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you spend most of your life inside your head . make it a nice place to be .

if i could help every woman feel beautiful , and teach every little girl how to love herself , that would be my superpower .

one day you will wake up and all of a sudden the weight of the last gew weeks , month or even years will be lifted off your shoulders . you can't control when that day comes , all you can do is stay strong and trust that it is coming .

your wonds will heal because that's what wounds are mean to do . your cuts and scrapes may leave behind scars , reminding you of that fall or break , but they will heal and you will be stronger than you were before . it's the same for heartbreaks and disappointments and failures . they might sting now , they might make you sick to your stomach , they might bring you to your knees right now , but soon you will be heal . and soon you will be stronger than you ever were before .

~ berhenti menghukum jarak. hanya menikmati rindu 💕.


mulakan pagi dengan rasa syukur .

di luar sana ramai yang lebih menderita dan sejuta kali sudi bertukar tempat dengan nikmat yang kita masih dapat .

si buta cemburukan mata kita .
si tuli cemburukan telinga kita .
si mati cemburukan nafas kita .

kerana mereka sedang mengharapkan untuk kembali bernyawa , menebus segala kesilapan dan dosa-dosa .

jadi , dalam pada kita menahan lelah dengan satu dua ujian dan kekurangan , jangan pernah lupa bersyukur dengan seribu satu nikmat yang masih allah pinjamkan .

bantu kami , ya allah untuk sentiasa taat kepada mu !

ミ ♡ ❝ @coffee_qoutes 🌻

@lovestoryneverend 🌻
~ my eyes met many eyes. but only get lost in yours 😍

~ I swear, nothing hurts more than having flashbacks of all things that broke you 💔

~ having people to talk to from "good morning" to "sleep well" is too amazing 🥰

~ always remember that a person who values you, would never put themselves in a position to lose you 🕊

🗣 " bila kita dilanda musibah , kita kembali merintih pada tuhan .

tapi bila kita dikurniakan nikmat , kita lupa kepada pemberi nikmat .

paling sedih , bila kita dilanda musibah atau diberi nikmat , kita lupa Tuhan . "

♡‌ ָ࣪ @coffee_qoutes .🕊️

@lovestoryneverend 🌻
~ I irritate you like no one else does. because I love you like no one else can ever do ❤️

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~ jangan paksa hati untuk bertahan sekiranya terus tidak dihargai 🥀

love can exist in so many ways but I hope that you fall in love with yourself before choosing someone else . there is so much to learn when you give time for yourself . your happiness and peace should never be dependent on someone while you are still maintaining your self-respect . there will be many who fail to notice the spark within you but I hope that you never stop believing in yourself because you are powerful the way you are .

you deserve to be seen, heard and valued . you shouldn’t compromise your life on someone’s words . there is so much light within you to shine . you don’t have to break your heart trying to be enough for them because the right one would love you for the way you’re . when it hurts , let go , remember that a soul like yours , always deserves better .

love gives you the strength to live moments with peace and with the right one , it’s difficult to imagine your life without them . there is always a desire to walk through every path , hand in hand , maybe love is something that speaks through the eyes and felt by the soul .

~ sometimes best medicine for all the pain is to spent some time with that special person ❤️

~ "Later"

- talk to you later.
- I'll call you later.
- see you later.
- we'll walk later.
- I'll tell you later.

we leave everything for later, but forget that "later" does not belong to us.

later, our loved ones are no longer with us.
later, we don't hear them and we don't see them.
later, they are just memories.
later, the day becomes night, the force becomes helpless, the smile becomes a grimace, and life becomes death.
"later" becomes "too late."

if you love someone, say it now.
if you love someone, spent time for them now.
if you care for someone, take care for them now.

tommorrow maybe not for us. so do it now. not later ❤️

~ I want to tell someone, cry in their arms and talk about everything. but then I remember there is no one who would there for me 🥀

~ I don't need perfect people in my life. I just need honest, good hearted ones ❤️

2024/09/30 07:19:40
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