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Looks like $APT has found the low 🤫
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JUST IN: 🪙 SEC Is Dropping Its Investigation Into #Ethereum, Consensys Says

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🔥Result spot signal 🔥


First target 25.24. Reached
Second target 28.20 Reached
Third target 30.85 Reached

Moving Towards Targets We Were Expecting Bullish Rally Hits 150 %

Join Our VIP channel
Free signal will be published soon

🟢 Opening -4.452-4.317

Goals - 1-4.499 2-4.543 3-4.595 4-4.920

- Shoulder - x25 (Cross)

🔴 Stop - 4.182

Enter for: $650
Bank: $6078
▫️#AAVE Long
▫️Entrance - $87.63
▫️Goals - 88.52$ - 89.42$ - 97.75$ - Open
▫️Shoulder - x25 (Сross)
▫️Stop - 83.68

▫️I enter for $800
▫️Bank: 7891$
Forwarded from Demian
Как-то так, перезашел по части позиций так как закрылись по стопу (в плюс 100%, но были +200-300% до этого)
Forwarded from SCALPING_session (FREE)
Welcome new member
To our vip channel
The next morning we start with profit, we broke through the first take and completely closed the deal📈

Bank: $6383‌‌
Free signal will be published soon

🟢 Opening -0.5663-0.5490

Goals - 1-0.5719 2-0.5779 3-0.5838 4-0.6383

- Shoulder - x25 (Cross)

🔴 Stop - 0.5321

Enter for: $650
Bank: $6383
2024/06/28 10:51:12
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