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📕📘 Wait for a person or thing, not wait a person or thing.

I'll wait you at the cinema.

I'll wait for you at the cinema.

Note: Await takes no preposition.

I'm awaiting your reply.

Phrasal verbs with Run

📕📘prone  ​

BrE /prəʊn/
NAmE /proʊn/

likely to suffer from something or to do something bad

SYNONYM  ​liable

📘prone to something prone to injury

Working without a break makes you more prone to error. 

prone to do something Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.


lying flat with the front of your body touching the ground

The victim lay prone without moving. 

He was found lying in a prone position.

Idiom of the Day
📕to beat a dead horse.
ادامه دادن کاری ک هیچ فایده ای نداره

to keep on doing something after there is no point in doing so

  📕You're just beating a dead horse. He's never going to change his mind.
📘I finally realized that I was beating a dead horse. Nothing I could say was going to make any difference.
📕Relying on new or existing manufacturing jobs to save the day down the road isn't just beating a dead horse, it's laying down beside it.
📘I also think that we may have reached the point of beating a dead horse ... so with thanks and love to all, I now respectfully close this thread.

The word beat in this idiom means hit. An alternative expression is to flog a dead horse. (Hitting a dead horse is not going to make it move!)


BrE /ˈhaɪlaɪt/
NAmE /ˈhaɪlaɪt/

highlight something to emphasize something, especially so that people give it more attention

The report highlights the major problems facing society today.

highlight something to mark part of a text with a special coloured pen, or to mark an area on a computer screen, to emphasize it or make it easier to see

📘 Iʼve highlighted the important passages in yellow.

📕Highlight the section that you want to delete


📕📘📕Difference between "Home and 👉House ..

House 👇👇
✔️یک نوع ساختمان است که برای سکونت مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد ..

در حالی که home محلی است که یک شخص به عنوان جایی که او در آن زندگی می کند تصور می کند و یک احساس تعلق به آنجا دارد.

📕فرق دیگر بین این دو کلمه این است که home می تواند حتی برای چادر، قایق و مکان های دیگر که افرادی در آنها زندگی می کنند نیز بکار برده شود.

Most people like to live in two-bedroom houses
📘بیشتر مردم دوست دارند در خانه های دو خوابه زندگی کنند

Those children need a good home
📕اون بچه ها به یک خانه خوب نیاز دارند..

گاهی اوقات home به معنای کشور نیز می باشد:

I’ve enjoyed living abroad for the last two years, but it’s time for me to go back home now
📘من از زندگی در خارج درطول دوسال اخیر لذت برده ام ولی الان دیگه موقع برگشتن به خانه (کشورم) است..

📕📘So the main difference between Home and house is  concrete. House refers to a building in which someone lives. In contrast, a home can refer either to a building or to any location that a person thinks of as the place where she or he lives and that belongs to it..
A home can be a house. or an apartment, but it could also be a tent, a boat, or an underground cave. 
📘📕House:  a building in which a person or a family lives 

📕📘📕Some useful words
پلاک = No 
واحد = Unit
طبقه = Floor
طبقه همکف = Ground Floor
ساختمان = Bldg

✔️مجتمع، مجموعه = Complex
✔️مجتمع مسکونی = Residential Complex
✔️شهرک = Town
✔️کوی (محله، برزن): Quarter
✔️ منطقه = District

کد پستی = P.O BOX
کوچه =  Alley
خیابان کوچک (فرعی) = St
خیابان بزرگ (اصلی)  = Ave
بلوار = Blvd / میدان = Sq

✔️بزرگراه = Highway
✔️آزادراه = Freeway
✔️ جاده =     road
✔️چهار راه = Cross
✔️تقاطع، سه راه = Junc

غربی = West
شرقی = East
شمالی = North
جنوبی = South
سمت راست = Right Side

✔️سمت چپ = Left Side
✔️پایین تر از = Lower of
✔️بالاتر از = Above of
✔️بعد از = After
✔️ قبل از = Before 

بین = Between
فاز = Phase
جنب (نزدیک) = Near
نبش = Corner
ابتدای = First of
انتهای = End of
روبروی = In Front of
بن بست = Dead End

✔️روستا = Village
✔️شهر = City
✔️استان = Province
✔️کشور = Country
✔️شهرک صنعتی = Industrial Estate
✔️ورودی برج یا ساختمان = Entrer

Picture dictionary

The words that we use every day.
Our felling .

#Picture dictionary

Points about Big ، large and great

📕We use "Big & "Large for animals,  things and places

They live in a big / large house.

📕It is the biggest / largest desert in the world.

صفت big را می توان در توصیف مردم و به خصوص کودکان نیز به کار برد:

📘He wasn't a very big baby.

صفت large را برای توصیف اندازه اشیایی که می خریم به کار می بریم:

Small, medium or large the T- shirt are all the same price.

📕 همچنین عباراتی مانند .

A large number/amount/quantity of .


بیشتر در موقعیت های رسمی به کار می روند و معنای ( مقدار زیادی ) را می رساند:

They spent a large amount of money on their daughter's wedding.

از صفت great برای توصیف کسی یا چیزی استفاده می کنیم که اهمیت یا عظمت زیادی دارد:

📕A great artist.
📘The great Pacific Ocean.

📕صفت great با اسامی غیر قابل شمارش نیز به کار می رود:

It gives me great pleasure to announce the winner.

Hold back.

مانع ، پابند ، گیره ، بند

to stop someone or something from going forward, or from progressing in some way

Joey was so angry that he wanted to attack the referee, but luckily his teammates held him back.

Tiger thinks his lack of arm strength is holding back his development as a golfer, so he's building up his arm muscles.

get along/on
📕Meaning-like each other

📘I was surprised how well my new friend and my sister got along/on.

📘get around
Meaning-have mobility

My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.

get away
📘Meaning-go on a vacation

We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.

get away with something
📕Meaning-do without being noticed or punished

📘Jason always gets away with cheating in his maths tests.

get back

📘We got back from our vacation last week.

Picture dictionary

The words that we use every day.
Our behavior.

#Picture dictionary
Dealing with Lost Luggage
Listening time
Listen carefully to improve your listening

2024/09/26 23:24:36
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