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📕📘Plural for Singular

The element Aluminium as well as the lA and llA metals combine explosively with oxygen under the right conditions.

The element Aluminium as well as the lA and llA metals combines explosively with oxygen under the right conditions.

Note: The “as well as” phrase is in an adjective phrase, not part of the subject. The subject is “the element Aluminium” only as this is singular, we need the singular verb.

Note: When "as well as" is used as a conjunction (i.e. in place of “and”), there is no need to use commas before or after the phrase. Moreover, it should always be used with a singular verb.

John as well as Alex is involved in this project.

📕📘attach to

to believe that something has importance or significance in relation to something else

attach sth to sth
📕You shouldn't attach too much importance to what other people think. Just do whatever's right for you.

attach sth to sth
When choosing a career, most people attach too much weight to how much money they'll earn.

The words about the environment.

Forwarded from English learners
Media is too big
If you stuck in how to write Essays watch this video

Yesterday you said I'll do tomorrow ' so go for it ..

ديروز گفتى فردا انجام ش خواهم داد ،پس شروع کن  .

📘📕over the top

You can say something is over the top if you think it's too extreme or it's more than a situation needs or deserves.

فوق العاده بالا،بیش از اندازه،سطح بالا

📕For example

I know you love your daughter, Bill, but don't you think giving her a Ferrari for her birthday was a bit over the top?

After he'd calmed down, Brad admitted that punching the photographer and smashing his camera was a little over the top.

Words about technology

📕📘More about noun clauses .

A noun clause can be used in apposition to a noun or a pronoun. Study the following sentences.

Your statement that you didn’t take the money can’t be believed.
His belief that someday he would succeed cheered him through his failures.
The news that he is alive made us happy.
The belief that the soul is immortal is almost universal.

📕 Noun clause as the complement of a verb of incomplete predication
In each of the following sentences the noun clause is used as the complement of a verb of incomplete predication.

My belief is that he will come.
It seems that he will top the list of successful candidates.

How to construct a sentence having a noun clause?
Making a sentence having a noun clause is very easy. One way is to begin a sentence like this:

He said that…

Whatever clause you put after ‘that’ will automatically become a noun clause.

He said that he would come.
He said that he would wait.
He said that he was not interested in the offer.

📘 Instead of ‘said’  , you can use any of the following verbs:

📕Know, believe, think, realize, feel, hope, understand, wish, see, notice, find, discover, note, hear, listen, tell, ask, request, explain, suggest, reply etc.

📕She suggested that I should consult a doctor.
📘I realized that I had made a mistake.
I believe that the soul is immortal.

Some slangs !! !! !!

📘I'm bursting !

It means :  I need to go to the toilet very soon .

📘I'm starving !

It means : I am so/extremely hungry .

📘I'm stuffed !

It means : I've eaten a lot and cant eat more .

📕I'm wrecked !

It means : I am extremely tired .

I'm pissed off !

It means : I am angry about something .

Break a leg buddies


📘📕So some and any are used to state the quantity, amount of something.
📕When using some or any, the exact number is not stated.
Some and any are quantifiers.

📕📘Some and any can be used when:👇👇
The exact number is not known.The exact number is not important or relevant.

Some and any are used with countable and
uncountable nouns.


Use some in positive (affirmative) sentences. 
Some is used for both countable and uncountable nouns.

I have some friends.(friends is countable)
I'd like some water. (water is uncountable)


Use any for countable and uncountablenouns in:
📕interrogative sentences. 

Have you got any cheese? (cheese is uncountable)
Have you got any friends? (friends is countable)

📕📘negative sentences.
He hasn't got any cheese.
He hasn't got any friends.

📕Would you like some bread? (offer)
📘Can I have some water, please? (request)

English vocabulary about driving

English learners
Ava Max – My Head & My Heart

Baby, now and then
I think about me now and who I could have been
And then I picture all the perfect that we lived
'Til I cut the strings on your tiny violin, oh woah

My mind's got a m-m-mind of its own right now
And it makes me hate me
I'll explode like a dynamite if I can't decide, baby

My head and my heart are torturing me, yeah
'Cause my mind, and your arms, I go to extremes, yeah
When angels tell me run, and monsters call it love, oh
My head and my heart are caught in-between, yeah


Tеll me yes or no
Asking the hеavens, "Should I stay or should I go?"
You held my hand when I had nothing left to hold
And now I'm on a roll, oh
Oh woah

My mind's got a m-m-mind of its own right now
And it makes me hate me
I'll explode like a dynamite if I can't decide, baby

My head and my heart are torturing me, yeah
'Cause my mind, and your arms, I go to extremes, yeah
When angels tell me run, and monsters call it love, oh
My head and my heart are caught in-between, yeah


I'm standin' at the crossroads
I cross my heart with X and O's
Which way leads to forever?
God only knows

My head and my heart are torturing me, yeah
'Cause my mind, and your arms, I go to extremes, yeah
When angels tell me run, and monsters call it love, oh
My head (My head) and my heart (My heart)
Are caught in-between, yeah

La-la-la-la-la (Oh)
La-la-la-la-la (Oh)
La-la-la-la-la (La, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, oh)
La-la-la-la-la (Oh yeah)


📕📘📕few و a few..

فرق آنها این است که few و a few با اسامی قابل شمارش بکار می روند. a few ‘(حداقل) تعدادی’ few ‘(تعداد) کمی’.
👉 A few بیشتر از few ..

Although the exam was easy, few students got good scores.
اگرچه امتحان آسانی بود ولی دانش آموزان کمی نمره قابل قبول گرفتند.

.Fortunately, our financial situation is good; we still have a few good customers..
خوشبختانه وضعیت مالی ما خوبه؛ هنوز تعدادی مشتری خوب داریم.


📕📘📕a few..
اضافه شدن a به few باعث تغییر معنای صفت شده است و همین امر زمینه اشتباه را به وجود می آورد. تعدادی، چندتایی، حداقل تعدادی، حتی به تعداد کم و تعداد اندکی، از معانی این صفت می باشد که بیان کننده وجود چند چیز یا چند شخص است حتی اگر تعداد آن کم باشد به همین خاطر در جمله بار معنایی مثبت ایجاد می کند. a few به همراه اسامی قابل شمارش جمع استفاده می شود و زمانیکه می خواهند به تعداد کمی از چیزی اشاره کنند از این صفت استفاده می کنند. به مثال های زیر دقت  کنید.

✔️فقط چند نفر دانشجو غائب هستند
There are only a few students absent

✔️چندتا دوست دارم
I have a few friends.

✔️چند نفر زود رسیدند
A few people arrived early.


📕📕So few means "not many (people or things)." It is used to say that there are not a lot of people or things.

📕📕 A few means "some (people or things)." It is used to say that there are a small number of people or things. Below are some examples showing how each is used.👇👇

I have a few [=some/a small number of] friends.
📕I have few friends. [=I do not have many friends]
A few people [=some people] arrived early.
📕Few people [=not very many people] arrived early.
👉A few is more than few

Difference between Hood and Bonnet

Forwarded from English learners
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What are the difference between will and be going to.

What do I want to drink?
📕I think I will....

2024/09/23 22:32:32
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