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Clue /kluː  /
▸ noun

ﮐﻠﯿﺪ ; ﺭﺍﻫﻨﻤﺎ ;  ﺍﺛﺮ ; ﻧﺸﺎﻥ ;  ; ﻣﺪﺭﮎ ; ﺭﺷﺘﻪ

a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime:
police officers are still searching for clues.
📕 a fact or idea that serves to reveal something or solve a problem:
archaeological evidence can give clues about the past.

📕(clues, clueing, clued)
[with obj.] (clue someone in)

Definition: hint, evidence
Synonyms: cue, dead giveaway, hot lead,

بعضی وقتها یه کسانی را آسان می‌بخشید فقط چون هنوز میخواهید  در زندگی تان باشند..

در مورد ساختار


1️⃣ may-might+perfect infinitive

🍀 از این ساختار برای بیان حدس و گمان در باره زمان گذشته استفاده می شود:

🔹He may have gone.
🔸او ممکن است رفته باشد.      

🔹Mary didn't come to school today. She might have been sick.
🔸مری امروز به مدرسه نیامد. شاید مریض بوده باشد.

⬅️ کلمه may احتمال بیشتر و might احتمال کمتر را بیان میکند. همچنین هنگامی که شک ما بر طرف شده باشد فقط از might باید استفاده کنیم:

🔹He came home alone. You shouldn't have let him do that. He might have got lost.
🔸 او تنها به خانه آمد.تو نباید این اجازه را به او می دادی. ممکن بود گم شود.(اما نشد)

2️⃣ must+perfect infinitive

🍀 از این ساختار برای بیان استنتاج یا استنباط منطقی استفاده میشود.

🔹I keep meeting him on the bus. He must live nearby.
🔸 من او را همچنان در اتو بوس می بینم. باید در همین حوالی زندگی کند.

⬅️ جمله اول ما را به این نتیجه می رساند که احتمالا او در این نزدیکی زندگی میکند. حال به جمله زیر توجه کنید که در آن از شکل کامل مصدر استفاده شده است:

🔹He must have taken sleeping pills last night. He didn't wake up till lunch time.

🔸 او باید دیشب قرص خواب آور خورده باشد. تا هنگام ناهار از خواب بیدار نشد.

⬅️ برای منفی کردن must باید از can't یا couldn't استفاده کرد:

🔹He can't /couldn't have taken sleeping pills.

3️⃣ should+perfect infinitive

🍀  این ساختار برای بیان این است که کاری بهتر بود در گذشته انجام می گرفت اما نگرفت:

🔹You should have told me that she had sold the house.
🔸باید به من میگفتی که او خانه را فروخته است.(اما نگفتی) 

⬅️ ساختار ought to have+pp نیز می تواند به جای should have+pp به کار رود.

🔹They ought to have stopped at the traffic lights.
🔸آنها باید پشت چراغ قرمز می ایستادند.(اما نایستادند)

⬅️ برای منفی کردن این ساختار should به shouldn't تبدیل می شود.

4️⃣ could+perfect infinitive

🍀 این ساختار بیانگر عملی است که در گذشته می توانسته صورت بگیرد اما نگرفته است.

🔹I could have lent you the money.Why didn't you ask me
🔸من می توانستم پول را به تو قرض بدهم. چرا از من نخواستی؟

📕Friendship is not about who you spend the most time with, it's about who you have the best time with and who's actually there for you.

📘دوستی به این معنی نیست که با چه کسی بیشترین وقت تان را می‌گذرانید ، بلکه به این معناست  که با کی بهترین زمان را دارید و کیست که واقعا کنارتان است ..

Write in ink, not with ink.

I've written the letter with ink.

I've written the letter in ink.

📘Note: We use in when we are referring to the final work.

📕The drawing was done in‌ charcoal.

📘Dora writes her letters in green ink.

📕Note: When we are referring to the instrument used, we use “with”.

The children are learning to write with a pen.

Helen prefers to paint with a thin brush.

The third conditional

If I would studied harder, I would have passed the exam

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.


Things that didn’t happen in the past and their imaginary results


If + past perfect, would + have + past participle

Note: With the third conditional we talk about a condition in the past that did not happen. That is why there is no possibility to come true for this condition.

If you had given me your e-mail, I would have written to you.

I would have believed you if you hadn't lied to me before.


5 Basic Types of Adverbs

📕 Adverbs of Time..

never, lately, just, always, recently, during, yet, soon,
sometimes, usually, so far

📘Adverbs of Place
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly,
kindly, lazily

Adverbs of Manner
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly,
kindly, lazily

📕 Adverbs of Degree
almost, quite, nearly, too, enough, just, hardly,
simply, so

Adverbs of Frequency
never, always, rarely, sometimes, normally, seldom,
usually, again

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Take in

If you take someone in, you allow them to stay in your house or your country, especially when they do not have anywhere to stay or are in trouble.


📕📘Most, the most, mostly..

📘We use Most for the quantifier it talks about quantities, amounts and degree.
📕We can use it with a noun (as a determiner) or without a noun (as a pronoun).
📘We can also use it with adjectives and adverbs to form the superlative.
Most with a noun..
📕We use most with nouns to 📘mean ‘the majority of’:
She plays tennis most mornings.
📘When we are talking about the majority of a specific set of something, we use most of the + noun.
Most desserts are sweet.
📕Desserts in general..
The food at the party was delicious.
He’d made most of the desserts himself.
📕📘When we use most before articles (a/an, the), demonstratives (this, that), possessives (my, your) or pronouns (him, them), we need of:
Most of the information was useful. Some of it wasn’t relevant.
📕 When there is no article, demonstrative or possessive pronoun, we don’t usually ..

📕📘The most..

📕The most is the superlative form of many, much. We use the most with different classes of words.
📕The most with adjectives and adverbs.
We use the most to make the superlative forms of longer adjectives and the majority of adverbs:
They’re using the most advanced technology in the world. (+ adjective)
📕We use the most with a noun to mean ‘more/less than all of the others’:
Mahsa earns the most money in our family.
📘We can leave out the noun when it is obvious:



📕Mostly is an adverb that means ‘mainly’:
I am mostly interested in the history of the house.
📘We don’t use mostly instead of most or the most.
 have some cold days, but mostly it is warm.
Mostly, she was trustworthy and accurate.

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📕📘Omission of “a or an” after the word “half.

He drank half glass of milk.

He drank half a glass of milk.

Note: Half a glass (an hour, a day, a mile, etc.) is the shortened form of half of a glass (of an hour, of a day, of a mile, etc )

Kill time.

Means: to occupy yourself with something while you are waiting for something else to happen. You may do this to stop yourself from getting bored or anxious.

📕I often travel to England to visit my friends and family so I always have a lot of time to kill at the airport.

I get extremely bored if I don't find some kind of activity to keep me occupied.I kill time by reading or listening to podcasts.

📕📘 chickens come home to roost

If chickens are coming home to roost, someone is suffering the unpleasant consequences of their bad actions in the past

دامنگیر (کسی) شدن، پیامد بد داشتن، نتیجه ی منفی دادن

The chickens are coming home to roost for the executives who committed fraud in the nineties. They're being charged now even though they committed their crimes over ten years ago.

Specific time; Holiday ... AT
Days , Dates... ON
Months,  Years,  Seasons .... IN

2024/09/25 16:30:17
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