይ ይኖረናል ዩቱብ ያላስተካከለ ያስተካክል ቻናሉንም ሰብስክራይብ አድርጉት መልካም አዳር @ONLYFORTRUTHERSJ
ያቅሞትን በማድረግ ለየቲም ምስኪን ቤተሰቦች ሀላፊነቶን ይወጡ

What damn thing does make us feel fullfilled and make us be relaxed than giving.
Our prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) Said " The one who takes care of the orphans is with me in the paradise like this " so, freinds what's so worth than being neighbor of the prophet Mohammed ( ) .
Ummi Charity And Supportive Institute . Is now working to promote orphans well being for the blessed month(Ramadan). We don't have to lower the amount we are giving coz, Allah(s.w) Will not degrade it. Let's give to have guarantee for jannah. No more time. Don't ever say tomorrow for donation it's now the right time to give. You can help either by money or by donating food stuffs.
Let's not lose this golden opportunity .
You can call us at
0980482001 or 0926688698
5ኛ ዙር ጥያቄ እና መልስ ለቀናል እስከ ነገ ጠዋት 3 ሰአት ሞክሩ አሸናፊውን ነገ በዚህ ሰአት እናሳውቃለን 🥇🥇 መልካም እድል

Watch "5ኛ ዙር የ 500 mb ጥያቄ እና መልስ ይመልሱ ይሸለሙ መልሶቻችሁን)( @bchegha) telegram ላይ ይላኩልን" on YouTube
2024/09/30 12:26:34
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