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set a pattern for..

📕📘to be a good example that people will copy in the future..

📕الگو کردن برای، سرمشق شدن برای

We’re building a transport system that sets a pattern for the future.


📙📗captivate /ˈkaptɪveɪt 

ﻓﺮﯾﻔﺘﻦ ; ﺍﺳﯿﺮ ﮐﺮﺩﻥ

♌️verb [with obj.] attract and hold the interest and attention .

جذب کردن علاقه و حواس کسی.

he was captivated by her beauty.

او با زیبایی اون خانم فریفته شده بود.

▶️captivation /-ˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ noun

▶️Definition: attract, enchant.

Synonyms: allure, beguile, bewitch, charm, dazzle, delight,

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions speak louder than your words.

بگذار روياهايت بزرگتر از ترس هايت و اعمالت پر صدا تر از حرفهايت باشد.

عبارت های جای شما خالی بود" در زبان انگلیسی ..

phrases that we can use instead of "u were really missed."

📕You were greatly missed.
جای شما بسیار خالی بود!

📘You were deeply missed.
جای شما عمیقا خالی بود!

📕You were sorely missed.
جای شما به شدت خالی بود!

Picture dictionary

Object and subject Pronouns

What is an Object Pronoun?
An object pronoun is a type of personal pronoun  that is normally used as a grammatical object, either as the direct or indirect object of a verb or as the object of a proposition. These pronouns always take the objective case, whether they are indirect object pronouns or direct object pronouns.

Subject pronouns.

Subject pronouns are those pronouns that perform the action in a sentence. They are I, you, he, she, we, they, and who. Any noun performing the main action in the sentence, like these pronouns , is a subject and is categorized as subjective case (nominative case). English grammar requires that the subject come before the verb in a sentence (except in questions).

Ways of drinking  

📕 Drink = to take liquid by mouth
📘 Taste = to sample
📕 Sip = to drink in small mouthfuls
📘 Swig = drink in large amounts
📕 Gulp = to take a large swallow
📘 Imbibe = to drink (formal/humorous)
📕 Quaff = to take in large gulps /quickly)
📘 Booze = to drink alcohol
📕 Get drunk = to drink until intoxicated
📘Tipple = to drink alcohol habitually
📕 Wet one's whistle = to take a drink
📘 Moisten one's lips =to take a little liquid.

📕 Go on a binge/spree = to drink alcohol excessively

✔️فعل= en+ صفت..

adjective + en = verb ..

📕short + en               shorten  كوتاه كردن                       

📘sharp + en               sharpen تيز كردن                         

📕weak + en               weaken ضعيف كردن                 

صفت=al  + اسم ..

Noun + al = adjective

📘nature + al                 naturalطبيعي                      

📕person + al                personal    شخصي            

📘univere + al              universal جهاني

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📘Learning English With Famous Speeches

Angelina Jolie | Equality For Women

Delivering a keynote address to the General Assembly ministerial meeting on United Nations peacekeeping, actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Angelina Jolie, asked for the perspective of women to be taken into consideration in peace negotiations.

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. The recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards, she has been named Hollywood's highest-paid actress multiple times.

📕📘 ease off

If something eases off, it becomes weaker or less powerful.

ضعیف،  کم قدرت

ease off After the rain had eased off a bit, the race officials decided it was safe enough for the drivers to start racing again.

ease off The pain eased off quite a bit after the doctor gave me a shot of morphine.

let up.

Picture dictionary


📕📘Agree and disagree..

If you’re in a meeting and someone says something that you don’t agree with, how would you respond?
There are many different options.

You can say:
📕I disagree
📘That’s wrong
📕I’m not sure about that
📘I see your point, but…

There are also many other options. Which one is the best ?

📘This depends on several factors, including how strongly you disagree,
The relationship between you and the person you disagree with, and the culture both of the person you disagree with and the other people in the meeting.

Saying I disagree or you’re wrong is very direct and can possibly cause offence in some cultures. This way of disagreeing is very uncommon in British English as it is viewed as too aggressive in that culture.

📕The most common way to disagree in British English is to use the basic structure:

Agree ,But ,Disagree

📘I see what you mean but I don’t think that’d work’.

📕You want to show you agree with someone, you can simply say ‘yes’ or ‘I agree’.

If you want to show that you strongly agree, it’s common to add a strong adverb before agree, such as ‘I completely agree’ or ‘I totally agree’.

If you’re not sure of the best way to agree or disagree in any situation, it’s probably best to choose the most polite form at first, you can always change to a more direct, informal style once you feel more comfortable.


📕📘year-old or years old?

When you say the age of someone or something, you can say .

📕I’m thirty years old.
📘That boy is fourteen years old.

📕These houses are 200 years old.

When you want to say the age before the subject, then use


📕My twenty-year-old sister.
📘A fourteen-year-old boy.
📕The 200-year-old houses.

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Listening and speaking time.
I like ur lessons to much.


📘📕both Can and Could are Modal Verbs. In generalCould is considered more polite
(or formal) than Can.



The three main uses of Can are: (1) ability 2) possibility and 3) permission.
However there are some other used of Can as we will see below.

📕To express ability

📘📕Can means to be (physically) able to do something OR to know how to do something.

📚Birds can fly.
📚Elephants can't fly.
📚I can speak two languages.

To express a possibility (in general)
📘This refers to a theoretical possibility. 
📕Note: we don't use can to talk about future possibilities. For this you would use may or might.



Could is similar to Can and often replaces Can in the past tense (though not always)

📕 To express ability in the past

📘📕I could ride a horse when I was younger but now I can't.

She could juggle eight balls when she was only 10 years old.
📕📘Polite word used to ask for permission or to request something (in the present)
Could I please use your bathroom?

An English group needs to recover itself .

2024/09/24 14:29:30
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