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7 Most Common English Grammar Mistakes + TEST

Do you make these mistakes?

At the drop of a hat .
📘یک دفعه ، بدون فکر .
If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately without stopping to think about it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ali was always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat.

لیست 100 لغت پرکاربرد در انگلیسی:
Some useful words in English..

1- Accept - پذيرفتن
2-Allow - اجازه دادن
3-Ask - پرسيدن
4-Believe - باور كردن
5-Borrow - قرض گرفتن
6-Break - شكستن
7-Bring - آوردن
8-Buy - خريدن
9-Can/ Be able - توانستن
10-Cancel - منتفي كردن
11-Change - تغيير دادن
12-Clean - تمييز كردن
13-Comb - شانه كردن
14-Complain - شكايت كردن
15-Cough - سرفه كردن
16-Count - شمردن
17-Cut - بريدن
18-Dance - رقصيدن
19-Draw - كشيدن
20-Drink - نوشيدن
21-Drive - رانندگي كردن
22-Eat - خوردن
23-Explain - توضيح دادن
24-Fall - افتادن
25-Fill - پر كردن
26-Find - پيدا كردن
27-Finish - تمام كردن
28-Fit - جا دادن
29-Fix - درست كردن
30-Fly - پرواز كردن
31-Forget - فراموش كردن
32-Give - دادن
33-Go - رفتن
34-Have - داشتن
35-Hear - شنيدن
36-Hurt - زخمي شدن
37-Know - دانستن
38-Learn - يادگرفتن
39-Leave - ترك كردن
40-Listen - گوش كردن
41-Live - زندگي كردن
42-Look - ديدن
43-Lose - گم كردن
44-Make/Do - انجام دادن
45-Need - احتياج داشتن
46-Open - بازكردن
47-Organise - منظم كردن
48-‍Close/Shut - بستن
49-Pay - پرداختن
50-Play - بازي كردن
51-Put - قرار دادن
52-Rain - باريدن
53-Read - خواندن
54-Reply - پاسخ دادن
55-Run - دويدن
56-Say - گفتن
57-See - ديدن
58-Sell - فروختن
59-Send - فرستادن
60-Sign - امضا كردن
61-Sing - آواز خواندن
62-Sit - نشستن
63-Sleep - خوابيدن
64-Smoke - سيگار كشيدن
65-Speak - صحبت كردن
66-Spell - هجي كردن
67-Spend - پرداختن
68-Stand - ايستادن
69-Start/Begin - شروع كردن
70-Study - درس خواندن
71-Succeed - موفق شدن
72- Swim - شنا كردن
73-Take - گرفتن
74-Talk - صحبت كردن
75-Teach - ياد دادن
76-Tell - گفتن
77-Think - فكر كردن
78-Translate - ترجمه كردن
79-Travel - سفر كردن
80-Try - امتحان كردن
81-Turn off - خاموش كردن
82-Turn on - روشن كردن
83-Type - تايپ كردن
84-Understand - فهميدن
85-Use - استفاده كردن
86-Wait - صبر كردن
87-Wake up - بيدار شدن
88-Want - خواستن
89-Watch - نگاه كردن
90-Work - كاركردن
91-Worry - نگران شدن
92-Write - نوشتن
93-Waste - هدر رفتن
94-Wonder - تعجب كردن
95-Worship - عبادت كردن
96-Win - برنده شدن
97-Wear - پوشيدن
98-Wash - شستن
100-Welcome. خوش آمدید

English idioms about Christmas.

Forwarded from English learners
Media is too big
8 English Grammar Mistakes .

هشت اشتباه گرامری که ممکن شما موقع نوشتن با آنها مواجه بشوید .با دقت ببینید.

🔔 Word Of The Day 🔔

📘📕Ways to Interrupt Someone

Sorry to interrupt, but...

Excuse me – could I talk to you for a minute? / do you have a minute?
(when interrupting a conversation between two other people, to talk to one of them)

Could I jump in here?
(use this when interrupting a discussion among many people)

📕Sorry – I just want to say that...

📘(formal) May I have a word?

📕📘‍افراد با ویژگیهای مثبت.

People with positive

Live wire
آدم سخت کوش .
Big shot
آدم کله گنده"معروف"
آدم بلند پرواز فعال
Self - made
آدم خودساخته
آدم متین و معقول
آدم دلرحم
Good company
آدم خوش مشرب
آدم بلند پرواز
Early bird
آدم سحر خیز
night owl
شب زنده دار.

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Around the clock


If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night.

For example

I have to finish this report by Tuesday, so I'll be working around the clock until I get it done.

What the young people of this town need is a drop-in centre that's open around the clock.

Media is too big
Key IELTS Writing Techniques You Must Remember.

Beat box
ضرب دهانی

to create rhythmic percussive sounds with your mouth, especially when accompanying rhymes or rapping

Last year there was a guy on American Idol who was really good at beat boxing

You do the beat box stuff and I'll bust some rhymes.

The plural of uncountable words.

Allow (to) or let (= give permission to)

📘The driver allowed/let to John (to) sit in the front seat.

The driver allowed/let John (to) sit in the front seat.

Note: Permit has a similar meaning to let, though it's used in more formal situations.

📕The teacher doesn't permit us to talk in class.

2024/09/27 11:22:18
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