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Dear community,

The site will be on maintenance shortly!
We apologise for the inconvenience.

Max Property Group
Dear MPG Community,

We would like to confirm that the MPG token will soon be listed on P2PB2B. Official announcements such as newsletters and press releases will follow soon.

Three trading pairs will be listed

Please create an account on P2PB2B as soon as possible using this link:

Remember that only 3% of the MPG tokens are actually in circulation and the Founders and Directors have a lock-in period totalling 4 years.

Currently people are accumulating MPG as they know the actual project, Max Crowdfund, has only just started!

Do not miss your chance to obtain MPG cheaply whilst people are willing to sell cheaply!
Dear MPG community,

The first month of 2019 has been an exciting month indeed.

These are some of the major milestones achieved:

1. 09/01/2019 - The Max Property Group blockchain was officially launched and the MPG token became a reality
2. 17/01/2019 - The MPG token was listed on the exchange and people could start trading MPG for Bitcoin
3. MPG tokens were added to the Blockfolio App, Bituniverse, Coincodex and more token trackers.
4. The restructuring of Max Property Group was completed and all underlying companies are now owned by Max Property Group B.V.
NOTE: Only waiting for the official documents from Germany, but all agreements are finalised
5. Erwin van Kekem and Bart de Jonge joined as Board Members of Max Property Group B.V.

These milestones were a culmination of over 12 months of hard work and we would like to thank the entire team for the efforts put in.

Now the good news for February!!!

1. 04/02/2019: The trading pair MPG/ETH went live on
2. 18/02/2019: The second exchange will list MPG.
1. will list three trading pairs: MPG/BTC - MPG/ETH - MPG/USD
2. This exchange is in the top 25 on Coinmarketcap for trading volume
3. Create an account now and do not miss out on the chance to buy MPG tokens cheaply on P2PB2B
4. During February we run a competition: For every €1,000 (or £1,000) you invest in one of our property funds, you will receive 1,000 MPG tokens.
5. Property Listings will go live this week and the property portfolios will be added to the property fund details
6. Finally we will also apply to Coinmarketcap to have MPG listed as soon as we are on two exchanges, as we all know that most people use CMC to track coins performances.

We have all seen the trading volumes and the price drop during the first few weeks, but we expect the worst to be behind us now, since:

1. All Bounty Program bonusses have been distributed.
2. All Airdrop Program bonusses have been distributed.
NOTE: Partly still pending due to missing KYC.
3. Only approximately 30M of all MPG tokens (approx. 3%) are in circulation. See this list for full details.
4. Founders, Directors and Seed Round investors tokens are all subject to a 5 year lock-in period during which fixed amounts of tokens are released (details as previously communicated).

A small percentage of Airdrop and Bounty bonusses has not been distributed yet, because account holders have not submitted their KYC documentation for approval. Please remember to login to your account on Max Crowdfund and submit your KYC.

As always we invite anyone with questions to contact us on our office email or telephone, or feel free to come by for a cup of coffee.

Best regards,
Mark Lloyd
Managing Director
Official MCF Token Announcements pinned «Dear MPG Community, We would like to confirm that the MPG token will soon be listed on P2PB2B. Official announcements such as newsletters and press releases will follow soon. Three trading pairs will be listed MPG/BTC MPG/ETH MPG/USD Please create an account…»
We have just completed our application process with Binance. This does not mean we will get listed, but it is one step in the right direction.

We soon hope to be listed on the page with our token information.
5 more days until MPG gets listed on with 3 pairs!
🍾We are proud to announce that we have been added to Delta direct. Delta direct is a service connecting token teams with existing and potential future investors 🍾
Dear MPG Community.

We have just been informed by P2PB2B that they have still not been able to integrate Ardor and as such MPG. We are waiting for more information from them and as soon as we know more we will let you know.

It is important to point out that this has nothing to do with Max Property Group, as the integration is completely out of our hands.

Best regards,
The MPG Team
Dear MPG Community.

We can now confirm that deposits, withdrawals and trading has gone live on

MPG/BTC, MPG/ETH and MPG/USD are live, so please create your account ( and start trading now.

Best regards,
Max Property Group
Official MCF Token Announcements pinned «Dear MPG Community. We can now confirm that deposits, withdrawals and trading has gone live on MPG/BTC, MPG/ETH and MPG/USD are live, so please create your account ( and start trading…»
2024/09/30 14:28:21
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