Just press and hold on the message you want to change and then tap the “edit” button. From there, you can modify the message and resend it. Telegram will put an “edited” label on the message to let recipients know of the update. Telegram Schedule Options Telegram Sending Options
Telegram is a great all-around messenger, especially when you start using its best features and know everything it's capable of. Set Reminders Enable Auto-Night Mode 2b Telegram Messenger Tricks Auto-Night Mode
Plus, if you’re using the “secret chats” feature, you’re getting the same level of end-to-end encryption. On top of this, users can’t forward or screenshot messages in secret chats, and messages can be programmed to self-destruct. Deleting a message also deletes it for everyone on the service, and users have the option to delete not just their own messages, but other users’ messages, too. It’s also worth mentioning that all chats are encrypted, even if not end-to-end encrypted. Premium subscribers are able to download media and files at the fastest possible speed. You can access everything in your unlimited cloud storage as fast as your network can keep up. If you want to send big files, Telegram has much of the competition beat with support for up to 2GB files. Meanwhile, WhatsApp’s limit is a measly 100MB, WeChat’s limit is also 100MB, and Skype’s limit is 300MB. Telegram files are also stored in the cloud, so you can access them from other devices. Create Timestamp for Videos
Custom Theme Your Telegram 4b Chat Folders
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