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English adjectives.


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THE CRAZIEST 4 LETTERS IN ENGLISH | American English Pronunciation


📕📘📕The expressions 👉just in case, in case, in case of and in any case.

📕📘In CASE..

این عبارت در شرایطی استفاده می‌شود که بخواهید به یک نفر برای احتیاط نصیحتی بکنید و در فارسی بهترین ترجمه برای این عبارت «محض احتیاط» خواهد بود.

I think you should definitely memorize my phone number in CASE you lost your phone!

به نظرم بهتره که حتما شماره تلفن من رو حفظ کنی؛ محض احتیاط اگه موبایلتو گم کردی!

📕📘In CASE of..

این عبارت در شرایط مربوط به مسائل اضطراری به کار می‌رود. در زبان فارسی ترجمه دقیق و واحدی برای این عبارت در نظر گرفته نشده است، اما بهترین ترجمه ممکن برای این عبارت «در مواقع اضطراری...» خواهد بود.

In CASE of emergency please evacuate the building.

در شرایط اضطراری لطفا ساختمان را ترک کنید.

In CASE of fire please leave the building immediately!

در شرایط اضطراری آتش‌سوزی، لطفا به سرعت ساختمان را ترک کنید.
📕📘Just in CASE..

شاخص‌ترین عبارتی که واژه Case در آن دخیل است، عبارت Just in case است. این عبارت در شرایطی استفاده می‌شود که بخواهید به یک نفر در مورد شرایطی خاص و غیرقابل پیش‌بینی هشدار دهید. ترجمه این عبارت در زبان فارسی همانند عبارت اول است و این عبارت را می‌توانید به صورت «محض احتیاط» ترجمه کنید.

Yes, I know the weather is quite warm, but still you should pack the warm socks with you, just in CASE!

آره، می‌دونم که هوا تقریبا گرمه اما هنوز هم بهتره برای احتیاط با خودت جوراب گرم هم ببری.

📕📘In any CASE..

این عبارت بسیار کاربردی که با واژه case همراه است، در شرایطی استفاده می‌شود که می‌خواهید بیان کنید «مهم نیست چه اتفاقی بیافتد..

Alright, I get it, you mightn’t be able to see me tomorrow. In any CASE, I’ll give you a call to see how you’re doing

باشه، فهمیدم... فردا احتمالا نمی‌تونی منو ببینی. در هر صورت تحت هر شرایطی فردا بهت زنگ می‌زنم که ببینم چی کار می‌کنی.

📕📘So we use them 👇👇

In case is a conjunction or adverb. In case (of ) is a preposition.

In case...
We use in case to talk about things we should do in order to be prepared for possible future situations:
Shall I keep some chicken salad for your brother in case he’s hungry when he gets here..

📕📘📕in any case..
You say in any case after talking about things that you are not sure about, to emphasize that your next statement is the most important thing or the thing that you are sure about.

Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case, he was never seen again.

📕📘📕in case/just in case..
If you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen.

In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.
Extra boiling water should be kept at hand just in case it is needed.

Dedicated to friends that are from foreign countries ..👆👆


Chicken scratch..

📘خرچنگ قورباغه..

chicken scratch. n. Informal.

An instance of cramped or illegible handwriting:

His hand writing is really chicken scratch.

📕دست خط اون واقعا خرچنگ. قورباغه است .

Pet peeve..
موی دماغ..

something that a particular person finds especially annoying.

I wanted to go out , but my sister was really my pet peeve .

میخواستم برم بیرون , ولی خواهرم واقعا موی دماغ م بود .

English adjectives about Size.

Useful phrases for Essays

Paragraph ..

📕Paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.


📕A summary is a brief summing up of the main points of a statement or narrative.


📕A paraphrase is the rewording of something written or spoken, especially with the aim of making the sense clearer.

📘A paraphrase may be longer, shorter, or of the same length as the original passage.


📘Skimming is a reading technique meant to look for main or general ideas in a text, without going into detailed and exhaustive reading.

📕 In skimming, a reader reads only important information, but not everything' this technique works effectively in non fiction materials, newspapers, and long novels.

خداوند بهترين شنونده است، نه نياز دارى فرياد بزنى و نه با صداى بلند گريه كنى.
چرا كه خداوند حتى بى صداترين دعاى يك قلب بى ريا را ميشنود...


📕📘Difference between👇👇


Possessive pronoun (shows belonging)
They forgot their books.

آنها کتابهایشان را فراموش کردند .

👉An adverb showing place.

I won't be there today.

✔️امروز آنجا نخواهم بود .

That place.
منظور آن مکان است .

✔️ A contraction of they are..

They're going back home.

آنها دارن برمیگردن خونه .

They are ... آنها

📕📘📕So the difference between There, Their and They're 👇


👉There is the opposite of Here. It means 'in that place' not here.

There are many countries in Europe


Their is a possessive adjective which is used before a noun. It shows possession, that something belongs to them.

All of their friends were crazy.


They're is a contraction of they are.
e.g. They're happy = They are happy

👉They're is usually before an adjective or a verb ending in ING.
They're very interested in the project.

English idioms about Halloween

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Can Awful be good?

Awfully” is an adverb that can mean very or extremely when it used before adjective or adverb.

I’m awfully glad you are my brother.

It's an awfully long time since we last saw each other.


📚So did I / Neither did I
📕You can say “So did I” and “Neither did I” to respond to simple past sentences.
I studied chemistry in college.”
“So did I.
I didn’t like cat when I was a kid.
“Neither did I.


📘📕So was I / Neither was I
📕You can say “So was I” and “Neither was I
✔️ to respond to simple past
sentences with the verb BE or past continuous
I was very an athletic when I was in high school.
✔️So was I.
I wasn’t happy about the new company policy.”
“Neither was I.


📘📕So have I / Neither have I..
📘You can say “So have I” and “Neither have I
✔️to respond to present
perfect sentences and present perfect continuous sentences.
I’ve been married for over 20 years.
✔️So have I.
I haven’t had much free time this week.
✔️Neither have I.
I’ve been thinking about learning a new language.”
✔️So have I.
I haven’t been feeling well lately.”
✔️Neither have I


📚So can I / Neither can I
📕You can say “So can I” and “Neither can I
📚to respond to sentences
with “can” and “can’t.
I can run a mile in six minutes.”
✔️So can I.
I can’t sing very well.”
“Neither can I.


📕📘So will I / Neither will I..
📕You can say “So will I” and “Neither will I.
📚 to respond to sentences
with “will” and “won’t.
I’ll be in the office until 8 PM today.
✔️So will I.
I won’t be able to go on a trip.
Neither will I.


📕📘So would I / Neither would I .
📕You can say “So would I” and “Neither would I” to respond
📚to sentences with “would” and “wouldn’t.”
I’d like to learn how to cook.”
✔️So would I.
I wouldn’t recommend that restaurant.
✔️Neither would I.

English phrases about Habits


What is phonics?

📕Phonics is the study of the relationship between the spoken and written language. Each letter or combination of letters represent a sound or sounds.


📘as we must be able to recognise which symbols make which sounds in order to read.

📕The Alphabetic Codeprovides us with this information.

📘 Words which don’t follow easily recognisable patterns are called ‘tricky words’.
We have to learn these words in their entirety.

📕The Alphabetic Code is an integral part of the language and every English teacher needs to be aware of the information contained within it. In fact, learning how the different phonemes are represented will help non-native teachers improve their pronunciation. Non-native teachers will be able to share their experiences of learning the code and will know what areas will cause their students special problems.


📘The best advice I can give is to jump in where you are – and learn as you go along.

Code and try some of the activities below. You will soon get the hang of it.

📕What about tricky words?

📘Once you’ve studied the Alphabetic Code and the alternative spellings, you’ll see that some words fall outside of the code. Native speakers learn a lot of these at school through poetry, so one way to teach them is to say a word that rhymes with the tricky word ؛ for example, shoe rhymes with zoo and key rhymes with tree:

📕Phonics is taught in phases:

Phase 1 phonics concentrates on teaching the sounds of the language.


Phase 2 phonics attaches a letter or letters to each sound "called a letter sound. Children learn to blend letter sounds to make simple decodable words ;for example, cat, pen, sun.
At this stage children need to learn some high frequency tricky words so that they can read simple sentences (example the, I, me.
• Phase 3 and 4 phonics present digraphs and trigraphs: sounds which are represented by more than one letter : for example the ai in rain, the alternative spelling a_e in cake, called a split digraph, and the trigraph igh in light.

Phases 5 and 6 continue to present and practise alternative spellings and less frequent tricky words, as well as other aspects of the written language.


📕 Difference between Climate and Weather

تفاوت بین Climate و Weather

فرق بین اینها اول بیاین یک نگاهی به معنی این کلمات در زبان انگلیسی بندازیم:

📕📘Climate: آب و هوا ، اقلیم
📘📕weather: هوا ، آب و هوا

همونطور که می بینید این دو کلمه ظاهرا تفاوت چندانی با همهرزه شهری اطلاعات میده که کاملا متغیره.
👉climate ..
در مورد اقلیم و آب و هوای یک شهر یا منطقه هست که در طول سال ها ثابته و تغییر نمیکنه.

📕📘Sot he difference between weather and climate is a measure of time.
Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time,
climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.

2024/09/23 22:30:58
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