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المناقشة وما أدراك ما المناقشة 😂
اليوم العالمي للقشرة

شاركونا كنتو لابسين شنو وجهزتو اللبسة من متين 🤣🔥
اعتماد شركة ميدستات للاستشارات رسميا لدى إدارة التسجيلات التجارية بوزارة العدل 🥳

We look forward to create a thriving community of researchers in the medical field 💡

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My name is Manasik Mamoun I am a fifth year medical student studying at Neelain University. I am 21 and I love reading. I have heard about Medstat from Facebook there was a give away and my friend wanted it so I helped her rallying up likes😂. While doing so I went through their page and realised that it is a Sudanese company 😍 started by people who are about my age, it made me really proud 😂. So when I saw the application form for ambassadors I thought of it as chance to be part of this effort to advocate research in Sudan.
I have never heard anyone saying that statistics is their favourite subject 😂 math is genuinely a pain for most people. Students go to medical schools expecting disease and treatment and they find that's a really small part of the story😂😂😂😂😂
Statistics course in specific is given in a hurry and out of context. I think that's partly the reason of indifference.
During the period I worked with Medstat I realised, and for the first time in my life, that people don't see the importance of research! They don't understand why they in specific should conduct it, for most students it is seen as a burden, an extra homework they are forced to do to graduate. As known well the aim of research is to answer a question or acquire knowledge, this alone is a trophy for me. I love learning hehe. But speaking in more general terms, research is the most trusted source of information, EVIDENCE! In order to treat or prevent a disease, aka the most basic definition of medical or paramedical job, you need research!
Are you testing a new treatment? Planning or implementing policies? comparing current protocols? or trying to discover trends? You need research!
You want to travel outside Sudan and have an advantage over other peers applying for the same position? You need research!
The current promotion guidelines depends on the number of research you conduct 😂 so even if you are planning to take an academical line, you need RESEARCH!
I can't emphasis the importance of research enough today, everywhere you look nothing is taken lightly. Evidence based medicine is the direction, if we want to keep up 😂 you need research!

#MedStatAmbassadors #MedStat

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د.الطيب قريب الله(المدير التنفيذي لشركة ميدستات البحثية) يلتقيكم اليوم في تمام الرابعة عصرا في قناة السودان عبر برنامج ساعة شباب..تابعونا😍
تم إنشاء شركة ميدستات في يونيو ٢٠٢٠ والآن عمر الشركة عامٌ واحد 🤩 نمت فيه عائلتنا يوما بعد يوم ...

سعدنا بتقديم خدماتنا التعليمية والبحثية بما يناسب حوجتكم

والآن نبدأ فصلا جديدا في رحلتنا ..فترقبونا 💚

صفحة ميدستات على تويتر :

صفحة ميدستات على انستقرام:
Medstat was established in June 2020

And now the company is one year old 🤩 in which our family has grown day by day...

We are pleased to provide our educational and research services which suit your needs

And now we start a new chapter in our stay tuned 💚

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MedStat is certain that this new term will be spectacular, so don't miss out.
Stay tuned 🔥🔥🔥
يسر شركة ميدستات البحثية أن تتقدم إليكم بأحر التهاني وأطيب الأماني بمناسبة حلول عيد الأضحى المبارك أعاده الله علينا وعلى الأمة الإسلامية بالخير واليمن والبركات وكل عام وأنتم بخير 💚 .
We aim high
Brave like Samurai
Always on standby
To ensure client satisfy
This is to Certify
That we do or die
Work hard to Beautify
Research field and Clarify
2024/09/21 21:42:55
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