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ഒറ്റക്ക് ഇറങ്ങി തിരിച്ചു സാമ്രാജ്യം കെട്ടിപടുക്കാൻ ഇറങ്ങി പുറപ്പെട്ട സിംഹകുട്ടികളെ കണ്ടിട്ട് ഉണ്ടോ ദേ ഇതാണ് ആ ഇനം 🫵🫵🫵🫵
ഇന്ന് തമിഴ്നാടിന്റെ മൊത്തം രാഷ്ട്രീയ അന്തരീക്ഷത്തെ നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്നത് ദേ ഈ നടക്കുന്ന 39 കാരണാണ്...

എന്താലേ 🫵🏼🔥💪🏻‌‌

Translation: ml-en

Have you ever seen lion cubs who came down alone and came back to build an empire?

The entire political atmosphere of Tamil Nadu today is controlled by these 39 reasons...

What 🫵🏼🔥💪🏻‌‌

Translation by Plus messenger
Any corrections may be considered as bot error.

Thank you
Ram is your soul

Sita is your heart

Ravan is your mind that steals your heart from your soul

Lakshman is your consciousness, always with you and act on your behalf

Hanuman is your intuition and courage that helps retrieve your heart to re-animate your soul

That's Ramanaya

That is why Ram is always with you as you are living with Ramayana with all these as states of your being...super read between lines and deep meaning.

Most people believe that Ramayan is all about love and commitment between Shri Ram and Maa Sita

I see it from a different view. Shri Ram was Yuvraj and it was his duty to bring back Maa Sita from Lanka safely. Shri Ram performed his "Raj Dharma" and hence on his return back to Ayodhya he was called Maryada Puroshtam Shri Ram

Atal Ji also told Modi ji to follow "Raj Dharma"...... think about it
R S S ... राष्ट्र प्रथम
निःस्वार्थ राष्ट्रभक्ति, अनुशासन के माध्यम से चरित्र प्रशिक्षण, राहत व पुनर्वास, दादरा, नगर हवेली, गोवा का वि-उपनिवेशीकरण, आपातकाल के विरुद्ध आन्दोलन, धारा 370 निर्मूलन..
हर भारतीय के साथ हर समय खड़े रहनेवाले विश्व के सबसे बड़े स्वयंसेवी संस्थान को स्थापना दिवस पर नमन

संघ किसी भी मज़हब का विरोधी नही है...

संघ केवल कलाम और कसाब में अंतर बताता है तथा जेहाद और सौहार्द की भावना को परिभाषित करता है

संघ स्थापना दिवस 🚩🇮🇳
Today take a pledge to burn this for a better Bharat
What is this? STOMACH

Be it me, Ambani, Tata, Soros, Adani, Gandhi, a roadside vendor, a poor man, Jlhadi, Rohingya, or an illegal Bangladeshi everyone works to feed the stomach

This is the root place where we can hit hard without abusing anyone

Congress and INDI serve only to feed the stomachs of their vote bank Jlhadi, Rohingya, and illegal Bangladeshi. If we hit these stomachs, we win and Congress INDI finished

Take a pledge that this festive season and the rest of the year we will not help feed these stomach

जुबान को कष्ट ना दो, पेट पे लात मारो

Make 108 as a practice and not abuse anyone

Jai Hind
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First time in the history of Kashmir after 1920,

Ravan Dahan' being performed in Srinagar, on the occasion of Dussehra .
Media is too big
Israel calls for the "total destruction" of Hamas at the UN.

In addition, Israeli foreign minister cancels his meeting with the UN secretary general planned for later today in New York in protest of Guterres' claim that Hamas' October 7th attack "didn't take place in a vacuum."

Israel's ambassador to the UN calls on the UN secretary general Antonio Guterres to resign over his comments that Hamas's attacks did not happen in a vacuum.
रामायण में भोग नहीं त्याग है।

भरत जी तो नंदिग्राम में रहते हैं, शत्रुघ्न जी उनके आदेश से राज्य संचालन करते हैं

एक एक दिन रात करते करते, भगवान को वनवास हुए तेरह वर्ष बीत गए ।

एक रात की बात हैं, माता कौशिल्या जी को सोते में अपने महल की छत पर किसी के चलने की आहट सुनाई दी । नींद खुल गई । पूछा कौन हैं ?

मालूम पड़ा श्रुतिकीर्ति जी हैं । नीचे बुलाया गया ।

श्रुतिकीर्ति जी, जो सबसे छोटी हैं, आईं, चरणों में प्रणाम कर खड़ी रह गईं ।

माता कौशिल्या जी ने पूछा, श्रुति ! इतनी रात को अकेली छत पर क्या कर रही हो बिटिया ? क्या नींद नहीं आ रही ? शत्रुघ्न कहाँ है ?

श्रुतिकीर्ति की आँखें भर आईं, माँ की छाती से चिपटी, गोद में सिमट गईं, बोलीं, माँ उन्हें तो देखे हुए तेरह वर्ष हो गए ।

उफ ! कौशल्या जी का कलेजा काँप गया ।

तुरंत आवाज लगी, सेवक दौड़े आए । आधी रात ही पालकी तैयार हुई, आज शत्रुघ्न जी की खोज होगी, माँ चली ।

आपको मालूम है शत्रुघ्न जी कहाँ मिले ?

अयोध्या जी के जिस दरवाजे के बाहर भरत जी नंदिग्राम में तपस्वी होकर रहते हैं, उसी दरवाजे के भीतर एक पत्थर की शिला हैं, उसी शिला पर, अपनी बाँह का तकिया बनाकर लेटे मिले।

माँ सिराहने बैठ गईं, बालों में हाथ फिराया तो शत्रुघ्न जी ने आँखें खोलीं, माँ!

उठे, चरणों में गिरे, माँ ! आपने क्यों कष्ट किया ? मुझे बुलवा लिया होता।

माँ ने कहा, शत्रुघ्न ! यहाँ क्यों ?"

शत्रुघ्न जी की रुलाई फूट पड़ी, बोले- माँ ! भैय्या राम जी पिताजी की आज्ञा से वन चले गए, भैय्या लक्ष्मण जी उनके पीछे चले गए, भैय्या भरत जी भी नंदिग्राम में हैं, क्या ये महल, ये रथ, ये राजसी वस्त्र, विधाता ने मेरे ही लिए बनाए हैं ?

माता कौशल्या जी निरुत्तर रह गईं ।

देखो यह रामकथा हैं...

यह भोग की नहीं त्याग की कथा हैं, यहाँ त्याग की प्रतियोगिता चल रही हैं और सभी प्रथम हैं, कोई पीछे नहीं रहा।

चारो भाइयों का प्रेम और त्याग एक दूसरे के प्रति अद्भुत-अभिनव और अलौकिक हैं ।

LEADERSHIP में भोग नहीं त्याग है।

जय सियाराम

रामायण जीवन जीने की सबसे उत्तम शिक्षा देती हैं।
रामायण को पढ़ो मत, समझो

जय जय श्रीराम
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ये गरीब जरूर है मगर लालची नहीं। इनको भी पता है की देश के लिए कौन सही है । चमचों की तरह फ्री राशन पानी मे बिकने वाले गुलाम नहीं है ।👍
एक गाँव में एक बूढ़ी अम्मा के घर बिल्ली ने बच्चे दिए। बच्चे जन्म लेते ही बोलने लगे...

काँग्रेस जीतेगी.......
काँग्रेस जीतेगी ..... !!

यह आश्चर्यजनक घटना पहले सारे गाँव, फिर सारे जिले और फिर सारे प्रदेश में फैल गई.....!!!

10-12 दिन बाद कांग्रेस का एक प्रतिनिधिमंडल उस गाँव में यह जानने आया कि, घटना सही है अथवा गलत...!!?

बूढ़ी अम्मा के घर जाकर प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने बिल्ली के बच्चे दिखाने को कहा।
बूढ़ी अम्मा ने झोपड़ी के भीतर से बिल्ली के बच्चे लाकर आँगन में उनके सामने रख दिए।

बच्चे चिल्ला रहे थे,

भाजपा जीतेगी.......,
भाजपा जीतेगी......,

कांग्रेस के जनप्रतिनिधियों ने बूढ़ी अम्मा से कहा : "सारे प्रदेश में इन बच्चों की यह चर्चा है कि, पैदा होने के बाद से ही ये कांग्रेस जीतेगी' के नारे लगा रहे हैं। लेकिन अभी तो ये 'भाजपा जीतेगी' के नारे लगा रहे हैं। यह क्या साजिश है?"

बूढ़ी अम्मा हाथ जोड़कर बोली : "बेटा कोई साजिश नही है, बात यह है कि उस समय इनकी आँखे नहीं खुली थी। अब इनकी आँखें पूरी तरह खुल चुकी हैं.....!!!"

म्याऊ, म्याऊ.....🐱🐱🐱
A few days back Congress leader Jairam Ramesh was Calling Award to Geeta Press as a rewarding Godse and called it travesty

Now their 'Sonia Mata' is posing with the same Geeta Press' Ramcharitmanas

Congressis are the most confused species in India 😂
Please listen
Please share with everyone.

What khangress did for a Hindu?
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Must watch.
Why Congress always take decisions which are anti Hindu and anti National?
Forwarded from News Exclusive
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तारीख है 22 जनवरी 2024

मंदिर वहीं बना रहे हैं। जय जय श्रीराम 🙏
Not too many people are aware that in February 1993, Narendra Modi ji travelled from village to village for months together to gather signatures in support of building the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. 10 crore signatures were gathered and he played a key role in the signature campaign organised at that time.

Not only did he play a vital role in the Ram Janmabhoomi movement in his then home state, Gujarat, he was also the organiser of Advani ji’s countrywide rath yatra in September 1990.

Ramjanmabhoomi movement was a long and difficult movement and he was actively involved all along!

What a moment it must have been for respected narendra modi ji today, to see the blood, sweat & tears of countless karsevaks finally bearing fruit.

While your Virat Hindu only made you fool by going to court and misleading Hindus. The Court were only successful in judgement when he was thrown out of case

Jai Jai Shree Ram!!
Harvard University graduate and the only economist ever born in India says that Narendra Modi doesn't know any Economics and is a disaster

Let us understand this with an example with facts

Pre 2014

Before Modi ji took over as PM, the unbanked population in India was more than 58 Cr. Most people even with banks use to do business in cash.

Take an example of a chai wala

A Chai wala sells 200 cups of tea everyday costing Rs 10 per cup. His daily revenue was 2000 cash, monthly 60000, and annual 7.2 Lacs

He keeps this cash at home, buy raw materials with cash, and full stop. His cash was only used to make his living not improve. He has zero bank support

Post 2014

Modi ji opened the Jan Dhan Account as his first attempt at financial inclusion of the neglected population. Today more than 55 Cr people have Jan Dhan account

The next he brought in DeMo. Almost 90% of black cash business was wiped out which was not just killing the bank but even the poor was not getting any benefit from growing GDP

The next what he did was a gem of planning and a detailed part of blue print. With Jio he forced every internet provider to reduce data rates from Rs 250/GB to just under Rs 5/GB

Next, he brought in UPI which was a complete data drive product. Its implementation was somewhat forced but it was the best decision in favor of the poor. You know how the UPA Finance Minister and opposition laughed at it

As time passed, the UPI penetrated deep up to last man in line. Today you can even pay Rs 1 via UPI

The impact it had on the poor and Chai Wala as an example is that now he collects revenue from his business via a QR code which goes directly into his account. His banking activity increased like never before and the bank is happy with his Money he is now on the credit score scale in green

Now since he is banking and his score is green, its time for the bank to step in and offer a loan. For a 7.2L annual revenue, the bank is ready to give him an approved Loan of 5 to 10L

In place of private lenders, he now gets loans from the bank at a very attractive rate which helps him expand his business

Now more business, more revenue, More banking, more availability of money, and more income. The cycle which was not moving for the last 70 years started rotating. Now this Chaiwala is part of GDP and can enjoy the fruits of a growing economy

Now Chaiwala get the opportunity to expand, no fear of robbing, clean business, Govt get tax, Mobile operator get better revenue,

This is the reason why India's projection is top in the world when most developed nations are witnessing a recession

This is Kautilya Arthashastra, firing up the bonfire from bottom of the Pyramid and hence Sanatan economies

Now honestly tell me who is better educated on the economy.

Swamy or Modi

Remember, it's not the degree that matters, it's the ground understanding, and needless to say, Swamy has zero knowledge of ground facts along with his students. He is just a Harvard bubble

LEADER don't amplify problem, they define it
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PM Modi did not waste any time in terming the Hamas attack as a terrorist attack. This is the right time when India declares Hamas as a terrorist organization. We have made such a request although this is not the first time: Israel's Ambassador to India
Bharat has registered its highest ever medal tally in Para Athletics Asian Games 2023 in just 2 days.

India's Asian Para Games 2023 medal tally is 64 medals - 15 gold, 20 silver and 29 bronze.
2024/10/01 09:40:53
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