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Ethiopian Higher Education institutions Student Union Presidents Visiting our Mekelle University Exhibtion at #Hawassa Uni #MOSHE meeting. Thanks our great #MU Team.

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To day the exhibition started in a good mode with raining weather.
Many people are explaining to us their great appreciation and love by what we have done so far.
However, we noticed that we need to bring prototype, leafelates, etc that could made nicest MU.
We will make it in the next exhibitions....
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Today our events were visited by MoSHE representatives and some colleague's from different universities i am really honored to have Dr. Tewabech with us representative of MU board
"ተማሪዎች ህብረት በተማሪዎች የስብዕና ግንባታ ላይ መስራት ኣለባቹ።ድርሻቹ ነው በየግዜው ለስራቹ ግምግማ እናደርጋለን ድጋፍም እናደርጋለን።"

ዶር ሳሙኤል ኡርቃቶ

የሳይንስ እና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር -ሚኒስቴር

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የጤና ተማሪዎችን ጉዳይ በሚመለከት ለኢፌዴሪ ሳይንስ እና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ጥያቄ አቅርበናል።

የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ ዶ/ር ሙሉ ነጋ አጭር ማብራሪያ ሰጥተውናል።

የድምፅ ፋይሉን ያዳምጡ (1.5 MB)

ማስታወቂያ የፈተና ጊዜ ስለማሳውቅ
በሕብረተሰብ ጤና ትምህርት ቤት በተለያዩ የድህረ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች ለ2013 ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመን መማር ለሚፈልጉ እንዲያመለክቱ ማስታወቂያ ማውጣታችን ይታወቃል። ስለሆነም ፈተና የሚሰጥበት ጥቅምት 16/2013 ዓ/ም (October 26, 2020) ስለሆነ አመልካቾች እላይ በተገለጸው ቀን ከጧቱ 3:00 ሰዓት በጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ ግቢ ብሎክ 9 Lecture Hall ተገኝታችሁ ፈተናውን እንድትወስዱ እናሳውቃለን።
ልብ ይበሉ
ቀን፡ ጥቅምት 16/2013 ዓ/ም (October 26, 2020)
ሰዓት፡ ከጧቱ 3:00 ሰዓት
ቦታ፡ በጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ ግቢ ብሎክ 9 Lecture Hall
ለድሕረ ምረቃ ትምህርት አመልካቾች በሙሉ
ከዚህ ቀደም በወጣው ማስታወቅያ መሰረት፣ በመቐለ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በድህረ ምረቃ መርሐ ግብር ለመማር በኦንላይን ተመዝግባችሁ ነገርግን የመመዝገብያ ክፍያ ያልፈፀማችሁ ከዚህ ቀጥሎ በተጠቀሰው መመርያ መሰረት ክፍያችሁን በሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር እንድትከፍሉ እናሳስባለን፡፡

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የአመልካቾች ምዝገባ አሁን ያለበት ሁኔታ/ደረጃ/ ለማወቅ በመክፈት Application Tracker የሚል ሊንክ ከተጫናችሁ በኋላ ሙሉ ስማችሁን በማስገባት መረጃ ማግኘት የምትችሉ መሆኖችሁን በአክበሮት እንገልፃለን፡፡
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የ ኮምፒውተር እና የሞባይልጥገና በቀላሉ ለመማር ከፈለጉ ምርጥ ቻናል አለን: ይቀላቀሉን!

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እና በየሳምንቱ የሚያሸልሙ ጥያቄዎች የሚቀርቡበት ምርጥ ቻናል።

አሁኑኑ ይቀላቀሉን👇👇
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ልባዌ መድረኽ መናእሰይ
Youth Mindset Forum
ናይ ወርሒ ጥቅምቲ መድረኽ ለባማት #ልባዌ TALK ሓሙስ 12/2013 ዓ.ም ካብ ሰዓት 11:00 LT ጀሚሩ፤ ኣብ MYC ክካየድ እዩ፡፡
ኣብዚ ምድላው ተሳተፍቲ ብሙኻን ህይወቶም ናብ ዝሓሸ ብርኪ የሰጋግሩ፡፡
መእተዊ 50 ብር
We have only Few Spot.
Get Registered Early....0943845457
Interested in learning more about and the services we provide?

Tune in to tomorrow's live zoom webinar hosted by our very own Neftalem Binyam. He will be sharing the story of, and information on how to register for the Virtual Career Expo.

Date : Today Wednesday Oct 21,2020 at 11:00 AM (5:00 local time)

Webinar link:


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ሁሉም ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ተመራቂ ተማሪዎችን የሚጠሩበት የጊዜ ሰሌዳ

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Farmer Haregu Gobezay Awarded!
Following her nomination by Dr. Dawit Gebregziabher, staff member of Mekelle University, College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources, Haregu Gobezay, “The Woman Who Transformed Stones into Fruits in Merebleke, Tigrai” is selected among the top 5 winners of the IMPACTFUL RURAL WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE AWARD, an award organized by the African Farmers Stories.

She has received a certificate of award from African Farmers Stories and its partners in recognition of her outstanding impact in rural areas through agriculture. The MU management and the College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources would like to thank the African Farmers Stories and its partners for recognizing Haregu in this international Award.
Read this for more info on your registration status.

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2024/09/25 21:18:07
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