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Ways to Say Someone is Correct

That’s right.

That’s spot on.

📘You’ve hit the nail on the head. / You’ve nailed it.

📕I suppose so.
(use this when you agree, but you are not completely convinced)

I’m afraid you’re right.
(use this in response to bad news, to say the bad news is correct)


📘What you want
📕As you please
📘Suit yourself
📘As you want
📕All you want
📘Way you want
📘It your way
📕At your convenience

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📘Could have
📕Should have .
📘Would have .
Past modals

Tips to help you remember new words:

📕📘 Look it up

If you come across a word you don't know, try to find out what it means.

📕Look up the meaning in a dictionary or ask someone for help to understand it.

Write down the meaning in English and in your own language.

📕📘 Use it

It's easy to remember a new word for a few minutes – but how can you remember it after a day, or a week?

The trick is to use it. Use it in a sentence. Try to make a creative, memorable sentence, it will stay in your mind.

Write down three creative sentences using the new word, then read them out loud. If it helps, you can even draw a picture to help remember the meaning of your sentence.

Can you tell a story using different forms of the word? It's very hard to remember a list of words – but it's easy to remember a story.

📘 Try out phrases and different forms

📕Sometimes it can be easier to learn a phrase than learn each word individually.

So if you're learning the word 'focus' you could write down the meanings of 'focus on' and 'out of focus'. What does it mean to 'focus your mind on something' or 'focus your attention on something'. What does it mean if you 'lose your focus'?

📕Now that you have the bigger picture, it's easier to understand the full meaning of the word.

Don't forget to use it in different tenses as well.

📕📘Talk about it

📕We often remember things better when we learn 'actively'. That means instead of just listening, or just reading, you should be active in trying to speak, read, write and listen.

Now that you know what the word means and you've tried writing it down in different ways, tell a friend about the new word. Sometimes teaching someone else can help you remember, too.

📘If you're nervous about trying out a new word, practise at home first. You can even record yourself explaining the new word on your phone before you try telling someone else.

📕 Use games and technology

Many people find playing games is a good way to help build their understanding. You could write words on flashcards and test yourself or a friend to make a sentence with each word.

📕Or you can try describing the meaning of the word to your friend without showing them the card.

📘Or maybe try a role play? That's when you act out a scene, for example if you're trying to learn words related to shopping, you and a friend can take turns pretending to be the shop owner and a customer – how much is this?

Remember you can play these games with friends anywhere in the world: Use your phone to record your voice or make a video and send it to a friend.

📘Or record a conversation with a native speaker so you can listen to it later.

📕📘 Don’t give up

Don't try to do too much too quickly. It's very hard to remember a long list of words. Maybe it's better to learn one word a day, or a list of eight words a week. It all depends how much time you have to practise.

Be realistic about what you can do each day. You don't have to be perfect; remember that even native English speakers make mistakes.

Successful learners have clear goals, are motivated, and stick to their plan – so keep trying!


Did you know that if you sleep within a few hours of learning something new you'll be better at remembering what you've learned?

📘So that's a great reason to practise new words before bed time. Let your brain do the work while you sleep!

📘But don't forget to review your new words and phrases in the morning too.

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📕📘Dismal ..

dark and depressing .
📘دلگیر، غم انگیز، ملال آور، افتضاح، گرفته .

when the weather is so dismal, I sometimes stay in bed all day...

📕 هنگامی که هوا خیلی. رفته است، گاهی اوقات تمام روز را در رختخواب می مانم

I am unaccustomed
to this dismal climate.
📘به این هوای دلگیر و گرفته عادت ندارم .

As the dismal report of the election came in, the senator ś friends tactfully made no mention of them. ..

📕زمانی که گزارشات افتضاح درباره ی انتخابات رسید، دوستان سناتور خیلی سنجیده حرفی درباره آن ها نزدند.

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Essentials of English Grammar.pdf
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Essentials of English Grammar
📕The Quick Guide To Good English

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Why we always so attached to the things like cars, toys and others? No idea?

You may know the reason after watching
this .


دو کاربرد عمده داره :
📕 وقتی دو عمل به صورت همزمان در حال انجام بوده باشند.......یعنی وقتی یکی از اون ها به صورت استمراری انجام میشده، عمل دیگر رخ داده باشه.

when she was cooking , she burnes her finger.

وقتی دو عمل به صورت متعاقب ( پس از هم) انجام شوند.

he left his room, when he had finished his work

📘این کلمه هم دو کاربرد عمده داره

به معنی "از" و "از وقتی که" هست.

📘she has watching tv, since she came home

به معنای "زیرا" و "از آن جایی که " میباشد.

since he was hungry, he went to the restaurant


📕کاربرد عمده داره :

📕به معنای "وقتی که" هست و برای بیان دو عملی که به صورتهمزمان انجام میشوند
as she was driving to home, she had an accidebt

به معنای "زیرا" و " از آنجایی که "
as it is raining, we can't go out

به معنای "همان طور" و برای بیان دو عملی که به صورت هماهنگ و متناسب انجام میشوند.

as I continued reading the book, I enjoyed more and more

📘برای ساختن صفات تساوی یا قید های حالت تساوی.

📕he types as carefully as U do

whether .....or
به معنای "چه...چه...." یا " خواه.......خواه......." 

1. Pain in the neck – an irritating, annoying person
Ex. Sarah is such a pain in the neck these days.

2. A people person – an outgoing person who gets along with people really well and is a good listener
Ex. Tom is enthusiastic and positive and he is a people person.

3. Party animal – someone who likes to attend parties often
Ex. Are you going out again tonight? You are such a party animal.

4. Cheapskate – a mean person who doesn’t like spending money
Ex. He was always a cheapskate even though he was earning $200,000 a year.

5. Happy camper – a person who is always happy and satisfied. We often use ‘happy camper’ in the negative.
Ex. The apartment was much smaller than I expected, I was not a happy camper.

6. Nerd – someone who is very interested in science or technology, particularly in computers
Ex. He spends all weekends at his laptop, he is such a nerd.

7. Life and soul of the party – someone who is energetic, and good fun during social occasions.
Ex. It was a great night, Jim was life and soul of the party.

8. Dipstick – a person who seems to be stupid (very informal)
Ex. I don’t know whether to laugh or be angry at his behaviour. What a complete dipstick!

9. Down-to-earth – someone who is practical and close to reality, who accepts other people as equals
Ex. Despite his wealth, he was a down-to-earth man. He was very generous and had a kind heart.

10. Early bird – a person who wakes up, arrives to work, etc. before the usual time
This expression comes from the English proverb “The early bird catches the worm”.
Ex. My Mum is the early bird in our family, she gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning.

11. Larger than life – someone who is more exciting or interesting than other people
Ex. All who knew him would agree that his personality was larger than life, he was a joy to be around.

Blow out

If a flame blows out, it goes out because someone blows on it or because of the wind.

Make a wish, and then take a big breath and blow out all the candles on your birthday cake.

 Make sure you don't let the wind blow the lamp out.

situate /ˈsɪtʃʊeɪt,ˈsɪtjʊeɪt/

📘past tense: situated; past participle: situated

📕meaning :

fix or build (something) in a certain place or position.

Example :

📘Amy is now comfortably situated.

📕The pilot light is usually situated at the front of the boiler.

📕It is necessary to situate these ideas in the wider context of the class structure.



You've never seen this day before so, enjoy every second of it.

امروز را هرگز قبلا نديده بودید، پس از هر ثانيه اش لذت ببرید.

means  ​

📕 noun
BrE /miːnz/
NAmE /miːnz/

توانایی ، دارایی ، استطاعت ، وسایل ، وسیله ، وسائل ، توانائی ، درامد ، دارائی ، 


means (of something/​of doing something)
an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of achieving or doing something


📕Television is an effective means of communication.

📘Is there any means of contacting him?

📕Have you any means of identification?

We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport.

the money that a person has


📘People should pay according to their means.

📕He doesnʼt have the means to support a wife and child.

Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford).

Are the monthly repayments within your means (= can you afford them)?

Try to live within your means (= not spend more money than you have).

a man of means (= a rich man)

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Watch the video to understand well to use who or whom

Where there's a will there's a way

اگر بخواهیم کاری و انجام بدیم ، انجام میدیم

If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it.

2024/09/25 16:29:52
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