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Some words instead of very


little / a little
few / a few

📕(a) little and (a) few are
quantifiers meaning: ‘some’.

📘little and few
have negative meanings.
We use them to mean
‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’.


All she wanted was a few moments on her own.
📘( some , a small number )

📕She had few moments on her own.
📘( not many / almost none )


She saves a little money every month.
( some , a small amount )

They had little money to spend.
( not much / almost nothing)

Have you got any money?
📕 Yes, a little.
( some , a small amount )
Have you got any money?
📘 No, very little.
(not much / almost nothing)

a little , a few [with a noun]


📕We use ( a little )
with singular uncountable nouns.

We use ( a few )
with plural countable nouns:

📕Mary said nothing, but she drank some tea and ate a little bread.

We stayed a few days in Florence and visited the museums.

Nouns: countable and uncountable

little, few [ with a noun ]

📕We use ( little ) with uncountable nouns.

📘We use ( few ) with plural countable nouns.
They are used in formal contexts:

I’m not very happy about it but I suppose I have little choice.

Few cities anywhere in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.


📙📕Aristocratic /ˌarɪstəˈkratɪk  /

ﺍﺷﺮﺍﻓﯽ ; ﺍﻋﯿﺎﻧﯽ

adjective of, belonging to, or typical of the aristocracy:
an aristocratic family.
📕 aristocratically adverb
ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from French aristocratique, from Greek aristokratikos, from aristokratia

📘Definition: privileged, elegant
📕Synonyms: aloof, blue-blooded, courtly, dignified, elegant, elite, fine, haughty,


📘 I am » I'm

📕 you are » you're

📘 he is » he's

📕 she is » she's

📘 it is »  it's

📕 is not » isn't

📘 are not » aren't

📘They 》 they're

📕 We 》  we're

📕Death is not the greatest loss in our life , The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we are alive !

📕مرگ بزرگترين باخت ما در زندگى نيست ، بزرگترين باخت ما در زندگى چيزی است كه در درونمان ميميرد مادامى كه زنده ايم !

Some useful phrases .
Invitation .


📕📘Wish and Hope..

📕برای wish میگوییم wish sb sth :

I wish you luck.
خوشبختي برات آرزو میکنم.

I wish you a pleasant stay here

آرزو ميكنم اينجا اقامت دلچسبي داشته باشي

📕📘 نكته:وقتی ما بخواهیم به خاطر نداشته‌هایمان یا خواسته هایمان حسرت بخوریم از wish استفاده می کنیم. در این صورت بعد از wish حالت گذشته ی افعال رو استفاده می کنیم.


📕subject + wish + past

I wish I knew what to do about the problem.
كاش ميدونستم در مورد اين مسئله چه كار كنم.

I wish I had a new car.
كاش يه ماشين جديد داشتم.

 اگر کاری رو در گذشته انجام دادید و حالا از انجام اون پشیمونید از فرمول wish + had استفاده می کنید:

I wish I had known about the party.
كاش در مورد مهماني ميدونستم.

It was stupid thing to say. I wish I hadn’t said it.
گفتن اون چيز احمقانه بود؛ كاش نمی گفتم.

I wish I were a little thinner.


📕📘 Hope.

📕📘به معنای امیدوار بودن یا امید داشتن است. اگر بخواهیم چیزی اتفاق بیفتد یا درست باشد یا فکر می کنیم که احتمالی و ممکن است از hope استفاده می کنیم.

I hope everything goes. well. 
امیداورم همه چیز خوب پیش برود

I hope it stops raining soon.
  امیداورم که بارون زود بند بیاد.

I hope I will pass my test.
امیداورم امتحان را قبول شم


📕📘تفاوت wish و hope

📕اگر نگاهی به این دو کلمه در واژه نامه بیندازید می بینید که این دو هم معنی یا synonym هستند. اما در کاربرد آن به ویژه در مکالمه کمی تفاوت وجود دارد.

📕وقتی از hope استفاده می کنیم باور داریم که احتمال کمی برای رخ دادن اتفاق در آینده وجود دارد ولی وقتی wish را به کار می بریم شانس زیادی برای انجام شدن کار یا اتفاق مورد نظر وجود ندارد.

I hope you feel better tomorrow..

I wish you feel better tomorrow

📘(یعنی امیدوارم فردا بهتر بشی)

an ax to grind .

مشکل داشتن .

📕📘If you have an ax to grind with someone, you have a problem with it, or a complaint against , which you'd like to discuss.

📕I have an ax to grind with Mitch, he owes me money and he's been avoiding me.

If Ali has an ax to grind with someone, and he meets it after he's been drinking, he can get violent.

The spelling "ax", as opposed to "axe", is the more common spelling in American English.

Another idiom with a similar meaning is "to have a bone to pick" with someone.

📘This idiom is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Common mistakes in English.

Five alternatives to  ‘SO’ 

And therefore
This bill remains unpaid and therefore we are commencing legal action.

You won’t lend me any money? I can’t go out then.

📘As a consequence
I didn’t give the plants enough water. As a consequence, they all died

They decided to close seven shops, thus raising capital and reducing costs.

It rained constantly, hence the flooding.

Keep your voice..
صدات و بیار پایین

jog your memory

Meaning: If something jogs your memory, it helps you to remember something.

For example:

📘The song really jogged my memory and I could clearly picture the scene thirty years ago when my friends and I first heard it.

📕The police had a sketch of the suspect drawn and showed it to people in the area in the hope of jogging their memories.


an unpleasant, despicable person

Gary can be a real selfish bastard sometimes.

If he's such a bastard to you, Cindy, why don't you split up with him and find a nicer guy to go out with?

📕Origin: The original, but now dated, literal meaning of the word was "an illegitimate person", meaning a person born to an unmarried woman. It was often used as an insulting or derogatory term for an illegitimate person, and then it began to be used more as an offensive slang word meaning an unpleasant or despicable person.

2024/09/27 04:10:16
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