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Channel created
You can search for the game you need.
Using phone? tap the channels name, search option pops !
❇️All the accounts I give you have owners. And you are using it's sharing option along with the owner. You are the primary user.

❇️The account I give you without a warranty could work 1 week OR +3 years. And I can't control or guarantee the period you have it.

❇️My guarantee time is 10 minutes. I mean that I will give you the account, help you through the process and make sure everything is fine, then leave.
So if you leave or don't respond, and the account somehow gets lost, it's your fault, no replacements. (which almost never happens)

❇️The owner can kick you out anytime!
There is no replacement if you lose it.
So please don't buy if you don't want to take any risks.
(Notice that less than %5 of my customers lose their accounts in less than 1 month)
How to Purchase?
just check the channel, and forward the bundles you like, to me.
❗️Do not buy if you can't login within 10 mins.
❗️Do not log-in on PC
❗️I always send the account as "deactivated", so just log-in on your PS4.

❇️ These accounts are safe and sound, I create them and have ownership.
They won't get locked ever and, any issue will be fixed.
You can NOT change the password because 2 of our customers use each account (1xPS4 1xPS5).
Price for these games are %50-%60 cheaper than SonyStore.
How to purchase games with warranty?
Just tell me what games you need, I check my stock.
❗️Warranty is for 1-year(works permanently)
❗️-Never log into my accounts again later.
❗️-DO NOT delete my user or games
❗️-Just keep my account on your PS for the licenses. Untouched

read and follow EXACTLY!
If you follow the steps, no harm will come to the games!

⛔️Do the steps while you're on your own account, you MUST NOT be switched on my account!
⛔️Make sure your own account is primary, restored license before you do the steps)
⛔️Delete any demo, trial or disk of the games you want from my account, then use my account.
1. On PS4/your own account, go to Settings>Account Management. and Activate as primary, then restore license.
2. On PS4/your own account, go to Settings>Login settings>User management>Create user.
3. Use the Email:pass I give you, type-in and login.
4. After that, hit "OK" or choose "change to this ps4" so login is finished
5. Now hold the PS button on your controller, restart your PS4 & load your own profile (don't go into my account!!).
6. go to Settings>Network>Test internet connection.
7. Inform me and I add the games for you.

Some customers ignore safety rules and kill the account!
Don't be that guy!

safety rules:

❗️-Don't game-share your main account, and also the accounts you buy from me, with anyone else!
If you game-share, other accounts licenses get lost. and you lose the games bought from me.

❗️-Do not switch on the accounts you buy from me!
If there is any problem, just tell me and I'll check.

❗️-Never log into my accounts again later.
❗️-Never delete my user from your PS unless you don't need it's games anymore.
❗️-Just keep my account on your PS4 for the licenses. DON'T TOUCH IT.
❗️You might not be able to switch on my account again later. So just keep the games on your notifications and download them when ever you like.

it's an account
You will log-in once, activate as primary. Then you can play online on your own account.
PS Plus with warranty is always available.
1-year With warranty :
PS plus Essential —-—€15
PS plus Extra —-——--€25
PS plus Premium—-—€35

1. On PS4/your own account, go to Settings>Login settings>User management>Create user.
2. Use the Email:password I give you, type-in and log-in.
3. After that, hit "OK" or choose "change to this ps4".
4. Then go to settings>network and start a "Test Internet Connection".
5. Start an online game on your own account and test if you can play online.

1️⃣-Is your service any risk to me or my PS
❗️Nope, %0 chance. no risks at all. Sharing is an option given by PlayStation and we use it, nothing special.

2️⃣-How many account I can have on my PS4?
❗️You can have 16 primary accounts on your PS4.

3️⃣what payment options do I have?
❗️We accept Paypal. any crypto

4️⃣-What if my games get locked?
❗️If your game get locked, you need to buy another one with the same region you've bought before, in order to unlock your game. And everything works again. Otherwise you have to redownload the game and you lose the saves.

5️⃣What is the meaning of Region 1,2,3?
❗️"Region" is only for extra languages. Don't worry they all have English as default, and they all work on your PS. No matter where are you from.
English, French, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

depending on the country
of the account.
only 🇪🇸 & 🇮🇹 accounts have these languages surly. other EU accounts might not include 🇮🇹 & 🇪🇸 for all the games!
If you need specific language, Ask me before buying.

6️⃣deluxe, definite, gold editions, what about those?
❗️Well, many games don't have the ability to share DLCs and extra stuff. SO I can only warranty that the base game itself will work.
But feel free to ask me which games share DLC, I already know most of them.

7️⃣Can I play online?
Yes, any account you buy from me, you will be primary user and you can play online.

8️⃣Can I play PS4 games on PS5 or vice versa?
Yes, PS4 games are playable on PS5, mostly
Welcome to the MoPSN-Accounts.

Here you can find everything about the service.
All the accounts have both "Primary & Secondary".
You will be "Primary user", and play everything on your own account.
This service has been active since 2017. You can check out my @MoPSNvouches to see the trust between us.
We are online everyday, and responsive.

You always have after-sale support
will be with you through the process if you are new to this.

Terms for accounts without warranty:

for accounts including warranty:

Instructions for Log-in:

Account with only PS Plus:

Frequently Asked Questions:
2024/09/26 04:48:35
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