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For All Eit-m(Engineering) Students
✍️Please join here to in touch with informations that is related with the Eit-M Campus. From today we use the Channel to share any information regarding our campus.


Thank You!
No change in summer...issue...
Mekelle University Student Union
No change in summer...issue...
Dear Students

The management hasn't changed its plans and intends to proceed as previously announced on our channel. The university plans to teach for two semesters including the summer, but this requires permission from the Ministry of Education. the management are hopeful that with the help of your petition, they will be successful in obtaining this permission. we are also working on setting up a meeting with Dr. to discuss this further on with Main and Eit-m campus students as we know another campus did that.

Dear Graduating Students,
Note: This message is intended for Arid Campus attendees only, at the MU-CC Training Hall.
As you may be aware, graduating students have been registering for the training organized by Mekelle University Career Center (MU-CC). I am pleased to share the list of students who have successfully passed the screening process and are eligible to participate in the first round of training.
The training sessions will be held on March 15-17, 2024, at the MU-CC Training Hall, specifically for Arid Campus attendees. For further details and individual student information, please refer to the attached Excel file.
Thank you for your attention, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need additional information.

Best regards,
Mekelle University Student Union
Application Process:

● Eligibility:

○ Applicants must have a business idea or an exciting business with not more than two years in business.
○ Applicants must be residents of Ethiopia.
○ Applicants can apply either individually or as a team, with a maximum team size of three members.
○ Applicants must have completed at least 10th grade of education.
(if selected need to provide the educational certificates)

● Exclusion Criteria:

○ Applicants with business ideas or ventures that fail to meet social, environmental, and
governance compliance criteria, including:
■ Businesses related to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
■ Manufacturers of weapons and involvement in war-related activities.
■ Gambling and betting enterprises.
■ Industries associated with explicit sexual content.
■ State-owned businesses.
■ Applicants seeking funding for unlawful or political purposes.
■ Applicants who have already received funding from Orbit Innovation Hub or other
programs supported by the Mastercard Foundation.
■ Applicants whose business ideas or ventures are owned by more than three

● Application Requirements:

○ Filling out registration form.
○ You will be required to submit a one-minute pitch video, so prepare that before you start your application. The video should briefly highlight:
● your business idea, and its unique value proposition,
● target market, and any other relevant information that will help us
evaluate your application for the incubation program.

■ N.B The pitch video you submit should be no longer than one minute in
duration and less than 100MB.
■ Do not do any extra editing, do not use slides, and do not add background
music or graphics, we just want to see and hear you explain your startup
● Major Selection Criteria:
○ Business innovation and viability.
○ Adequate responses and explanation to registration questions.
○ Potential for scalability and societal impact.
○ Fulfillment of the eligibility criteria

Important Dates:

● Application Period: [March 19, 2024] - [April 17, 2024]
● Program Commencement: [April 30, 2024]
● Graduation Day: [July 30, 2024]
Note that specific dates are subject to change based on circumstances, and any changes will be communicated to participants as early as possible.

How to Apply:
● Submit your application on [Google Form:
qNq3RuNA/viewform?usp=sharing] during the open call period.
● For inquiries, contact [+251-91-141-3709] or email via [email protected].
መስርሕ መመልከቲ፤

● ብቑዕነት፤

○ ኣመልከትቲ ካብ ክልተ ዓመት ዘይበዝሕ ንግዲ ዘለዎ ናይ ንግዲ ሓሳብ ወይ መሳጢ ንግዲ ክህልዎም ኣለዎ።
○ ኣመልከትቲ ነበርቲ ኢትዮጵያ ክኾኑ ኣለዎም።
○ ኣመልከትቲ ብውልቂ ወይ ብጋንታ ከመልክቱ ይኽእሉ፣ ዝለዓለ ቁጽሪ ጋንታ ሰለስተ ኣባላት ክህልዎም ይኽእል።
○ ኣመልከትቲ ብውሑዱ 10ይ ክፍሊ ትምህርቲ ዝዛዘሙ ክኾኑ ኣለዎም።
(እንተተመርጹ ናይ ትምህርቲ ምስክር ወረቐት ምቕራብ የድሊ)

ናይ ምግላል/ዘይፍቅዱ መወዳድሪ ሓሳባት /መዐቀኒታት፤

■ ምስ ኣልኮላዊ መስተ፡ ትምባኾን ሓሽሽን ዝተኣሳሰሩ ንግዳዊ ንጥፈታት።
■ ኣፍረይቲ ኣጽዋርን ምስ ኲናት ዝተኣሳሰር ንጥፈታት ዝሳተፉን።
■ ናይ ቁማርን ውርርድን ትካላት።
■ ምስ ግሉጽ ጾታዊ ትሕዝቶ ዝተኣሳሰሩ ኢንዱስትሪታት።
■ ብመንግስቲ ዝውነኑ ትካላት ንግዲ።
■ ንዘይሕጋዊ ወይ ፖለቲካዊ ዕላማታት ምወላ ዝደልዩ ኣመልከትቲ።
■ ድሮ ካብ ኦርቢት ኢኖቬሽን ሃብ ወይ ካልእ ምወላ ዝረኸቡ ኣመልከትቲ
ብማስተርካርድ ፋውንዴሽን ዝድገፉ መደባት።
■ ንግዳዊ ሓሳባቶም ወይ ስራሕቶም ብልዕሊ ሰለስተ ዝውነኑ ኣመልከትቲ
ውልቀሰባት ምዃኖም ይፍለጥ።

● ንመመልከቲ ዘድልዩ ነገራት፤

○ ቅጥዒ ምዝገባ ምምላእ።
○ ናይ ሓደ ደቒቕ ድምጺ ቪድዮ ከተቕርብ ክትግደድ ኢኻ፣ ስለዚ ቅድሚ መመልከቲኻ ምጅማርካ ነዚ ኣዳሉ። እቲ ቪድዮ ብሕጽር ዝበለ ከጉልሕ ይግባእ፤
● ናይ ንግዲ ሓሳብካ፣ ከምኡውን ፍሉይ ናይ ዋጋ ሓሳብካ፣
● ዕላማ ዕዳጋ፣ ከምኡ’ውን ካልእ ዝሕግዘና ኣገዳሲ ሓበሬታ
ንመደብ ምሕቃቕ ዝምልከት መመልከቲኻ ገምግም።

■ N.B እቲ እተቕርቦ ናይ ድምጺ ቪድዮ ካብ ሓደ ደቒቕ ዘይበዝሕ ክኸውን ኣለዎ።
ንውሓት ግዜን ትሕቲ 100MBን እዩ።
■ ዝኾነ ተወሳኺ ኣርትዖት ኣይትግበር፡ ስላይድ ኣይትጠቐም፡ ድሕረ ባይታ ድማ ኣይትውስኽ
ሙዚቃ ይኹን ግራፊክስ፡ ንሕና ጥራይ ኢና ክንርእዮን ክንሰምዕን ንደሊ ጀማሪኻ ክትገልጽ
ስራሕቲ ንግዲ.
● ዓበይቲ መምረጺ መዐቀኒታት፤
○ ንግዳዊ ምህዞን ተግባራዊነትን።
○ ንሕቶታት ምዝገባ እኹል መልስን መብርህን ምሃብ።
○ ዓቕሚ ምዕባይን ሕብረተሰባዊ ጽልዋን።
○ ምምላእ ናይ ብቕዓት መዐቀኒታት

ኣገደስቲ ዕለታት፤

● ናይ ምምልካት ግዜ፡ [መጋቢት 19, 2024] - [ሚያዝያ 17, 2024]
● ምጅማር መደብ፡ [ሚያዝያ 30, 2024]
● መዓልቲ ምረቓ፡ [30 ሓምለ 2024]
ፍሉያት ዕለታት ብመሰረት ኩነታት ክቕየሩ ከምዝኽእሉ ኣስተውዕል፣ ዝኾነ ለውጢ ድማ ብዝተኻእለ መጠን ብኣግኡ ንተሳተፍቲ ክሕበር እዩ።

ከመይ ጌርና ነመልክት፤

● መመልከቲኹም ኣብ [Google Form:
Thank you  Mike, Here is the new Google Form for those who needs more clarity :

● ንሕቶታት [+251-91-141-3709] ወይ ብ [email protected] ኢመይል ተወከሱ።
እየተካሄደ ባለዉ የኢትዮጵያ ከፍተኛ ትምርት ተቋማት የተማሪዎች ህብረት ጉባኤ የመቐለ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ህብረት ፕሬዝዳንት ሓየሎም ስዩም የሃገራቀፍ የተማሪዎች ህብረተ ምርጫ በማሸነፍ የኢትዮጵያ የተማሪዎች ህብረት ፕሬዝደንት ሆነዋል። Congratulation Hayelom
For All Former Student Unions
(2013 batch Unions)

We would like to inform you that you have to submit your papers for the Msc. Program from today upto saturday on office time ( 7:00-8:00/11:00-12:00 lt.)

Place:- MUSU office

Forwarded from Eden Hagos
As part of the Women’s History Month that is being celebrated all over the world in the month of March, Mekelle American Corner, MU, in partnership with Mums for Mums is going to celebrate the month by organizing workshop and interacting discussion about ‘The long journey and her achievements’ of መምህር ተበርህ ወልደገብርኤ, Founder and Former CEO of Mums for Mums, to recognize her impactful contribution on women and community empowerment in Tigray and to champion her legacy as well.
This is therefore to invite your esteemed Gender office and the women student association to attend on this meaningful workshop on March 30, 2024 (መጋቢት 21፣ 2016) @ 2:30 AM (LT) Morning at Mekelle American Corner, Adi-Haki Campus Science Museum Building.
Forwarded from KG
EMP MU.xlsx
25.2 KB
Dear Arid Campus GC students,
We are writing to inform you about an upcoming training organized by the Mekelle University Career Center (MU-CC) specifically for graduating students. We are delighted to announce that the screening process has been completed, and we have compiled a list of students who have successfully passed and are eligible to participate in the Third Round of training.
The training sessions will occur from April 6 to April 9, 2024, at the MU-CC Training Hall. These sessions are tailored specifically for Arid attendees only. For detailed information regarding the training schedule and individual student details, please refer to the attached Excel file.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you.
Thank you for your attention, and we eagerly anticipate your active participation.

Best regards,

From - Mekelle University Management

It has come to attention that graduating students at EiTM and some students at CSSL are requesting to sit for the exit exam scheduled on June 21, 2024.

Acknowledging the need to compensate for the time lost during the war, the university recognizes the validity of the students' demand. It is worth noting that our university has consistently revised its academic calendar to address students' concerns regarding time compensation.

As a result, within less than a year:
- A crush program implemented to successfully enable over 2032 students to graduate, completing the interrupted semester in 2021.
- Refreshment courses provided to all non-graduating senior students to enable them to successfully complete the semester interrupted due to the war in 2021.
- Numerous coaching programs implemented to assist students, mainly those who transferred from other universities, in overcoming their individual specific constraints.
- Subsequent semesters were shortened to a three-month period to accommodate students' demands. Thus, the second semester of the interrupted 2021 academic year has been completed, and the first semester for this academic year is underway.

Following discussions held today with college deans and management, it has been unanimously agreed that given the limited time available until the scheduled exit exam (June 21, 2024), it is practically unfeasible to conclude the existing semester, commence and complete a new semester, and adequately prepare students for the exit exam. During the meeting it has been underscored that the ultimate objective of our university is to ensure a high success rate among students in passing the exit exam, as it determines both institutional and students' performance. Achieving this objective would be compromised if the second semester were to be condensed to less than a month merely to facilitate exam sitting.

Therefore, the university has decided upon the following course of action:

1- The ongoing first semester will continue to be conducted according to the existing academic calendar, accompanied by strict follow-up from the respective bodies of each college and department.

2- Collaboration will be established with relevant authorities of the Ministry of Education (MOE) to explore the possibility of scheduling a special exit exam program for our graduating students in September or early October 2024.

3- Should the MOE grant approval, the plan is to automatically commence the second semester, allowing June, July, and August for teaching, learning, and exam preparation.

4- In the event that the MOE faces challenges in arranging a special program for the exit exam, the ongoing semester will be finalized in May as per the university's academic calendar. Efforts will then be focused on facilitating registration for the second semester in early September, ensuring graduating students are prepared for the nationally scheduled exit exam in January/2025.

5- Non-graduating students have also petitioned for the continuation of education during the summer break. Formal submission of this request will be executed soon to the Ministry. However, it is emphasized that this process will not impede the ongoing semester's completion as per the academic calendar.

This comprehensive plan aims to address the concerns of graduating students while ensuring the continuity and success of academic activities at the university.
Mekelle University Student Union
From - Mekelle University Management It has come to attention that graduating students at EiTM and some students at CSSL are requesting to sit for the exit exam scheduled on June 21, 2024. Acknowledging the need to compensate for the time lost during the…
እቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ወሲኑ አሕሊፉ ኣሎ፤

1- ዝቕጽል(አብ ከይዲ ) ዘሎ ቀዳማይ ሰሚስተር ብመሰረት ዘሎ ኣካዳሚያዊ ኣቆጻጽራ፡ ካብ በብኣካላት ሕድሕድ ኮለጅን ክፍሊ ትምህርትን ብጥብቂ ክትትል እናተገበረሉ ክቕጽል እዩ።

2- ምስ ዝምልከቶም ኣካላት ሚኒስትሪ ትምህርቲ (MOE) ምትሕብባር ንዝተመረቑ ተምሃሮና ኣብ ወርሒ መስከረም ወይ መጀመርታ ጥቅምቲ 2024 ፍሉይ ናይ መውጽኢ ፈተና ፕሮግራም መደብ ምውጻእ ይከኣል ምዃኑ ክሕተት እዩ።

3- MOE ፍቓድ እንተሂቡ፡ እቲ ትልሚ ኣውቶማቲካልይ(ሽዑ ንሽዑ) ካልኣይ ሰሚስተር ዝጅማር ኮይኑ፡ ምምሃርን :ምስትምሃር ብተወሳኺ ምድላው ፈተናን ሰነ፡ ሓምለን ነሓሰን ይካየድ።

4- MOE ንመውጽኢ ፈተና ፍሉይ ፕሮግራም ኣብ ምድላው ብድሆታት ኣብ ዘጋጥሞ እዋን፡ እቲ ዝቕጽል ሰሚስተር ብመሰረት ኣካዳሚያዊ ኣቆጻጽራ ናይቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኣብ ወርሒ ግንቦት ክዛዘም እዩ። ብድሕሪኡ ጻዕርታት ኣብ ምምችቻው ምዝገባ ካልኣይ ሰሚስተር ኣብ መጀመርታ ወርሒ መስከረም ዘተኮረ ክኸውን እዩ፣ ተመረቕቲ ተማሃሮ ነቲ ብሃገር ደረጃ ኣብ ወርሒ ጥሪ/2025 ንዝተመደበ ናይ መውጽኢ ፈተና ድልዋት ምዃኖም ምርግጋጽ እዩ።

5- ዘይተመረቑ ተምሃሮ እውን ኣብ እዋን ዕረፍቲ ክረምቲ ትምህርቲ ንኽቕፅል ጥርዓን ኣቕሪቦም ኣለው። እዚ ሕቶ ምቕራብ ኣብ ቀረባ እዋን ናብ ሚኒስትሪ ትምህርቲ ክፍጸም እዩ። ይኹን እምበር እዚ መስርሕ እዚ ብመሰረት ኣካዳሚያዊ ኣቆፃፅራ እቲ ዝካየድ ዘሎ ሰሚስተር ምዝዛም ከምዘይዕንቅፍ ይስመረሉ።
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2024/09/21 14:34:23
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